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What's the weather like where you are?

A bit chilly


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I'm getting some much needed rain. It has rained nearly three inches since early AM. The lightening storm that was on the leading edge of the storm knocked out my ups and my station went offline after logging only .01". My buddy near here logged almost 2.5" while my station was off. I have almost a half inch since bringing my station back online and it's raining now and there is plenty more headed this way. We are desperate for rain so it's a great thing. It is too late to elongate my mowing season but it will do wonders for the ponds and lakes in the area. They are all extremely low and we've been on water rationing for lawns for a couple of months.
I ended up logging 1.48" of rain today. The best that I can figure, I missed logging a bit over an inch and a quarter this morning. I'm super happy to see almost three inches to my area and it rained more North of here. Another major system is bearing down on my area as I type and I anticipate more rain within an hour. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and Monday. We will probably go from draught to flooding in the next couple of days. Gotta love Kansas.
It did rain again early morning and off and on today. I logged another .62" today. Rain is forecasted for early morning and all day Monday. It is then supposed to clear and no rain until next weekend. I'd say that we've received enough rain but we haven't. It would be nice to spread the rains out a bit to avoid any flooding.
It's still boggy here. Though there has been no major rains today. .22" has fallen at my station. The streets are wet and look like it just rained. It's now 64.4°F and has been in the low to mid sixties since this system moved in. Zero wind which would make for some fun bike time if it wasn't so wet out.
Colder and wet! It hasn't rained today but it is overcast and the humidity is at 84%. The wind is out of the North with gusts in the 20mph range with the temp in the high forties. It's not going to dry out much today without some sunshine.
It's in the forties and raining here. Almost a half inch has fallen with more likely. I wish some of this rain had fallen last summer.

It's now nearly midnight. 1.72 inches has fallen at my home. I went to visit a friend about 25 miles from here around noon. It was raining so hard in his town when I left it was near impossible to see. He had 2.24 inches logged on his station just before ten this evening. The farm pods are full and running over between our homes. I hope our local reservoir that supplies our drinking water has filled. It has been dangerously low and thus the water rationing most of the summer.
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It must absolutely SUCK waking up being a loser who floods innocent, helpful forums with filth. How they sleep at night without copious meds is beyond me.

EDIT: This was a post to the idiot who decided to post p0rn BS in dozens of threads. Those posts are, thankfully, gone
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Utah is allegedly supposed to get snow tomorrow, 😒:rolleyes::mustachedroid:


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Utah is allegedly supposed to get snow tomorrow, 😒:rolleyes::mustachedroid:
So I woke up around midnight and the weather was absolutely wonderful :D :thumbsupdroid: not a cloud in the sky temperature was about 55 felt nice;). So I eventful get around to driving . There's is little to no traffic :thumbsupdroid::D. Everything is going perfectly and then about two hours later I am somewhere on the 15 out in the middle nowhere Utah when a few drops of rain hit the windshield and then nothing for about thirty minutes and i get hit by a mini hurricane, the rain starts coming down hard and fast and the wind starts rocking the truck it went from wonderful to okay this isn't good:maskeddroid:.
Within ten minutes things settled down. Thirty minutes later the rain returns but it's a light rain. As I am driving i start to notice these small almost microscopic white dots starting to appear on my windshield and after a few minutes those tiny little white dots get bigger and bigger and bigger. As the white dots increase in size, the rain goes away.
Now i am driving in snow and then the wind kicks in. I go from being able to see a good couple of miles down the road to a half mile, quarter mile, to a few yards beyond the hood to basically the hood of the truck o_O:oops:. So I found a place to pull over and evaluate the situation. I realize I was going over a summit and as I drop down the weather conditions should improve. Eventually they did until the next summit o_O.
I eventually got low enough and into warmer climate and the snow, rain and wind went away
I'm glad you made it through Joe. Years ago, maybe close to twenty, I was bringing the fam home from Arizona traveling East on 40 when it started to snow. I thought it would let up but it started building up on the road. I was in no particular hurry so I pulled off at Gallop and grabbed a motel room thinking it would be a far safer drive in the morning light. It was a record snowfall that closed I-40 for days. We waited a couple of days and drove to Albuquerque but they had closed the highway again because of all the accidents trying to go East from there. Having given up our rooms, we had little choice but to go South on 25 to San Antonio and then East until we were able to go North to Amarillo. Then it was clear sailing to Kansas. It's no fun to be stuck in the snow.
It gives one a new respect for the pioneers of old, who set out on a one-way journey to the western unknowns. If it wasn't tribal nations battling against them, it was either blinding snow that stopped their wagons for days (if not weeks) or tornadoes that threw everything into chaos. They couldn't predict what the next day held or what was over the next hill.
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