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What's the weather like where you are?

Cloudy but bright today in my corner of this rock.
Feels nice with a slight breeze.
It was decent today but not as nice as yesterday. Temps were in the high sixties with a SW wind around 20 mph. It's currently 50.5° with no wind. There is a front approaching from the SW that might bring the rain that is forecasted for tonight and into tomorrow. It's supposed to lower the temps into the mid fifties and upper forties the rest of the week and to only be in the high thirties Saturday.
The rain moved out late this afternoon. I say rain but it was very light but consistent. It was good moisture for the lawns and 1.29" collectively fell over the two days. Temps stayed in the low fifties and is currently 43.5° with a North wind at 12 mph.
According to the forecast, snow will move into my area around 3 AM and continue throughout the day. Six to eight inches total is forecasted. Snow must be difficult to predict in my area. I've seen just a dusting when substantial amounts were predicted and I've seen twenty plus inches when just a trace was predicted. It's a wait and see what really happens deal.
According to the forecast, snow will move into my area around 3 AM and continue throughout the day. Six to eight inches total is forecasted. Snow must be difficult to predict in my area. I've seen just a dusting when substantial amounts were predicted and I've seen twenty plus inches when just a trace was predicted. It's a wait and see what really happens deal.

The Simpsons Canada GIF
I could easily be Oh Mexico for us. It's like the weather man and the grocery stores are in cahoots. They forecast snow, there is a run on the markets, and then no weather.

I hate snow too. I loved it as a kid and it snowed often with large amounts often. Nowadays a heavy snow is a rarity. We get more freezing rain than snow. I hate snow now but I absolutely detest icy roads.
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