I use Wifi and after redoing some of my profiles I think I'm going to leave it on all the time. I can have it connect to a place I go and make changes for that location as well as automatically connect at home and make other changes.
You could also save even more battery by doing something like I do.
Profile 1:
Context > Wifi Near
Task > Stop
(Basically, doesn't do anything. But I need a Wifi Near profile to make sure Tasker turns on Wifi every few minutes to look for a connection.)
Profile 2:
Context > Wifi Connected
Task > Wifi On
So, whenever Tasker does a Wifi Near check, if there is a connection that is in my phones list of remembered access points, it will connect and then Wifi will stay on until I disconnect.
Saves more battery than leaving it on constantly
I know
So why are
you reading this thread?
Loads of folk apparently think this thread is worth supporting, but as I said initially, as it gets longer it will be more difficult to make sense of it.
So either make it useful, or close it down?
I come here for ideas I can use later, and to help those who ask for it.
I don't understand your argument. "Lots of people think this thread is worth supporting" therefore we should "shut it down"???
I don't think we should close the thread. I never said we should.
I also don't think we need a whole forum with separate threads for each "type" of Tasker profile there is. One reason why we don't need it is that there is already an official forum for the app. Another reason is that Tasker allows each person to make a
customized set of profiles for their phone. So you would have about 30 millions threads to have to look through instead of just a handful.
IMO, there are too many Tasker threads already on this forum.
so i dont know why this profile is going nutty. i just have it set for a wifi near context with the right ssid. the enter task is to set wifi on if wifi isn't set. on exit it will wifi off if wifi is set.
wifi will start up and connect then after a couple of seconds the wifi will turn off. am i use the if statements wrong?
Are you using the most recent version of Tasker?
I was having a similar problem a couple of months ago, but it seems to have disappeared since I upgraded.