Yes but is that any different from the millions of cattle, sheep, and pigs being herded into slaughterhouses where they're sometimes skinned and gutted while still alive and conscious? I think the only reason this touches a nerve is because mankind has domesticated dogs.
Cattle, sheep and pigs ... and chickens, turkeys, horses, buffalo, llamas, camels, elephants, yaks, etc. are all considered domestic animals. Even traditional game animals like deer, elk, caribou and moose *can* be domesticated, but there's not much benefit in it.
The difference mainly is that most people aren't exposed to the killing of their food. My sister-in-law grew up on a dairy farm and each year they slaughter a cow and divide the beef among the family. My wife is from a farming family in Europe and grew up learning to kill pigs, chickens and turkeys ... and it's not always easy to eat an animal that you *knew*. But they do because that's the way they feed their families. And they eat everything ... and I do mean *everything*.
I own dogs and love them as pets and companions. I care for them when they are ill and cry when they need to be put down, but I am not opposed, morally or otherwise, to others seeing them more as food than friend. But who could not love these guys?

I would add that if you come anywhere near my guys with a fork, we'll be dining on leg o' shawn tonight.