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What experience do you "pro-android" peeps have w Jailbroken iphones

Have you recently owned a jailbroken iDevice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters
I think that the point you made was that jailbroken iOS allows you to extend choice and make it less restrictive, yes? I don't think that anyone is arguing against that, nor wanting to paint you into the corner that iOS sucked, per se. Lot of great iOS apps, so from an app perspective, it is very worthy and can out-perform Android on some tasks.

It comes down to individual experience and personal expectations, imo.

Friendly competition between the two user bases is to be expected.

Sorry if I sounded harsh over the bashing thing, I can see now how it come across that way. My intention was more like, I hope you find us more thoughtful, less fanboyish than other places.
Good question: i suppose judging by my list of mods above i believe i may want to cut all this bull shit and jump on the android bandwagon. What i like about apple isnt its software- it totally fails there,but i like how i can own unique but uniformed apple manufactured phone for a solid two years whos device isnt obsolete within the first year of its release like half the android supported devices out there. In contrast android software itself is far more superior and what all jailbroken operators desire to achieve. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place is all which bought me here for some good enlightenment.

Gotta respect you for that.

I'm not against apples products as such but more apples control over them and thus the end user.

Apple and other companies provide competition, and move the development and market forward. They each have products to sell, and people will chose for themselves.

I take people as they come, for their personality, not what clothes they wear or the phone they use, if asked I give advice where needed, and my first question is always, "what do you need this new product to do for you?" only then, once I have an idea of what goals need to be achieved, do I feel I can offer some relevant advice.

Each to their own in my book. I just don't understand how Apple could 'dropped the ball' on the speed of their innovation, and now other companies are moving at a quicker speed to provide what people want. Apple just seem to have a vendetta against any company that offers a similar solution to one of their own and tend to be over aggressive in their pursuit of resolution that they seem to have forgotten that it was their original innovative ideas that brought them so much success, that they are putting money into lawsuits rather than r&d to provide a better product to stay more competitive. Whatever works for them I guess.
Good question: i suppose judging by my list of mods above i believe i may want to cut all this bull shit and jump on the android bandwagon. What i like about apple isnt its software- it totally fails there,but i like how i can own unique but uniformed apple manufactured phone for a solid two years whos device isnt obsolete within the first year of its release like half the android supported devices out there. In contrast android software itself is far more superior and what all jailbroken operators desire to achieve. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place is all which bought me here for some good enlightenment.

It's all perception. The last I checked, Apple releases a new iPhone every year. Many more models are released on the Android side, but is that really a bad thing? That same diversity is allowing the "premium" Android models like the OneX and S3 to distance themselves from Apples offering. My LTevo's screen makes an iPhone's retina look like old tech and I have a bunch of features missing from the iPhone. Apple does do a better job of keeping its older devices updated to the latest version number than most, BUT Apple also has a habit of leaving out most if not all the most desirable features of the new OS for older devices, making it more of a number update than a true OS update. They all play the same game, just a little differently, which is to entice you to spend your $$$ upgrading to new hardware. It's all a matter of perception, which Apple has done a much better job managing to date. iOS and Android are updated roughly on the same schedule. Apple will announce it's latest when it's through development and ready to ship. Android announces when it's ready for manufacturer testing and then there's a wait for it to be released. The perception is that it takes much longer on the Android side, but the reality is more that end users get their "update" on the same approximate schedule. Apples hardware designs are pretty. iOS OTH is aging and restrictive, in need of a major overhaul which it's not getting anytime soon. Marketing is Apples strongest suit by far. Making users feel that they are somehow special and superior for buying Apples products IS Apples best product. Though looking at their latest batch of commercials, that might be changing too. Perception!
My experience is limited to ipod touch, but being torn between getting updates & having jailbreak broken again, then waiting for somebody like greenpoison to catch up with the jailbreak! I mostly did it for cydia & boss paper, superficial stuff to make it 'less boring'.

My experience might be different if I had an iphone but I find that once rooted, with things like recovery in place, I don't really need to worry about updates unless I decide to get a better custom rom, at a much later date.

The apple way is to push updates that you must do for security reasons so you feel compelled to do it, losing jailbreak in the process. Two steps forward, one step back.
I still have my jailbroken iPhone 3Gs. Got the phone, ran it stock for 1 week, then jailbroke it when I read about all the stuff it was capable of but Apple didn't let it do. I didtched it with a year left on my contract to switch to Android, and never once regretted it. I agree, the iPhone hardware is great, but it is crippled by the software. And while I did find that jailbreaking helped, it was still a lot more work to not be able to do as much as I could with my stock unrooted Droid X, the phone I left my iPhone for. So many tweaks and mods you need to download and install to get it to work like you want, and then when the new version of iOS comes out, you have to start... all... over.... Such a pain in the ass. I never went past 3.1.3 on my 3Gs, still running on that, and I have no intention of going any further with it, all I use it for is my bedside alarmclock/sound generator.
I'm going to keep this short n sweet.

If you have to mod an iphone THAT much, just to get it to be what you need it to be, does that not say in its self just how restricting Apple are over their devices?

Including stock & downloaded apps, (and games) I have just 45, and so far that's all I need for my phone to do and be what I need.

The posted list is not a list of required things; it is a list of what you can do iffin you wanna do it. Not sure what you are getting at.
just out of curiosity and not being at all familiar w android hacks/apps are there any android apps that allows you to:
- download pandora music straight off the app itself
- how about a youtube downloader or youtube to mp3 downloader
- take a snap shot (w the front facing cam) of a person who tries to get into your phone, then sends it to your email w the phones coordinates
- download podcast
-tweaks/enhancements for your siri-like voice app; if so, what

im sure you guys know the answers to these questions. if you could direct me in the right direction, thus assuring me that those mods which i get some joy out the most on my jb iphone are provided for in your market, then i promise you i may be a s3 owner by the end of the week. and please summarize what things i can do specifically with a rooted phone again, in lamens, apple-head, terms. thank you much
The posted list is not a list of required things; it is a list of what you can do iffin you wanna do it. Not sure what you are getting at.

Yup I know.

I thought it was pretty simple, ghost listed a bunch of mods that he uses, after jail breaking, my point was simply that if he needed to install and set up that many mods after jail breaking his iphone, just to get it to do specifically what he wants, then their may be an alternative phone that does has more functionality that he requires for his uses out of the box, meaning there would hopefully be less mods / apps required to achieve the same solution in a phone.

At least ghost understood what I meant.
Well, I'm going to rain on your parade a little. Ripping content from Pandora, Youtube or any other service with protected content is copyright infringement, That's info we would prefer you get somewhere other than here.

-The camera snap shot/security thing is interesting, but I've never felt the need to look into anything like that.
- I view all the voice apps like Siri as little more than toys and beyond brief frustrating/amusing trials? I have little use for them. The default google voice search works OK sometimes, way better than Siri did for me. I think we're several generations away both hardware and software before this feature will be useful as anything more than a amusing distraction. That's just my opinion, if you like Siri type apps and find them useful? Please count me as totally wrong and enjoy!
-I use Beyond pod for podcasts, there are a bunch of others both free and paid available. Doggcatcher seems to be the most popular at the moment.
ahh true, well overall i suppose id appreciate the google store and its customization more than those "illegal" mods. however, if you were to recommend a music download app, what would you recommend?
Well, I'm going to rain on your parade a little. Ripping content from Pandora, Youtube or any other service with protected content is copyright infringement, That's info we would prefer you get somewhere other than here.

-The camera snap shot/security thing is interesting, but I've never felt the need to look into anything like that.
- I view all the voice apps like Siri as little more than toys and beyond brief frustrating/amusing trials? I have little use for them. The default google voice search works OK sometimes, way better than Siri did for me. I think we're several generations away both hardware and software before this feature will be useful as anything more than a amusing distraction. That's just my opinion, if you like Siri type apps and find them useful? Please count me as totally wrong and enjoy!
-I use Beyond pod for podcasts, there are a bunch of others both free and paid available. Doggcatcher seems to be the most popular at the moment.

There is a way to do this without root, but you would need the tasker app
just out of curiosity and not being at all familiar w android hacks/apps are there any android apps that allows you to:
- download pandora music straight off the app itself
- how about a youtube downloader or youtube to mp3 downloader
- take a snap shot (w the front facing cam) of a person who tries to get into your phone, then sends it to your email w the phones coordinates
- download podcast
-tweaks/enhancements for your siri-like voice app; if so, what

im sure you guys know the answers to these questions. if you could direct me in the right direction, thus assuring me that those mods which i get some joy out the most on my jb iphone are provided for in your market, then i promise you i may be a s3 owner by the end of the week. and please summarize what things i can do specifically with a rooted phone again, in lamens, apple-head, terms. thank you much

Pandora and Youtube has already been covered - that is piracy.

Using the front camera to take a picture remotely... There are a few different apps that can do that.

Podcasts... Again several options

Siri like voice app... Every comparison from a 3rd party that I have seen says Google wins in terms of functionality, and that was before Jelly Bean was released. Have you seen Google Now (not referring to now as in time, that is what google calls the new voice and info app)? It Blows Siri away!!
you guys won me over, but i hope the technical specs for the iphone 5 arent to different from the s3...hell, my wife and i are good for upgrades through at&t, both of us are apple owners. what i can do is get the s3 for myself now, and if i miss wearing that old crusty pair of restricting briefs or the iphone 5 really excites me for any reason i could just have her get the iphone 5 and well switch phones.

also, while im on the subject for att, i heard something that the s3 doesnt have quad core? what does that mean for users, is it a noticable difference, the dual core? pros n cons?
The Samsung quad core, found on the international model, uses four ARM Cortex A-9 CPUs and an advanced GPU. The dual core, Qualcomm S4, contains two CPUs that are from a later generation than the A-9, so each core is much more efficient per GHz than an A-9. Fans split over which is better, using conflicting synthetic benchmark results. For general use, it's safe to say that one will perform better in some areas, vice versa for other areas, and the whole thing may be a wash.

The big deal about the S4 processor is that it contains all of necessary modems, including LTE, so that means fewer chips, more cost-control, less complexity and higher reliability than if they added the extra chips to the quad core. And it also means higher battery efficiency.
I really appreciate this thread and your gius input. My apologies for the basher remark i was expressing what ive read in other threads. And yes youre absolutely right, if a phone needs that much tweaking modding or whatever, then is it really worth it? .

This is my take on all devices.
As much as i enjoy JB and rooting, sometimes i take a step back and think, "well, what happens when I dont have the time or knowledge to be looking thee things up?".

I just hope both parties will keep getting better :)
yeah.. pandora and youtube work just find as intended by those web services. I enjoy them a lot on my old old android phone.

siri is cool.. and i have hand that function on my first android device. android has many options for you to try and see which you like.

in usa.. S3 only has a daul-core with the newer design structure. but tech advances very quickly; and iphone 5 will be in Oct. that gives it a lot of time. so i am going to guess the cpu in the iphone 5 will be a 4-core with the newer structure. BUT.. I am sure there will be an android phone with that CPU power out at that time too!
couple questions, is there a feature that allows you to generate a text message from anywhere on your phone and how about text-quick-reply? if you have an app open, just activate the text app and it operates momentarily over the opened app. and how do i enable my odd-shaped photos to operate as panoramic wallpapers?
It might not give you 'everything' you want in an sms app, but gosms can be configured with pop ups so you get a pop up over whatever app your using, you can then reply or open the sms app to continue, their may be a better solution for you though, just not one that I use.
yes scrolling wallpapers thats what theyre called and shit, they removed them...i must hack that

If I recall, it's a touchwiz issue, just try a different launcher like nova or apax, (limited function but free) * then try using your scrollable wallpapers and see if that works for you.
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