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Where is Your Place in the 7 Billion Person Line?

BBC News - 7 billion people and you: What's your number?

There were only about two and a half billion when I was born. I am the 2,430,528,326th person in line. :D




Where is the one for Rrrroaches and their Coaches!!??


Wow there is sooo much discrimination in this crazy world!!

I am hurt :(


lol all jokes aside I was like number 5 billion and some change lol :D

The number was long I was too fat and lazy to type it all out :)

Very cool! ;)

Thanks for sharing Friscy
What do we get when we make it to the front?

One of these:


But that is a very interesting question though :)

Very cool thinking, but I think that so called "line" has being going on for soooo long ago that all life started as a single organism.

Read these articles if you are interested in evolution adn the search for the creation of life:


Miller?Urey experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did anyone else notice that it also shows the number of person you are to exist since history began? I declare complete BS on this number, because how could they even come close to figuring that out in the first place?

It says I'm the 79,939,865,568th person since history began.

Rats! I was hoping to be in line right behind the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders!
3,614,112,681... its getting to crowded around here...

there aint enough room on this rock for all of you and me!
1st err no 5,042,959,549th

I think this is just frisco trying to figure out eveyone's age and birthday ;)
I think this is just frisco trying to figure out eveyone's age and birthday ;)

That wouldn't be very nice.

Believe me, I have no interest in member's personal info, beyond their bank account pins and social security numbers.

:eek: :D
When you were born, you were the:
3,958,229,239th person alive on Earth
78,255,024,362nd person to have lived since history began
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