I'm a Linux-only person. My favorite distribution is
Kubuntu, which can be thought of as Ubuntu with KDE as its DE. I also try various other distros from time to time, just for the hell of it. I've used Linux since 1991 and its first release--which fit on a floppy diskette. Back then, it was just for dabbling in; my real OS was Coherent, a UNIX clone. I like Fedora and Bodhi, but always stick with Kubuntu for my 'real' OS.
By the way--and contrary to certain other comments--*buntu is not just for dummies. :laugh: I'm not a dummy--I worked for years as the programmer and system administrator, and the highest paid employee, at two consecutive companies. When I started on UNIX in the 1980s, everything was done at a command line. I no longer have anything to prove to anyone, so I use the distro I LIKE best, Kubuntu. And it
absolutely, unequivocally does NOT hinder its users--if they know what they're doing.
There is no hand-holding that I don't want and/or allow. There is no forcing of installing/not installing anything. There is no restriction on logging in as root--nor does that in any way, shape or form require
major hacking to accomplish. (Unless you think making a ONE WORD edit qualifies as major hacking. I don't.)
Kubuntu is a beautiful, versatile OS that has infinite customization possibilities. It gives me the eye candy I want--which is completely controllable by me--while simultaneously giving me the powerful suite of commands I expect from any *nix. When I have real work to do, you'll find me at a prompt.
Here's a screenshot from one of my laptops:
PS When I had to administer some windows boxes at work...I nearly went bald. From pulling my hair out. I couldn't believe how limited and limiting it was. Or how it crashed a lot. Or how much time had to be spent doing ridiculous things like keeping malware and viruses out. Or how it had no concept of case sensitivity in file names. Or how slooooooooow it was. Or...well, you get the idea.