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What's the weather like where you are?

It's in the mid forties as I type with zero wind. It actually feels pretty darn nice out with a full sky of blue. Snow is in the forecast for Friday so it's best to enjoy today while I can.
I'm enjoying the quite before the storm. There is a slight Easterly wind blowing with the temp at 47°. Snow is forcasted for over night and into tomorrow. I've not looked to see the projected snowfall accumulation but took note that the city has trucks out pre treating the roads for ice today. They are anticipating slick if nothing else. I don't think I have reason to get out so I'll ride it out. More often than not, there is a high "crying wolf" factor on winter weather here.
The Weather Channel can't make up its mind. The little scrolling weather forecast on the bottom of the screen shows a week of cold, and one day of rain, but their live broadcast shows them not only still naming winter storms despite the criticism over it, but saying it's gonna snow that week. I don't know who to trust other than the mechanical barometer at home that suggest cloudy and cold.
We received the snow that was forecasted for today. It started falling around 3AM and snowed into the afternoon. I'd guess around six inches fell here. It warmed into the mid thirties F this afternoon and the streets became slush. I bet they are ice now. My local kids made it safely home from their work. I just looked out the window at the mess and was glad I didn't need to go out.
We normally don't see much snow in January. February is our normal month for measurable snow. We just don't get snows like fell decades ago. We haven't had a snow over 20" since the early seventies. Big snows weren't yearly but happed every few years when I was young. Ice is more common than snow nowadays.
It's currently 33° with a slight Westerly wind. The forecast has the high for today at 40°. Without a vast improvement in the temp, I'll get my running around over before the football games today. I need some items from the market and I quite likely will need to replace the battery in my truck that failed me Thursday.
We had some rain last night but it's just cloudy again. 38F.

I will be happy to never see snow. I hate it. We haven't goten it this year and I hope that stays. If I wanted to see white wastelands, I'd live in Alaska.

The battery in my car is 7 years old. Still works, but I'm struggling sourcing a Made in USA battery for it. Might check out the really old parts store in Sebree, which is a small township that's stuck in the late 1960s near me, but not today. I ain't going anywhere until it warms up somewhat.
It's been cold, wet, and windy today. .93" of rain has fallen today and the rain is mixed with snow now. The temperature is right at freezing and will continue to drop over night. Four inches of snow is forecasted. I'm glad I have no need to get out tomorrow.
We got our three to four inches and now the storm has moved on to the North East. Behind the storm it's windy and supposed to be very windy before the day is out. They are talking gusts over 50mph and I've already seen 39mph at my station. It will create blizzard conditions in the country. At least my two local children's workplaces called off work today. I have to get out to curb my dumpsters today or I'd not stick my nose outside.
Last night, it was supposed to be high winds around on 40 mph, but they decided to clear all cache on the Earth and make is oh 20 mph..
Still a little bit cooler.
It was pretty nice today with the temps climbing into the mid fifties. The temp is dropping like a rock now. Currently it is only sixteen degrees and falling. It's supposed to be super cold this weekend with single digit temps on both sides of zero at times.
My patio
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