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Root White Widow


Android Expert
MOD EDIT:This is the last time I will address this situation in a thread, from now on warnings and/or infractions will be handed out. If ANYONE has a problem with the OP then you should contact a Mod or Admin. Calling him out in threads will not be tolerated.

And one other thing, this is AndroidForums.com, not XDA.

This rom is built from CyanogenMod 5.0.8 source compiled with Darchstars vendor tree.

White Widow 4.6 ~The Phoenix~

Be sure to grab the new google-apps-etcv3.zip from below.

Change the number of columns and rows on the homescreen
New bootanimation
New default wallpaper
More user removable apps-Look under Settings>Manage Applications

Overclock to 864Mhz with my kernel
Apps2SD by Cyanogen (Enable under Settings>Applications)
ADW and SpareParts settings built integrated into the settings menu
Multitouch Maps and Browser
Softkey Lights
Working Wifi
Working MMS with Stock Messenger! (Conap and Dec3dance)
Working GPS
360 Degree Rotation
Backup and Restore desktop configuration in ADW
Change notification colors in SpareParts
Metamorph Capable
Rotary Locksceen
Wifi Tether
JIT disabled by default. To enable, flash one of the patches pushed to your SD card during installation.




If you would like to, you can donate here. Any amount is appreciated
Proud to present.

Patches and Extras

google-apps-etcV3.zip<--flash this right after flashing the rom.

tsupdate3.zip <---flash from recovery if your touchscreen is completely unresponsive.

Spoke with Conap about using his kernel for tsupdate4.zip, he he prefers that i not re-release it. you can find his kernel and wlan.ko from this post. xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM]ErisLightningBolt 2.7 Cyanogen build( OC, JIT, Apps2sd, GPS)6/21/10.
instructions on how to flash the kernel can be found here [ROM]ErisLightningBolt 2.7 Cyanogen build( OC, JIT, Apps2sd, GPS)6/21/10 - Page 142 - xda-developers

If you want wifi working after this though you much have the wlan.ko. Extract it to your sdk/tools and
adb remount
adb push wlan.ko /system/lib/modules/
adb reboot

old_lockscreen.zip <---flash from recovery if you prefer the sliding tabs rather than the rotary LS

New Patches

Ask and ya shall receive. Due to the overwhelming amount of requests for JIT, JIT is now an option. here are patches to turn them on/off. I got the basic idea from Zach.Xtra
Flash these from recovery, wipe, reboot.

Jit On. <---JIT is on by default, but if you turn it off and would like to turn it back on, flash from recovery, clear dalvk, reboot.

Jit Off. <---Flash from recovery, wipe dalvik and reboot. Will turn off JIT.

Stock MMS Fix <---Flash from recovery, then run these commands and reboot.

adb shell rm data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db
adb shell rm data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/telephony.db

Thanks to Conap and Dec3dance Stock MMS now works

Common Problems and Fixes

Set CPU FC's whenever I open it!
-A simple re-install of setcpu will fix this.

Andrizoids Custom Speed Settings.
If you really want things to just FLY, use these settings.

---Screen Prefrences
----Desktop Scrolling Speed = 0
----Desktop Overshoot = 0
****Desktop Columns = 5 (This is where you set the amount of columns and rows on your homescreen.)
---Drawer Settings
----Zoom Effect Speed = 300
----Fade App Labels = Unchecked
----Animated Drawer = Unchecked
--Sounds & Display Settings
***Orientation = 360 Degrees (You can turn your phone upside down and still use it!)
---Animations = None
--Spare Parts
---Window Animations = Off
---Transition Animations = Off
---Launcher In Memory = Checked

*** <---Not a speed setting, but still cool.
i gave it a shot, i have a stable build but its garbage, froyo isnt ready to be released, im going to give it a little more time to develop before i start working on it.

I completely understand. Keep up the good work I love white widow only rom I use.
I completely understand. Keep up the good work I love white widow only rom I use.

im working on a new kernel for it. was working on it earlier before the sh1t hit the fan in the other threads. ive had to spend all day dealing with that so i havent been able to do any work, but im getting there.

and im glad to hear it. its the only one i use too :P
ok so i am running ww 4.1 now and want to flash to 4.4, do i need to do a wipe or can i just flash over, and also what are the differences in 4.1 and 4.4? Thanks a lot Andrizoid, love the 4.1 rom i'm running now.
ok so i am running ww 4.1 now and want to flash to 4.4, do i need to do a wipe or can i just flash over, and also what are the differences in 4.1 and 4.4? Thanks a lot Andrizoid, love the 4.1 rom i'm running now.

from 4.1 i believe a wipe is required because i updated the base.

and theres not a ton different, i believe i fixed softley lights in 4.2 so you will have that, and 4,3 i think was mostly just the new CM commits. 4.4 is EXACTLY the same as 4.4 only i removed a few apps to make it squeaky clean so that people will finally shut up about it :P
I love my WW 4.3
its clean and fast.
Considering throwing some JIT in it....maybe

Im not sure how to install JIT on it yet. I've been reading up on it and would love to give it a try but just don't really know what exactly it is or how to put it in my rom.
its not hard, and you can always go back. i recommend try it out. i recommend trying everything out just once. thats the whole reason you rooted your phone right? :)

just back a nandorid backup first
Looks like both of the links to the ROM are broken - both from this post (multipuload.com) and the link on your website.:(
no, i just downloaded it from the multiupload link. its working fine.

the website is slightly off though, theres an issue with linking that i need to have the guys look into for me.

the links on here worked just fine though. how are they broken?
Seem to have caught a virus or some malware - keeps redirecting all the links. I switched over to my linux boot and all is fine. Downloading now. Stupid Windows. Thanks! :D
I have flashed every Rom know to man it seems....switching back and forth and back and forth. Every time it seems theres just something that just blows up or the phone lags or something just sucks. WW is so far the most stable I have ever used. The phone interface is usual the downfall for most. For WW ...it rocks. Thank the devil that I have Titanium Backup or I would die everytime I change versions though. Only problem I have had remotely is that I cant do a Nan Backup + Ext anymore. Oh welll....So long story short...hears to you Andrizoid and F*ck the haters.
Wishes...more Themes!!!
First off, thanks for this. This is the only ROM that will allow me to link to my Panasonic TH1212 bluetooth cordless phone.

Here a few questions.

Is there anyway to change the icons that are on the bottom of all the homescreens. Mine has the messaging icon, I'd like to change that to the handscent icon. Also, I can't link my Yahoo account. Lastly, I can't connect via WiFi in my house.

Thanks for any info or tips.
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