Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm still pretty new to this forum but I've liked what I've seen here so far and even commented a time or two already. I was thinking about posting this in the general part of the forum but since what really brought it to my attention was surfing the web for info on the HTC Vigor I decided to do it here instead. I'd like to pick a few brains if that's ok. I was hoping to get peoples opinion on something that seems to be a pretty regular thing on the internet but even more so in the tech part of it. I'm wondering why is it that if there is an article, post, or blog about a product whether it be just basic information on it or a place for interested parties/enthusiast of that product and gather together and talk people who hate that product, company, etc, seem almost drawn to that post and compelled to make a comment. The majority of which looks something like this. "I'm not getting this." or " X is better in my opinion and I would never get this." I mean I am not the biggest fan of apple but I just can't see myself purposely going to an apple website or a post for apple enthusiast and then commenting "Apple sucks". Whats the point? Why waste my time or theirs? It's not like I stand a chance of changing an apple fanboys mind. Even if these people see themselves as trying to help you(albeit in a very ineffective way) all it does is put people on the defensive. It seems almost like the internet version of Jehovah's Witnesses to me.(and we all know how much we love it when we are in our homes or place of comfort and you get that knock on the door to help you save your soul. RUN HIDE!) Sigh....why is it people just don't seem happy about stuff they have unless they feel it's better than what someone else has and why the need to go to where those people congregate to state something you know they not only won't like but are going to probably care less about because of where you posted it and how you posted it? Why the feeling that you can only put your device up by knocking someone elses down? I do understand that the basic human instinct is to be a flesh covered turd but still your insight would be appreciated. Thanks.