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What experience do you "pro-android" peeps have w Jailbroken iphones

Have you recently owned a jailbroken iDevice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters
thanks, if it werent for you guys i wouldnt have made the jump. the boys over at www.sinfuliphone.com werent so happy to see i made the move but oh-well, i encouraged them to try an android.

im getting spam notifications, whats the best way around this?

Don't forget when there is an app that spams your notification bar your should take the following steps:

1: leave a 1 star review and state because of spam
2: report the app
3: uninstall the app
4: try to boycot the dev
thanks, if it werent for you guys i wouldnt have made the jump. the boys over at www.sinfuliphone.com werent so happy to see i made the move but oh-well, i encouraged them to try an android.

im getting spam notifications, whats the best way around this?

Would very much like to hear how you get along (or not) with your S3 and android after a week or so and what your opinion is, hope you keep us informed.

Someone is always willing to try and help, so just keep on asking and i'm sure we will do what we can for ya. :)
They have that effect, so does this site.... I know I'm not alone in having a partner who would love me to break my phone or at least have the site crash for a week or so!
If I recall, it's a touchwiz issue, just try a different launcher like nova or apax, (limited function but free) * then try using your scrollable wallpapers and see if that works for you.
im using go-launcher but it insist i "crop the picture, so itll limit the width of the photo, weird, why does it do so?

I haven't jailbroken an iDevice since the days of the iPad1 and 3GS, so I may be a bit rusty, but while I was in the thick of it, I considered myself pretty proficient at customizing the iPhone/Pad. There were two features I could not replicate that Android has readily available:

1) the ability to mount the device as a USB Mass Storage device
2) ability to create profiles (what the Tasker app et. al do)

The other post-jailbreak restriction that annoyed me was that it was impossible to force iOS to see my manually-copied media. For example, I would create a folder in the filesystem somewhere and dump some .mp3 (or .ogg, can't remember) files somewhere. iOS doesn't look outside of any folders it was designed to look at. So there was no way for iOS apps to play those music files. There was no way for me to incorporate these files with what was already in my library. The workaround was to use iFile, which is hardly a music player, so you can't really create a queue or playlist with those songs. The Android way is much better, obviously.

The next issue that bothered me was getting music OFF the device by direct copy. iTunes puts your music into hundreds of folders with meaningless folder names, and there is no rule about what songs are placed where. Each folder has a handful of songs and/or videos. Clearly, the file structure was designed for obfuscation.

So while I do agree in general that a jailbroken iPhone is much more functional, the fundamental shittyness of iOS cannot be overcome. In other words, just because the iPhone can do something that Android can do doesn't mean it can do it with the same relative ease.

I haven't jailbroken an iDevice since the days of the iPad1 and 3GS, so I may be a bit rusty, but while I was in the thick of it, I considered myself pretty proficient at customizing the iPhone/Pad. There were two features I could not replicate that Android has readily available:

1) the ability to mount the device as a USB Mass Storage device
2) ability to create profiles (what the Tasker app et. al do)

The other post-jailbreak restriction that annoyed me was that it was impossible to force iOS to see my manually-copied media. For example, I would create a folder in the filesystem somewhere and dump some .mp3 (or .ogg, can't remember) files somewhere. iOS doesn't look outside of any folders it was designed to look at. So there was no way for iOS apps to play those music files. There was no way for me to incorporate these files with what was already in my library. The workaround was to use iFile, which is hardly a music player, so you can't really create a queue or playlist with those songs. The Android way is much better, obviously.

The next issue that bothered me was getting music OFF the device by direct copy. iTunes puts your music into hundreds of folders with meaningless folder names, and there is no rule about what songs are placed where. Each folder has a handful of songs and/or videos. Clearly, the file structure was designed for obfuscation.

So while I do agree in general that a jailbroken iPhone is much more functional, the fundamental shittyness of iOS cannot be overcome. In other words, just because the iPhone can do something that Android can do doesn't mean it can do it with the same relative ease.

Try "USB Flash Drive" from iTunes. There are several iTunes applications that let you do this with no JB required.

Download "iUser" from Cydia. Not sure if it is what you want, so give that a try. Perhaps the two apps I mentioned were not available way back then, but I did try several apps to mount my iPod as a USB mass storage device.

Using iFile, you can create folders almost anywhere within the file system. Or at least on the root. Note that iFile is not the same as iFiles, from iTunes. With iFile, you can read and write MicroSD cards as well as Flash Drives.

When you buy the paid version of iFile, those folder and file names change and you will know exactly what the file is.

The file system was not designed to make it easy on Jailbreakers and it was never designed for user access. The iPad knows where the music files are stored and their names. Not sure why the names are so cryptic, but they are.
""Think of it like the Matrix: Jailbreaking is comparable to what Morpheus could do. He could bend the rules of the system to overcome certain restrictions, but was still bound to its rules. Rooting is what Neo could do. Not only could he bend the rules, he could completely break them""
""Think of it like the Matrix: Jailbreaking is comparable to what Morpheus could do. He could bend the rules of the system to overcome certain restrictions, but was still bound to its rules. Rooting is what Neo could do. Not only could he bend the rules, he could completely break them""

I disagree. I see no real difference between Jailbreaking and Rooting. Care to clarify my thinking? Anyone?
I disagree. I see no real difference between Jailbreaking and Rooting. Care to clarify my thinking? Anyone?

You are still bound to an OS w/ restrictions, w/ censorship (jailbreaking) ....Rooting is considered an " exploit " that alone to me at least shows the difference. Potential to practically rebuild the OS from the ground up.... I could get detailed but im tired, i just thought the analogy made sense lol. Then again maybe i am being biased b/c i do not like companies that base everything on being proprietary.
For the record having owned an iphone 1G,3G & 4 all of which ive jailbroken since ios 2.1 to my current 5.1.1
I will give android this: i enjoy the operating system. It appears more fun OUT OF THE BOX and once you guys begin tweaking your device even more so.
Now having said that let me give you a break down on where im going....theres a lot of animosity here towards iphones for obvious reasons and little or no credit given at all to the devices true potential. How many of you iphone bashers can truely say youve ran a hacked untethered jailbroken iphone 4s on ios5.1.1 or whatever? I have mods out my ass on my iphone 4 alone that makes me second guess putting it aside for an android.
I read through your compare contrast threads and many seem to judge the book by its cover. Sure the reason androids (galaxy s3 in particular) turn me on is due to its opening user friendly presentation- mad kudos. But i promise a "jailbroken iphone 5 on iOS6+" will blow it out of the water.

I used to have an IPod touch 4 generation and i made the mistake of upgrading to iOS 5. It was such a hassle to jailbreak the device that I just gave up. Rooting my android phone was easy as pie though. I also think that android is more flexible. I do have to give credit when it is due. Apple products are very nice and the iPad is the best tablet m the market. However, android has closed the gap in the last couple of years and iOS has nothing on Jelly Bean. In fact I would go as far as to say Jelly Bean is even better. You say that android fans bash on apple products but apple fans do the exact same thing. Each person has a different taste and every fan thinks their stuff is better than the other. We just have to agree to disagree.
I disagree. I see no real difference between Jailbreaking and Rooting. Care to clarify my thinking? Anyone?

Depends on context, doesn't it.

If the question is, what do you call it to free your device from the maker and the mainstream to gain full control, add important options and enhance your using experience, then both answers are the same, just depends on the camp you're in.

If the question entails specific details about the ramifications, methods or use case changes, then the two are as different as the underpinnings of the two operating systems and marketing paths involved.

Don't see how any answer could be very wrong or very right unless context is considered, imo.
Either ur team iphone or teamandroid, some of us are just born that way. ;\
neither one is right nor wrong.
Either ur team iphone or teamandroid, some of us are just born that way. ;\
neither one is right nor wrong.

I don't think so. I love android, but I'm typing this on my Jailbroken iPad2.

That being said I'll never buy another apple product due to their current policy of preventing innovation through litigation. I am seriously thinking about a Microsoft Surface for my next tablet though.
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