Utah is allegedly supposed to get snow tomorrow,
So I woke up around midnight and the weather was absolutely wonderful

not a cloud in the sky temperature was about 55 felt nice

. So I eventful get around to driving . There's is little to no traffic

. Everything is going perfectly and then about two hours later I am somewhere on the 15 out in the middle nowhere Utah when a few drops of rain hit the windshield and then nothing for about thirty minutes and i get hit by a mini hurricane, the rain starts coming down hard and fast and the wind starts rocking the truck it went from wonderful to okay this isn't good

Within ten minutes things settled down. Thirty minutes later the rain returns but it's a light rain. As I am driving i start to notice these small almost microscopic white dots starting to appear on my windshield and after a few minutes those tiny little white dots get bigger and bigger and bigger. As the white dots increase in size, the rain goes away.
Now i am driving in snow and then the wind kicks in. I go from being able to see a good couple of miles down the road to a half mile, quarter mile, to a few yards beyond the hood to basically the hood of the truck

. So I found a place to pull over and evaluate the situation. I realize I was going over a summit and as I drop down the weather conditions should improve. Eventually they did until the next summit

I eventually got low enough and into warmer climate and the snow, rain and wind went away