These articles only tell half the story though. 3g only operates on the 5 ghz range of the bandwidth, while 4g (theoretically, not sure if the current '4g's do or not) will operate all the way from 1ghz to 20ghz range of the bandwidth. Can you comprehend how much more data can be consumed with that wide of a channel with which to consume it? It's truly staggering.
Sure the 'g' might just mean 'generation', so yeah this might simply mean it's the 4th generation, whoopty do. But the speeds that they're increasing these phones to handle is going to freaking blow any 3g phone out of the water. Yeah I've streamed tv/movies/video over the 3g network... it leaves something to be desired.
4g should clear that up pronto. 1080p streaming should be flawless. So why 100mbps (actually from what I've read that's the low end, 300 mbps is where they're aiming to top it out... but that's using the best of everything in a perfect environment, that won't be what you'll hit consistantly or anything) you ask? Well not too long ago tv's only showed us content at 320p. Then came DVD at 480p. Then came tv at 1080i/720p, and now we're up to 1080p. And the refresh rate has gone from 60 hz, to 120 hz, to 240 hz, and now they have 480 hz. Oh and now comes along 3D... my point is, do you think they're done now?
No chance. They will always get bigger, better, faster, more real, more vivid, more clear, more.... it's never going to stop improving. And who cares if you can't tell the difference on your phone from a 1080p video to a 2160p video, people will still want the higher resolution regardless. If higher resolution is available, people will flock to it.
So 4g has to have the capacity to carry us for the next decade or so. By that time Tangent is right, even 300 mbps will be so terrible our grandkids will be screaming at their crib monitors because their cartoons are lagging. 10 years ago if you told someone you had a phone that was capable of hitting 3 mbps they would look at you and go, "why on earth would anyone ever need something that fast"???
But today it's just so-so. And as hard as it may be to fathom right now, someday 300 mbps will just be so-so as well.