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what is the most annoying insect between a mosquito and a fly ?

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for this one I'd vote mosquito with 9.8 points and fly with 8.5 points. what do YOU think is the most annoying insect ?
Knats.... oh how I dispise them. I'll be working outside in the summer (which means, of course, being a tad sweaty), and they will swarm me, stick to my face and neck, and go in my eyes and up my nose.... Oh how I dispise knats... xP
The most annoying insect is the fly,when there is flies in my house, I am a fly hunter,because I can not tolerate even a fly in my house, they are very dirty and bring a lot of germs in their body.

I kill around 5 flies one day, then they are finished, once some other flies come into my house again,I will kill them all, then I will feel comfortable, lol~^_^

Does anyone has same feeling with me ?
Knats.... oh how I dispise them. I'll be working outside in the summer (which means, of course, being a tad sweaty), and they will swarm me, stick to my face and neck, and go in my eyes and up my nose.... Oh how I dispise knats... xP

Don't go to Moab and the area in the spring and early summer, then.
The gnats are so thick that all the vehicles look like they have whiskers from driving through gnat swarms. They are extremely hard to get out of motorcycle helmets.
Between a fly and a mosquito, I can easily say a fly. Those little suckers just go all over the place, and I can never swat them before they take off. Mosquitoes on the other hand, I know exactly where they're going to land, and I know they're not fast enough to avoid a quick slap.
Between a fly and mosquito, I'd vote mosquito. I had dengue this year, that little mosquito bite cause me a lot of pain and I almost died. So, mosquito.
Well, technically, they're both flies, so if we vote "fly", we can nullify both (see what I did? :D)!

Though if I had to choose, I'd say the mosquito, hands down. Flies, while annoying, don't suck my blood then leave me itchy (and possibly with diseases), after their fill.

With a typical house fly, they're usually around because of something they're attracted to, which can be cleaned up or moved, most cases.

Another candidate I'd toss out there, are stink bugs. They were a bit more tame, this year, but in 2010, the things were EVERYWHERE, since they had little to no natural predators in this area.
Earwigs and congressmen.

Sorry, that was redundant.

Someone had to say it. (I was going to say politicians, though)

While not technically insects, I find spiders annoying. Well, their webs can be. Especially when the web is so fine you can't even see it until it's all over you.

Most annoying? Probably not. But I felt we needed a more dynamic range :)
Apparently, flies don't even make the chart of common pests.

I hate mosquitoes !!!!!! especially when they buzz around you when you are trying to sleep !!!
did anyone add "mod" into the list?

watch it buddy or i'm going to give you a nasty virus :p

I'd have to say mosquito is far worse than a fly because they can give you infections. I know... but I had two mosquito bites that gave me really bad allergic reactions where the red lines streaked about 8 inches.
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