Extreme Android User
With all these extremely complicated and cool wallpapers flying around, I'm a little embarrassed to ask for help with my idea.
Being a simple 40+ guy.. I would like a wallpaper for my Galaxy S2 480x800 which basically takes the android green character high resolution (as see on the download screen on the phone) on a plain black background.. really simple.. any chance you could help me out please?
OK, since I don't have a GS2 to check out, I'm not quite sure what you want here. About the only thing I could find to (hopefully) point me in the right direction is this pic -
Is that the look you're after? If so, do you want the Android in a aprox. the same scale? And in the same paler green as shown?
Get back to me and if that is what you want, I should have it done for you today.