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Root Why does Anthrax sound so good?

It's a trade secret that Chad Goodman isn't going to disclose since he feels that some of his other innovations have been kanged without giving him proper credit.

I'm sure it tweaks the digital to analog converter (DAC) using a method similar to Voodoo enhanced kernels on the Samsung Galaxy phones.

If you are interested in what affects sound quality on phones there are some interesting discussions and references in this thread.

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It's a trade secret that Chad Goodman isn't going to disclose since he feels that some of his other innovations have been kanged without giving him proper credit.

I'm sure it tweaks the digital to analog converter (DAC) using a method similar to Voodoo enhanced kernels on the Samsung Galaxy phones.

If you are interested in what affects sound quality on phones there are some interesting discussions and references in this thread.


Thanks ramjet, that's some nice information. :)
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Once upon a time,

On top of a great mountain. All the evo 3d developers met up to meet the Android Sound God, known as Beats. Beats asked all the the developers if they wanted great sound in their kernel, and all of them answered yes. Though they didn't know Beats could read minds, and Beats read all the developer's minds, and he saw all of the developers planned to steal his gift of great kernel sound and not give him credit; all except one, the developer of Anthrax, Chad Goodman. So he banished all the developers from the great mountain and only gave chad his gift. Then later on, a rookie developer wanted to created a kernel and asked chad for help. So chad tiny peice of his gift and gave it to the rookie developer. And the rookie developer made a kernel named Buttered Toast kernel.

Their is a lot more to this story, but this shall settle your hunger for now.
Edit: Technically chad Goodman should be the sound god who shared his work but the other constantly stole from it before his kernel got to full potential.
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Then later on, a rookie developer wanted to created a kernel and asked chad for help. So chad tiny peice of his gift and gave it to the rookie developer. And the rookie developer made a kernel named Buttered Toast kernel.
Just so people don't get confused, Chad actually recruited the rookie developer to publish an Anthrax-based kernel on XDA again, but that required the source code to be posted per their GPL policy. Here are the differences between Anthrax and Buttered Toast as stated by Chad himself in a post on the Anthrax website:

anthrax vs buttered toast differences
==> qualcomm base vs htc
==> sensation, rezound, amaze, vivid support
==> audio drivers
==> cpu topology drivers
==> blue tooth drivers
==> my custom l2 <-> cpu <-> fsb mappings
==> the code needed to have l2 pull clocks from cpu clock, and not use its own table
==> linaro optimizations vs linaro fixes
It's not clear where those audio drivers came from but at one point there was a lot of drama about Chad getting the beats source code which is licensed and not available as open source. Chad says he has also tweaked the audio drivers himself but chooses not to share his mods based on the way other kernel improvements he's made have been handled by certain developers.

Here are some comments he made about Buttered Toast and beats audio in a recent interview:
Just like I had two kernels in the past
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Personally coming from Anthrax (and almost everyone above has heard my grievance before haha) it gives you more problems than it's worth. Opinion wise, if you like Anthrax's interface go with Buttered Toast it's pretty much identical but some tell me it doesn't give as many issues as Anthrax. Personally I use MAC it isn't too different from Anthrax but I do get an occasional BlueTooth problem now and again. I like it because of its overclocking range. Like anyone here could tell you it all depends on you and what your comfort level is (and what ROM you use) :D
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Personally coming from Anthrax (and almost everyone above has heard my grievance before haha) it gives you more problems than it's worth. Opinion wise, if you like Anthrax's interface go with Buttered Toast it's pretty much identical but some tell me it doesn't give as many issues as Anthrax. Personally I use MAC it isn't too different from Anthrax but I do get an occasional BlueTooth problem now and again. I like it because of its overclocking range. Like anyone here could tell you it all depends on you and what your comfort level is (and what ROM you use) :D

Um, what? Anthrax is completely stable for me and it's by far the best kernel I've used for any of my android devices.

I'm not sure what problems you are taking about. If you are taking about the drama issues, that doesn't change the fact that Chad is an amazing dev and does some great work.
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Here are some comments he made about Buttered Toast and beats audio in a recent interview:
I didn't know about this as I don't really follow development much until I want something, but that was interesting to read nonetheless. Very dramatic. We really don't need more reality shows, but if we're forced to have any, I think the next idea pitched should be "Real Developers of XDA."
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I am a member of the site but I can't even find the right link for the most current kernel

The site seems clunky and hard to find info
It's actually pretty easy if you know where to look. ;)

There's a tab for "Blogs" at the top of any page on that website. Click on that and then read the third entry and it will tell you how to get any of the Anthrax kernels for the Evo 3D/V that have been distributed from that site.

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