Txgoat, as much as I (and probably most others) hate your avatar, I like your humor.
If Newt wins GA, do you think he'll still continue? After watching the news lately (mostly the Daily Show), it seems like no one likes any of the candidates. Do any of them stand a chance?
Voters to GOP candidates: We don’t like any of you - The Washington Post
Dis on my avatar aside,

I think the GOP is going to be hard pressed to displace Obama. If you look at the candidates, each seems to personify what's wrong with today's GOP.
You have Romney, a good representation of the greed within the party. If he becomes their nomination, his time at Bain Capital is going to be put scrutinized, and considering how many people have been displaced in the past few years, they're not going to find his track record to their liking.
Then there's Santorum, who does a good job representing the religious zealots of the party. These people insist that gay marriage, gays in the military, and women's reproductive rights need to be rolled back to pre-1900 conditions. I'm sure he turned off a lot of voters when he stated that JFK's speech about religion having any role in government made him sick to his stomach. I guess someone forgot to inform Santorum that the model for countries that practice a theocracy are Islamic states.
Newt, where does one begin, there are his failed marriages, his constant attempts at blaming everything on the "elite media", his dealings with Fanny Mae, his corruption charges when he was in Washington, and lets not forget the billionaire behind his Superpac. I think Newt played his trump card when he went after the debate moderator a few months ago and played up to the Tea Party fanatics in the crowd. His campaign needs a "Do not resuscitate" label on it.
Ron Paul, as much as I'm intrigued by a candidate that doesn't have big money behind him, I see the special interests threatened by him more than by the other candidates, thus I don't see him standing when the dust settles. Some of his policies seem genuinely flawed as well, and I think if he were the GOP candidate, some of his more absurd ideas might be enough to dissuade voters in the end. It is nice to see that he has a lot of young voters energized, and lets face it the GOP is the unmarked-white-van when it comes to attracting a younger audience.
As ineffective as some people think Obama has been, I don't see any viable candidate from the GOP winning enough votes to displace him. The only strategy the GOP can consider at this point is to have Mitt Romney as their nominee and have someone like a Sarah Palin or some other fringe lunatic try to run as an independent to try steal some votes from Obama the way Ross Perot did back when he ran. I think the GOP is in for a long year.