Like I said, the rich didn't get rich by spending, how is giving them MORE money going to convince them to spend more?
How do I know that the rich are more frugal? Well one doesn't get rich by buying a lot of consumer products. The best economies in the world are the best because they have a thriving middle class, not a thriving upper class.
You would have us believe the rich live in dirt hovels. Many of them do spend once they are rich as their toys attest to. Regardless, even the money they don't spend is contributing to the economy when it's parked in investments.
Anyhow your argument seems to hinge on the tax cuts only benefiting the rich and not the middle class. I benefited from the tax cuts, even the cuts in capital gains that make liberal's heads spin and spit green pea soup. And guess what? I'm not rich.
I'd wager that the wars waged had more to do with lower unemployment rates than the tax cuts.
I'm sure you would after your initial claim that we didn't "recover all those jobs shortly after Bush signed his tax cuts" was refuted by your own chart that's now conveniently missing.
What I find curious about the GOP's base is that many talk about going back to the "way things were" back in the 50s and 60s (I won't get into whether or not I believe they also want minorities to be more subservient, via no civil rights, but it does make one wonder).
That's neither here nor there when it comes to this discussion but I guess if your flailing why not throw out the race card?
[In the 50s and 60s] The tax rates were MUCH higher, the wealth gap wasn't nearly what it is now, and unions were more prevalent. I always figured the GOP played a sinister brand of Jedi mind tricks, but damn.....
You know contrary to what some believe Reagan wasn't the first president to cut taxes. He learned it by watching Kennedy cut taxes, in the 60s.