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Help What's going on


Oct 10, 2011
My Desire Z arrived finally - love the phone but...........put my simcard in it which was in my Wildfire - contract talkmobile unlimited internet - checked it would make a phone call ...............so far fine then went to go on t'internet. All stop as it was not available so called talkmobile who went through the settings to make it work and then went to use the net and it said T-mobile so she went through the procedure again and still the same so removed the battery and sim and yet again T-mobile. Was told to go in to Carphone Warehouse so put the simcard back in the Wildfire and again, no internet soduly went to Carphone Warehouse as told and they didn't know but made a few suggestions.

So what's the crack?? Anyone know?? As far as I am aware we just swap simcard over and away we go!!:rolleyes::(

So back home and phoned talkmobile to get the simcard reset fof my original phone the Wildfire and no luck so was told to go into CW and get a replacement simcard - so that might help with the Wildfire but what's the situation on the DesireZ?? Any ideas what is going on??
A bit lacking in details of what you've actually done... were you asked to check your APN settings?

Sorry about the details, I just didn't know what to put in the post and worse, I have trouble remembering what we did as it was (for me) quite complicated cos there was so much.

Under Mobile Networks in settings menu there was a whole list of things that she took me through - we did them all apart from one or two..............on one I entered what was like an IP address and another was an HTTP://................and I think then or later we did a VPN or APN which I think from memory was a four digit number. I would have to say yes to your question.

I notice that in phone network it offers me 3, Orange T-mobile and Vodafone as if they are pre-sets - no talk mobile. Does that mean anything?

I can't do much just now as apparently she thinks the simcard may be damaged after swapping it around so much and I have to get a new one today.

Thewre is no simcard in it at the moment but I have just turned on the phone and gone to settings>VPN but it is blank.:eek:
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Well I thought I'd have had more comments..........hellooooooooooo

Anyway, update time. Took it to a local phone shop and he is convinced they are T-mobile phones that are unlocked and said the only way to get it to work on talkmobile is to flash it and he wouldn't do it. End result, sent the phone back today. It is obviously a batch of disposed of T-mobile ones unless any one else can say differently. The seller says he has sold hundreds and this is the first that hasn't worked....yeah yeah.:rolleyes:
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Conclusion. I bought a used UK one and immediately it recognised the talkmobile simcard and offered to set the phone up - 5 mins later and I was off and running. After all that trouble too. Previous owner had been using it on Orange so I had visions of having to unlock it but I now think it was not locked in the first place.
Wahay, yippee!"!
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