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Root Wiping caches


Dec 31, 2010
What is the deal with the davilik and other caches. Are we supposed to clear them out from time to time to keep things running smooth or does it mess shit up. The reason why I'm saying this is that like windows the more you use it and the more apps get installed and uninstalled the phone just slows right down to nothing and hangs up time to time going back to the home screen. I installed system stats live and dbl clicked on the log area and just watched stuff just flying up thee screen like nasa controlling a space station or something. I've seen more than a thousand lines of code go flying for almost a minute sometimes and while its happening. The icons are missing and nothing is clickable. I also see a lot of red error text going on too like it can't find files and access restriction type of errors. On a fresh rom install its very fast and nice but after about a month or so it gets clogged up it seems. So the question is. Does it help to clear the caches out or maybe its bad code from app developers slowing shit down.
Badly coded apps could be a cause. But keep in mind the ally is a low storage device so the more the caches build up slower it will become.
Wiping dalvik cache will do no good as it will rebuild when you reboot your phone. Thats one reason the first boot is so long after wiping/flashing a ROM.

As far as cache cleaning goes i recommend the app Cache Cleaner NG (if your rooted). It does pretty good and you can set it to a auto clean schedule.
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