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What experience do you "pro-android" peeps have w Jailbroken iphones

Have you recently owned a jailbroken iDevice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters


For the record having owned an iphone 1G,3G & 4 all of which ive jailbroken since ios 2.1 to my current 5.1.1
I will give android this: i enjoy the operating system. It appears more fun OUT OF THE BOX and once you guys begin tweaking your device even more so.
Now having said that let me give you a break down on where im going....theres a lot of animosity here towards iphones for obvious reasons and little or no credit given at all to the devices true potential. How many of you iphone bashers can truely say youve ran a hacked untethered jailbroken iphone 4s on ios5.1.1 or whatever? I have mods out my ass on my iphone 4 alone that makes me second guess putting it aside for an android.
I read through your compare contrast threads and many seem to judge the book by its cover. Sure the reason androids (galaxy s3 in particular) turn me on is due to its opening user friendly presentation- mad kudos. But i promise a "jailbroken iphone 5 on iOS6+" will blow it out of the water.
I have so little experience with iPhones, and honestly never a jailbroken one. Seen a couple videos and its abilities. Honestly, iOS is well optimized with iPhones' hardware that it certainly can do so much more than it is as stock. We have a lot of converts around here who ran JB iPhones. Looking forward to their responses.
i'll admit to being curious. I've had a couple guys at work ask me if I could jailbreak their iphones. i would like to play around with one, at the end of the day I'm a Tech guy.
Theyre certainly interesting. The mods/tweaks/hacks library is miles long. Having been in the ios market for sometime i can understand how it can be intimidating for new users to pick up on it- in some areas its not for the intermediate modder. Every day i check cydia and theres themes upon themes released and a slew of tweaks to add as weeks go by, theres just so much to keep up with in there you can search for hours and not reach bottom (cydia: the black market for ios).
A "short" list of my jailbroken mods. Also the jailbroken markets has loads of widget features and notification addons- i dont care for them widgets n shit, theyre notnmy mug o beer. I like my clean, panoramic springboard (homescreen) and lockscren w clear folders and hidden dock. Dont like itunes, theres an app that allows you to drop n drag too, i just use itunes, personally ive grown used to it. Its likely greek to you guys but just to give you who have no odea about jailbroken devices, that you shouldnt think that us iphone guys are miles behind you...

*vWallpaper (live wallpapers)
* 3G Unrestrictor 5 Cracked
* Action Menu (enhances copy paste feature)
* Activator (allows your to launch an app anyway you choose ie if I hold my vol button up it skips to the next track visa versa)
* Airplane SBSettings Toggle
* AndroidLock XT Cracked
* Anonysend (send fake emails to people from someone elses address)

* AppSync for iOS 5.0+
* AssistantExtensions (a must for Siri)
* Autolock SBSettings (prevents the phone from locking)
* Barrel (cool transitions between homepage scrolls)
* biteSMS Cracked (text from anywhere)
* Caller ID Faker (good for herassments and kidnappings)
* CamFast
* Clear iOS5 Lockscreen Themes
* FacebookThis
* Facts Assistant for Siri
* FBPatch (fixes fb errors when signing in)
* Flashlight
* Frash - Flash for iOS
* Giffy
* Glasklart Classic 4.0 - 6600+ icons!
* Gridlock (put your icons anywhere)
* Hands-Free Control (for Siri)
* HapticPro (vibrate key function)
* iCaughtU Pro Cracked (awesome security feat that works great w androidlock)
* iCleaner
* Frash (view flash media)
* iCoz for ActionMenu
* iFile (total system file management just like iFunbox)
* Insomnia (keeps wifi on)
* Insomnia Toggle
* Inspiring Assistant for Siri
* Installous 5 (cracked appstore apps for the taking)
* iWipe (frees up disk space)
* JpgToSiri
* Lingual (translator for Siri)
* Lockdown Pro (lock applications w gestures or passwords)
* Lockscreen Clock Hide
* MewSeek (download music)
* MultiCleaner
* MyAssistant (another must for Siri)
* Navigate From Maps
* No Lockscreen Camera
* OpenBackup (a simple back up for cydia stuff)
* Pkg Backup (a completr back up on all phone info ie installed apps n cydia stuff, contacts...that will upload and restore your device in one touch)
* Pandora Downloader
* Parallax (allows your odd gaped picture to work like panorama wallpapers)
* Password Pilot
* Photo Enhancer
* ProTube
* Rainstone Siri for 5.1.x (if you install this Siri port on your iphone 4,you need to go to Rainstone.Co and pay $15 for their server address, but it's well worth it!)
* RS Siri Reset
* RSSWidget for iOS 5
* Safari Download Manager
* Safari Downloader Translations
* SBSettings
* ScrollingBoard
* ScrollingBoard AirPlay Dock Plugin
* ScrollingBoard iPod-Music Dock Plugin
* ScrollingBoard Web Browser Addon
* sed
* SiriSports
* Springtomize 2 - iOS 5+
* UnlimTones (a library of 1000s of cool ringtones)
* Urban Dictionary Assistant for Siri
* VoiceUtils (siri tool)
* WinterBoard (enable themes n features)
* YoutubeToMp3 (download audio from youtube to ipod)
Don't get me wrong. Apple does make good products. I've played with iPhones and they are nice devices.

That being said I have never modified one because I don't own one. I have seen the potential they have though. Its pretty amazing the potential any device has these days. In the right hands of course....

Really to me though...its price tag and preference... I've been a Linux fan for years and like bigger screens....though if an iPhone was cheaper. I would consider getting one
Both my kids touch's are jailbroken. I've jailbroken several iphones and 3 ipads. My objections with the "i" world have more to do with Apples closed ecosystem and litigious nature than hardware. I'll give all the credit in the world to the iphone dev's though for freeing the devices from Apples steely restrictive grip. Devs on both platform deserve our respect and thanks. BUT keep in mind that the vast majority of jailbroken tweaks are available on stock non rooted Android devices.
Absolultly. And id love it if someone were to sit down and relate what i have and how to get it on a android device to make that transition easier. Im going to get my wife an s3 for her bday this month. Shell be my experiment until the iphone 5 is released later this year. And if the iphone 5 fails to impress, only then will i go s3. But as i said earlier, you wont find me owning a stock iphone 5.
I've run 2 1st gen iPod touches, 1 3rd gen, 1 4th gen, an iPhone 3G, and am iPhone 4S, all jailbroken.

I still run the 3G as a business/work phone.

None can even come CLOSE to comparing with the Droid 1, 2, 3, 4, X2 and RAZR I've run (rooted, I might add) over the years.
For sure. I really like androids and s3, what im explaining here is that were two different world w similiar outlooks on what we desire. Technology is the only line that seperates us, our common grounds ie mods arent very different however.
I've run 2 1st gen iPod touches, 1 3rd gen, 1 4th gen, an iPhone 3G, and am iPhone 4S, all jailbroken.

I still run the 3G as a business/work phone.

None can even come CLOSE to comparing with the Droid 1, 2, 3, 4, X2 and RAZR I've run (rooted, I might add) over the years.

This is the matured experience im seeking to hear from in time. You guys who know both sides COMPLETELY can make sound non-biased judgements i could trust. Thanks. Im really looking forward to my wives s3, im sure shell be upset that ill be playing w it more than her in due time haha
This is the matured experience im seeking to hear from in time. You guys who know both sides COMPLETELY can make sound non-biased judgements i could trust. Thanks. Im really looking forward to my wives s3, im sure shell be upset that ill be playing w it more than her in due time haha

I've always been one to tinker and toy with any type of technology I can get my hands on.
Every device I've owned was "unlocked" to its full potential as soon as it entered my hands, and quite frankly, even at "full potential" the iPhone is still so limited. You just can't get away from that horrid UI.

In terms of build quality though, I will give the Apple props for the iPhone 4/4S, it's a VERY nice phone. If it didn't run iOS, I would probably consider buying one again.
I had the original iPhone on release day and an iPhone 3GS. The 3GS was jail broken. I currently have an iPad2 that is jail broken.

I have had several Android phones (OG Droid, Droid X, MyTouch 4G, Nexus S, GSII) all rooted.

Comparing the 2, Android is much more versatile out of the box. It widens the gap even more once you root and jailbreak the devices. The biggest difference is that all the jail broken apps and tweak can be found on Cydia but not everything for Android can be found on Google Play. Sometimes to find the really great root apps and tweaks for android you have to go to other places like here, XDA, or the dev's website.
But i promise a "jailbroken iphone 5 on iOS6+" will blow it out of the water.

You started out great.. Then you eneded it with a statement that lost your credibility with me.

How can you promise this? When you don't have any real info on it?

And I am not against iphone because you are right.. I have never really used one. Even though I do give idevices credit.. Good products for a particular market.

I hate the company that makes idevices and the business tactics they use to slow competition. It is ugly, deceitful, cowardly, nasty, childish, pirate, theif, liars and stupid. I hate apple
The fact is that most of the "Useful" items from iOS were actually taken from Android.

The talk about their new device only leads to speculation that they'll be using even more outdated and stolen ideas.
Anyone can throw an enhanced camera and high end processor in a device.

Scroll down notification bar as one example. They are even saying now they'll be carrying finger print scanners in their new products. Guess who has that already?

Android remains open source because their innovation speaks for itself.
Apple sues because their patents are the only things they've got left to keep them in the game.

It's clear that after Steve Jobs passed, They've done nothing but let this company sink.
Rest that mans soul, He was a real innovator and pioneer of his time....

I've spent time with Apple products, Mostly trying to recover my password since they make me put one they consider "Secure". Haha.

I've jailbroken one iPod honestly.

I wasn't impressed. 'Nuff said.
I looked over your list of apps in post 5 - nearly all of that is done with an unrooted Android, using various add-on apps or built-in facilities - except things like capturing Pandora or YouTube, that tends to violate copyrights or terms of service, and for all of your Siri add-ons. The Siri debate is a whole 'nother animal, so I'm not going to try for that in one post here.

But like many jailbroken iPhone users, I see you're using Installous 5 - the number one way to get paid apps for free.

So - here's the thing - that's software piracy and we don't go for that. We support our developers and don't think that anyone is entitled to break the law.

Many come in with the expectation that rooting an Android somehow opens that box of ripoffs, just like jailbreaking an iPhone does, and that's not so.

Root is the name of the name of the Admin account in unix (Android is Linux), and rooting simply refers to the act of getting Admin privileges on an Android - exact same thing as Admin privileges on a PC (Win, Mac or Linux).

Rooting gives you more administrative control - it's used for making perfect-image backups, maintaining operating systems caches in a clean state, installing a firewall (have they re-invented that for iOS yet?) and a few other things of a similar helpful nature, including replacing your system software to optimize storage and so forth.

Android has never been in jail, so we don't need to break out. Quite the opposite - we break in and remove carrier/manufacturer control.

As for iOS 6 - with the new features of the setup wizard, Facebook integration, widgets, Twitter - it's pretty much completed the feature set found in Android 1.6 and the Sense 1.0 user interface on the 2009 HTC Hero. (I'm running Android 4 and Sense 4 myself, though.) I have little doubt that the iPhone 5 is going to have good hardware.

Not sure what metric you're using in your belief that the new rig will blow Android out of the water, but as NightAngel79 says, we welcome all opinions, and the HTC Hero was a fine phone in its day.

And since you're new to Android, you might also check out the HTC One series and Morotola phones before deciding which Android is best for trying out when coming from an iPhone - each maker adds its own distinctive user-interface overlays and add-on features, so some may be more appealing to you than others. And for the pure Google experience with fewer built-in features but more of a clean slate to work with for customizing, also look at the Galaxy Nexus.

We do like to say that there's no perfect phone, just the best phone for you at any point in time.

And the thing about Android is that it's all about choice - you'll get a lot of more it in our world.
But like many jailbroken iPhone users, I see you're using Installous 5 - the number one way to get paid apps for free.

So - here's the thing - that's software piracy and we don't go for that. We support our developers and don't think that anyone is entitled to break the law.

Many come in with the expectation that rooting an Android somehow opens that box of ripoffs, just like jailbreaking an iPhone does, and that's not so.

Root is the name of the name of the Admin account in unix (Android is Linux), and rooting simply refers to the act of getting Admin privileges on an Android - exact same thing as Admin privileges on a PC (Win, Mac or Linux).

Rooting gives you more administrative control - it's used for making perfect-image backups, maintaining operating systems caches in a clean state, installing a firewall (have they re-invented that for iOS yet?) and a few other things of a similar helpful nature, including replacing your system software to optimize storage and so forth.

Android has never been in jail, so we don't need to break out. Quite the opposite - we break in and remove carrier/manufacturer control.

Took the words from my mind and put them here.

Have I ever told you that you should work for a newspaper or news company? You are so intelligently linguistic. ^.^

P.S I spend a lot of money because there are a ton of awesome apps that are free. Why?
Since they are free I donate instead! ;-P
And the point of coming to a forum titled "Android Forums" and making this post is ?

This IS the lounge, after all. And so far, I cannot find a rule against discussing iDevices, so it ios fair to discuss and if you do not like a topic, delete is your friend.

When you discuss iDevices, invariably, Android will be mentioned. Every iDevice forum discusses Android.

The poster asked a good question.

I JB my iDevices because I can do many cool things with a jailbroken iPhone/iPad. and if you visit a site like jailbreakme dot com, you can JB from anywhere you can connect. Depending upon the installed iOS version.
Which question was that - this one?

How many of you iphone bashers can truely say youve ran a hacked untethered jailbroken iphone 4s on ios5.1.1 or whatever?

Not seeing many iPhone bashers here, just people telling the truth.

PS - the other matter was already handled by a mod, so I've removed the post to remove further temptations to respond to it, cheers, thanks. :)
A "short" list of my jailbroken mods. Also the jailbroken markets has loads of widget features and notification addons- i dont care for them widgets n shit, theyre notnmy mug o beer. I like my clean, panoramic springboard (homescreen) and lockscren w clear folders and hidden dock. Dont like itunes, theres an app that allows you to drop n drag too, i just use itunes, personally ive grown used to it. Its likely greek to you guys but just to give you who have no odea about jailbroken devices, that you shouldnt think that us iphone guys are miles behind you...

*vWallpaper (live wallpapers)
* 3G Unrestrictor 5 Cracked
* Action Menu (enhances copy paste feature)
* Activator (allows your to launch an app anyway you choose ie if I hold my vol button up it skips to the next track visa versa)
* Airplane SBSettings Toggle
* AndroidLock XT Cracked
* Anonysend (send fake emails to people from someone elses address)

* AppSync for iOS 5.0+
* AssistantExtensions (a must for Siri)
* Autolock SBSettings (prevents the phone from locking)
* Barrel (cool transitions between homepage scrolls)
* biteSMS Cracked (text from anywhere)
* Caller ID Faker (good for herassments and kidnappings)
* CamFast
* Clear iOS5 Lockscreen Themes
* FacebookThis
* Facts Assistant for Siri
* FBPatch (fixes fb errors when signing in)
* Flashlight
* Frash - Flash for iOS
* Giffy
* Glasklart Classic 4.0 - 6600+ icons!
* Gridlock (put your icons anywhere)
* Hands-Free Control (for Siri)
* HapticPro (vibrate key function)
* iCaughtU Pro Cracked (awesome security feat that works great w androidlock)
* iCleaner
* Frash (view flash media)
* iCoz for ActionMenu
* iFile (total system file management just like iFunbox)
* Insomnia (keeps wifi on)
* Insomnia Toggle
* Inspiring Assistant for Siri
* Installous 5 (cracked appstore apps for the taking)
* iWipe (frees up disk space)
* JpgToSiri
* Lingual (translator for Siri)
* Lockdown Pro (lock applications w gestures or passwords)
* Lockscreen Clock Hide
* MewSeek (download music)
* MultiCleaner
* MyAssistant (another must for Siri)
* Navigate From Maps
* No Lockscreen Camera
* OpenBackup (a simple back up for cydia stuff)
* Pkg Backup (a completr back up on all phone info ie installed apps n cydia stuff, contacts...that will upload and restore your device in one touch)
* Pandora Downloader
* Parallax (allows your odd gaped picture to work like panorama wallpapers)
* Password Pilot
* Photo Enhancer
* ProTube
* Rainstone Siri for 5.1.x (if you install this Siri port on your iphone 4,you need to go to Rainstone.Co and pay $15 for their server address, but it's well worth it!)
* RS Siri Reset
* RSSWidget for iOS 5
* Safari Download Manager
* Safari Downloader Translations
* SBSettings
* ScrollingBoard
* ScrollingBoard AirPlay Dock Plugin
* ScrollingBoard iPod-Music Dock Plugin
* ScrollingBoard Web Browser Addon
* sed
* SiriSports
* Springtomize 2 - iOS 5+
* UnlimTones (a library of 1000s of cool ringtones)
* Urban Dictionary Assistant for Siri
* VoiceUtils (siri tool)
* WinterBoard (enable themes n features)
* YoutubeToMp3 (download audio from youtube to ipod)

I'm going to keep this short n sweet.

If you have to mod an iphone THAT much, just to get it to be what you need it to be, does that not say in its self just how restricting Apple are over their devices?

Including stock & downloaded apps, (and games) I have just 45, and so far that's all I need for my phone to do and be what I need.
I really appreciate this thread and your gius input. My apologies for the basher remark i was expressing what ive read in other threads. And yes youre absolutely right, if a phone needs that much tweaking modding or whatever, then is it really worth it? I feel thats a personal choice for one to make. And youre correct, the iphone 5 remark was just a biased opinion that didnt belong here, we all know iOS sucks compared to android i just hope android Jellybean keeps on providing.
I really appreciate this thread and your gius input. My apologies for the basher remark i was expressing what ive read in other threads. And yes youre absolutely right, if a phone needs that much tweaking modding or whatever, then is it really worth it? I feel thats a personal choice for one to make. And youre correct, the iphone 5 remark was just a biased opinion that didnt belong here, we all know iOS sucks compared to android i just hope android Jellybean keeps on providing.

Gotta respect you for that.

I'm not against apples products as such but more apples control over them and thus the end user.

Apple and other companies provide competition, and move the development and market forward. They each have products to sell, and people will chose for themselves.

I take people as they come, for their personality, not what clothes they wear or the phone they use, if asked I give advice where needed, and my first question is always, "what do you need this new product to do for you?" only then, once I have an idea of what goals need to be achieved, do I feel I can offer some relevant advice.

Each to their own in my book. I just don't understand how Apple could 'dropped the ball' on the speed of their innovation, and now other companies are moving at a quicker speed to provide what people want. Apple just seem to have a vendetta against any company that offers a similar solution to one of their own and tend to be over aggressive in their pursuit of resolution that they seem to have forgotten that it was their original innovative ideas that brought them so much success, that they are putting money into lawsuits rather than r&d to provide a better product to stay more competitive. Whatever works for them I guess.
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