Bob Maxey
Android Expert
We had the computer revolution and all the crap that came from it.
We have the Internet and the stuff that provides. Facebook, Google, iTunes, Intellectual Property theft, porn . . .
We have Tablets and smartphones and things like applications, Google Play, iTunes, The Android Market, etc.
These are big changes. We cannot seem to live a decent life without them. The computer, the Internet and the portable phone are not new ideas; they are improved versions of old game changers.
Your granny once called you on her phone so the phone is not new. In its day, it was a huge game changer. I am looking for things that will revolutionize and astound and amaze. And do not think for a moment this will be an easy question to answer.
Moveable type changed the game. The automobile changed things, the telephone was a game changer as was the internal combustion engine and the Cotton Gin and penicillin and (my favorite) the A-Bomb..
So what is the next big thing? Any guesses? Perhaps discovering we are not alone? Cures for bad diseases, a new form of personal travel perhaps?
Forget microprocessors and computers and software and the Internet. They will change, evolve and improve but they are not new ideas. A molecular PC might be considered to be a game changer. Being able to transfer your brain's contents to the web would perhaps change things.
What I want to know is what is the next big thing to arrive that is fundamentally new and will transform the world.
My guess is it will be preceded with a lower case "i"
Either that, or some biological something that actually kills three quarters of the planet's population. So do not limit your replies to the good; the bad and the ugly can often change things.
We have the Internet and the stuff that provides. Facebook, Google, iTunes, Intellectual Property theft, porn . . .
We have Tablets and smartphones and things like applications, Google Play, iTunes, The Android Market, etc.
These are big changes. We cannot seem to live a decent life without them. The computer, the Internet and the portable phone are not new ideas; they are improved versions of old game changers.
Your granny once called you on her phone so the phone is not new. In its day, it was a huge game changer. I am looking for things that will revolutionize and astound and amaze. And do not think for a moment this will be an easy question to answer.
Moveable type changed the game. The automobile changed things, the telephone was a game changer as was the internal combustion engine and the Cotton Gin and penicillin and (my favorite) the A-Bomb..
So what is the next big thing? Any guesses? Perhaps discovering we are not alone? Cures for bad diseases, a new form of personal travel perhaps?
Forget microprocessors and computers and software and the Internet. They will change, evolve and improve but they are not new ideas. A molecular PC might be considered to be a game changer. Being able to transfer your brain's contents to the web would perhaps change things.
What I want to know is what is the next big thing to arrive that is fundamentally new and will transform the world.
My guess is it will be preceded with a lower case "i"
Either that, or some biological something that actually kills three quarters of the planet's population. So do not limit your replies to the good; the bad and the ugly can often change things.