Well-Known Member
Eating a dog in the US
Eating a cow in the US
Eating a dog in Asia
Eating a cow in India
Sociological studies show that it's accepted to eat cow here, not in India, dog in Asia, not in the US.
Why is that?
If I ever go somewhere it's 'allowed'.... I'm eating a dog just to say I did. It's seriously on my 'bucket list"
oh my god. haha i have NO idea why it's not acceptable to eat dog here or any of the other "taboos" elsewhere but when I was in China this past summer, we went to a flea market and there was a stand with two dead dogs on the floor, cut open and then there was a dog all cut up on the table ready to be sold.
i nearly threw up right there on the dog and the man selling the poor dog

i think it's just our culture. we have dogs as pets and generally, dogs are considered as a part of the family over here. i think in Asia, there's just so many other things they are concerned with, like starving, not drinking the polluted water, making money, the government etc, that their priorities don't allow for them to be concerned with extra mouths to feed or worry about. We take things like that for granted i feel.
that's hardly scientific, just my thoughts