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What's the weather like where you are?

Snow, foggy, sunshine, with the temps ranging around 30s of the high, wind does make a great difference though, it is pretty great for the most part.
It was super nice here today. No wind to speak of and the temp topped out at 59°. It is supposed to be in the lower fifties tomorrow. Good grief, this is January good people and I live in Kansas! Simply amazing... and enjoyable.
Getting warmer:cool: I was some where this morning the temperature went 9 degrees down to 6 degrees:oops:


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It again snowed late PM and through the night. Another inch or so fell but it is all but gone now. A few days in the fifties and then a little snow that quickly melts seems to be the cycle of Kansas winter 2020. Winter moisture without the slick miserable conditions we normally experience is just fine by me.
Had light snow and rain over there today, still it is really warm for just slightly above freezing, no wind though, still it was really great over all.
In one word, incredible! It's sixty degrees at eleven AM and rising. Projected to reach the low seventies, I have little doubt that will be achieved and exceeded. I'm smoking baby back ribs today and have been to the smoker a number of times barefooted and wearing shorts. If not for this being Super Bowl Sunday, I'd invite my bicycle out for a tour. Talk about a beautiful day, I'm living it.
Last night, or late afternoon, I couldn't take it any more. It was 86° outside, but the house--even with the AC fan running--just kept getting hotter...

I turned on the AC. :o

We made it through January without needing to resort to that, but February 1st proved otherwise.

So far today it's comfortable, and shouldn't get quite as warm as yesterday. So the fan is good!

Beautiful, sunny, clear blue skies...no complaints from me.
I took that bike ride Sunday... it was just too nice to pass up. I left my bike uncovered in hopes I'd ride yesterday. It was 58° when I rolled out of bed but was in the thirties by noon. The weather advisory that 's now on my phone is talking freezing rain and a couple of inches of snow starting in a few hours and lasting through Wednesday morning. Glad I got out and enjoyed the day Sunday.
Well, damn it all. We [California] are in bad shape water-wise. By now, the Sierra snowpack should be plentiful, but side-by-side satellite photos of now and last year tell a very different story.

I've been lamenting my city's continuing water restrictions, since the drought ended in 2017. Now it looks like it's rearing its ugly head again... :(
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