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When I was a kid...

Cracker Jacks Had real cool toys in every box not just some paper thingy and Tonka toys could be run over by a car and not be phased by it.
when i was a kid it was shameful to be on welfare.

when i was a kid a smack was the cure to ADD.

when i was a kid the only rights i had were the ones my Dad allowed me to have.
Screaming and pitching fits in public was a capital crime

Oh, you know THAT! The last thing you wanted to hear from your parents was "That's it: just you wait until we get home." They could easily spank us in public, REALLY let loose in the car... but at home? Yeah, capital punishment.

And you know what? We learned how to BEHAVE IN PUBLIC! :eek:
Gas was 50 cents a gallon-cigs were 1.50(at the golf 19th hole){my mom will never know that shhh }
My brother and I would walk to the store with a note to buy my dad cigs or beer.
No one had ever heard of RAP
The family sat around the table EVERY night and ate dinner together.
Candy cured any bad mood/feelings
have more but my battery is dying:eek:
To be continued......
^^^ ...going into the woods and getting a switch for your parents to welt your backside with?

Nope... didn't have to. We had a switch bush growing in the YARD! Of course we got to go out and pick out our own switches: and if we came back with a switch that was too small, Heaven help us: then THEY went out and got the switch - and you got extra licks for inconveniencing them LOL
^^^amen man, I could never get away with that nowadays. Man, I only messed up once under them rules.
When I was a kid, we would line up single file for lunch in the classroom. The teacher would turn off the lights and we would all recite - together - a prayer for our food. We would then quietly and orderly walk down to the cafeteria, to enjoy lunch that was prepared there, AT THE SCHOOL, that morning... none of that low-bidder heat & serve junk they have now in most schools.

There was a table up front with a single 1-pound block of REAL BUTTER and a single butter knife. We all buttered our bread, from the same butter, using the same knife... and none of us ever got sick.

This was, by the way, a PUBLIC school. We also recited the Pledge of Allegiance together every morning before we ever got started with school work.
Oh, you know THAT! The last thing you wanted to hear from your parents was "That's it: just you wait until we get home." They could easily spank us in public, REALLY let loose in the car... but at home? Yeah, capital punishment.

And you know what? We learned how to BEHAVE IN PUBLIC! :eek:
If the parent gave you the "evil eye look", you knew to stop doing whatever it was you was doing wrong. :rolleyes:

I didn't get whippings with switches but with my own belt. I had to take it off...

And we played sandlot sports, one side of the hood against the other side of the hood. Mainly, softball, football and basketball. We played outside all year round.

We also had to walk to school, wasn't any school buses to catch. If your school was far you may caught the public bus or got a ride from some parents.
Parents drove cars with two doors and kids would slide in the back. After all, kids are flexible! We never wore seat belts in the back seat, not sure if my parents did in the front.

We ate lots of candy, drank sugary Koolaid drinks, ate tons of carbs, fats and salt, and weren't fat because we played outside. In the sun. Where the ozone was so thick we never got sunburned even without sunscreen.

I remember sitting up front on a bench seat without seatbelts. Just the ole "arm bar" from your parents, which now seems kind of creepy thanks to a certain sitcom......

All the toys in the house would fit in one toy box. Now my kids each have a toy box, two more in the playroom, plus a play table with storage underneath, and two closets full. And an outdoor one for those toys.
We didn't have computers, video games, I doubled as the remote/ antanea. Getting a spanking at school meant you were going to get another when we home

We didn't take guns to school to solve our issues. We had the Sunday night Disney movie. We watched shows like Mork&?Mindy, The Hulk, Fantasy Island, Love Boat, The original Hawaii five o among some of the best we would watch.

We didn't backtalk, we didn't talk disrespectful. We didn't get told twice and we knew to stay in our room when parents were entertaining
TV was great...


Fireball XL-5
Tobor the 8th Man
Clutch Cargo
Super Chicken

TV Shows:

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
McHale's Navy
My Favorite Martian
The Rat Patrol

Classics still aired today:

Twilight Zone
Hogan's Heroes
Star Trek (TOS)
...we actually had Saturday morning cartoons on network TV, not some obnoxious guy trying to sell us a used car for $99 down and $99 per month....
We call the garbage man a trashman. Airline stewardess in stead of flight attendant. We called it Christmas instead of happy holiday we prayed in school and were proud to be American. The language was English and everyone had to learn it if they were going to communicate.
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