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Who else has the SD card probelm?

Have you had the SD card probelm?

  • Yes and I'm using the SD card from a previous phone.

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Yes and I'm using the SD card that came with the phone.

    Votes: 29 46.8%
  • Yes and I'm using the SD card from a previous phone and the phone freezes.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Yes and I'm using the SD card that came with the phone and the phone freezes.

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • No, I have not had this probelm.

    Votes: 11 17.7%

  • Total voters
You mentioned that you're now getting the errors with the card that came with the phone, right? Did you format the card from the PC before putting it back in your phone?

From another forum thread:

1) Connect phone to PC and mount as external USB drive. Copy all the contents off the SD card onto the PC.
2) Un-mount from your PC
3) Un-Mount the SD card from your phone. Menu > Settings > SD Card and phone storage.
4) After the card is unmounted, select the option to format it. This will format in FAT16 which will work fine for something less than 2 TB.
5) After formatting the card, remount it.
6) Hook back up to PC and mount to PC and copy contents back over that you saved from step 1.
7) Enjoy your phone not constantly unmounting and remounting your SD card.
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1) Connect phone to PC and mount as external USB drive. Copy all the contents off the SD card onto the PC.
2) Un-mount from your PC

New Android and Smart Phone user here. I'm having the SD card problem. The apps that I have loaded to the SD card suddenly disappear and I get message "application is not installed on your phone." I went to the local sprint store but they were little help. Two days ago the phone froze after overnight charging and I got it going again by pulling the battery. This morning I got the update sent to my phone and after installation all was good again with the SD card apps. Now tonight they are gone again.

I just got a 16G micro SD card that I can use to replace the one that came with the phone. I'd like to know how I should proceed?

I apologize for the simple question, but I'm not sure how to hook the phone up wo my Windows 7 PC to copy the SD card contents. When I hooked it up with the USB cable it said I needed to install a Windows driver on my phone my I wasn't sure if I should do that. I'm thinking I could copy the contents, install the new micro SD card in my phone, and then download the contents from my computer via usb.

Any help with some advise on how to proceed, or how to hook up to my computer would be appreciated. Sorry if this question is so basic, but I wasn't sure where would be a better place to ask.
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Glad to know this is not all just me. I had the phone delete the apps from the sd card and sprint told me just to take them off the card and put them on the phone. What is the point in that? They exchanged the phone and the new one the card un mounts. I did the format and it is still doing it. Any other ideas?
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Is there any coorelation to the power left in the phone? The last couple of days I have been intentionally trying to drain my battery (per a different posting) and I have noticed once I get below about 25% the phone intermittently does not recognize the SD card in the drive. At full power I have had no issues.

(just fyi, It is the original SD card.)
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I just reformatted my SD (the one that came with the phone) and I am doing ok so far...but it has only been about 10 minutes...

I am on my 3rd Optimus with this issue. I think I would feel better about the issue if Sprint would just admit it, but they will not. Nothing like great customer service...according to everyone at Sprint I have talked to, I am the only person having the issue. It is nice at least to know I not going crazy and others are having the issue too. I am still up in the air as to if I should keep this thing. I almost want to return it, because I only have 8 days left to decide.
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I've had my S about 2 weeks now. I haven't had the sd card unmount on me yet that I know of.

I thought I had an issue due to angry birds suddenly disappearing from my phone but it turns out that, much to my surprise, angry birds installs to the SD card by default so when I swapped out the stock 2GB SD card for an 8GB I had to redo the install.

I'm not sure I'm a fan of how the install to SD feature works at this point in time...
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