I am going to have to return my ASUS TP500L laptop from Linux to Windows, sigh, yes, W10.
Linux just does NOT know how to deal with the WiFi adapter.
I have an external Logitech WNA3200 USB WiFi adapter, and no one can make that damn thing work on Linux..... I have read many a thread on issues with it, and every one gave up.
it will not lock onto a hotel WiFi signal and keep it locked in.
use it for a minute or two and it drops out, "connection lost".....
every hotel I have stayed at this summer, and that is a lot of them on my motorcycle tours......
did a lot of research, and no one has whipped this puppy for Linux.... sigh!
I can't have this crap, it has to be stable on any WiFi it can find... and it is NOT...
I have to use my phone's Hotspot, or use my Verizon WiFi router which also uses my Family Shared data....
the 4g signals have been great everywhere, speeds 4 to 10 times faster than the best hotel WiFi that I have a chance to use......
the hotel I am in right now, the Cloud 9 in Sioux Falls, SD.... the WiFi is so pathetic, that only 1 or 2 people can log in and use it.... more than that, and it crashes....
so, I am now only using my Verizon WiFi router.....
When I get back home next week, this laptop is going to be reimaged back to its' original state.