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Would like to hear your point of view


Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm still pretty new to this forum but I've liked what I've seen here so far and even commented a time or two already. I was thinking about posting this in the general part of the forum but since what really brought it to my attention was surfing the web for info on the HTC Vigor I decided to do it here instead. I'd like to pick a few brains if that's ok. I was hoping to get peoples opinion on something that seems to be a pretty regular thing on the internet but even more so in the tech part of it. I'm wondering why is it that if there is an article, post, or blog about a product whether it be just basic information on it or a place for interested parties/enthusiast of that product and gather together and talk people who hate that product, company, etc, seem almost drawn to that post and compelled to make a comment. The majority of which looks something like this. "I'm not getting this." or " X is better in my opinion and I would never get this." I mean I am not the biggest fan of apple but I just can't see myself purposely going to an apple website or a post for apple enthusiast and then commenting "Apple sucks". Whats the point? Why waste my time or theirs? It's not like I stand a chance of changing an apple fanboys mind. Even if these people see themselves as trying to help you(albeit in a very ineffective way) all it does is put people on the defensive. It seems almost like the internet version of Jehovah's Witnesses to me.(and we all know how much we love it when we are in our homes or place of comfort and you get that knock on the door to help you save your soul. RUN HIDE!) Sigh....why is it people just don't seem happy about stuff they have unless they feel it's better than what someone else has and why the need to go to where those people congregate to state something you know they not only won't like but are going to probably care less about because of where you posted it and how you posted it? Why the feeling that you can only put your device up by knocking someone elses down? I do understand that the basic human instinct is to be a flesh covered turd but still your insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
Welcome to AF

You can't control what other people do so there is no point in even pondering on their actions.
lol, I'll comment before this thread possibly gets moved...

I don't mind a dissenting point of view as long as it can provide some reason and some insight from the poster even if I'm reading about it from the ILove____AndAmGoingToGiveThisCompanyMyFirstBorn.com.

The posts that I've pretty much learned to tune out are the ones like your example above "Apple sucks", "Android sucks", etc. To me those posts read like, "I'm pretty much a brainwashed fool/nutswinging fanboy and I've been programmed to believe that product XXXX sucks even though I'm too dense and foolish to articulate my own reason for believing that product XXXX sucks."

Apple does a real good job of polarizing people one way or another. People tend to really love or really hate them. When someone really hates Apple I've noticed that they typically haven't had much experience with an Apple product or they had one negative experience that really sticks out, but typically the average Apple hater hasn't had much experience and isn't willing to try the product line. I've tried the product line and in fact supported their computers/iPhones/iPods etc for about a year and while I think it's a solid alternative to Windows based products, it's not for me. Granted I work in IT and my life pretty much revolves around Windows based systems.

But I pretty much don't mind an opposing point of view as long as it's tempered, well thought out, and not the typical trollish "Apple sucks because liberal weenie hippies that drive hybrid cars with no balls owns them!" kind of gibberish. I think as a consumer it helps me make a more informed decision. And lets face it, most companies want to offer the most to their consumers at the least cost to them so it's going to be hard for any company to offer an altruistic level of goods and services and not maintain great profitability. Its competitors will always try to find a way to offer more bang for the buck to displace the current king of the hill. Hell I remember when Apple was David, Microsoft was Goliath and Google was the new kid on the block trying to dethrone Yahoo as the foremost search engine. Times sure have changed.
Hell I remember when Apple was David, Microsoft was Goliath and Google was the new kid on the block trying to dethrone Yahoo as the foremost search engine. Times sure have changed.

Wow, I'd kinda forgotten about that. I mean they are so big now and worth billions. I do remember that though. Well I don't mind and opposing viewpoint and like you if it's done well with reasons and facts listed I will give it full consideration. I suppose the main point of my post was if you don't like Android why go to the "I LOVE Android" website to post negative things? Why not go to the "I love XXXXX site" and be amongst others who feel like you do and where your comments actually fit in. I guess it's like that previous poster said. You can never control the actions of others and you could go crazy trying to make sense of some things. I was just curious if there was some key point I was over looking or an alternate point of view that if explained well could help me to understand why people especially when dealing with tech based items seem to do this. Oh well.

I am starting to get really excited about the Vigor launch. It doesn't seem so far off in the distance now that we have heard some news and an event has been announced. I love this feeling of anxiousness before launch. At the same time I'm trying to keep myself and my expectations reserved so I don't psyche myself into disappointment like people did with the iphone.
Wow, I'd kinda forgotten about that. I mean they are so big now and worth billions. I do remember that though. Well I don't mind and opposing viewpoint and like you if it's done well with reasons and facts listed I will give it full consideration. I suppose the main point of my post was if you don't like Android why go to the "I LOVE Android" website to post negative things? Why not go to the "I love XXXXX site" and be amongst others who feel like you do and where your comments actually fit in. I guess it's like that previous poster said. You can never control the actions of others and you could go crazy trying to make sense of some things. I was just curious if there was some key point I was over looking or an alternate point of view that if explained well could help me to understand why people especially when dealing with tech based items seem to do this. Oh well.

I am starting to get really excited about the Vigor launch. It doesn't seem so far off in the distance now that we have heard some news and an event has been announced. I love this feeling of anxiousness before launch. At the same time I'm trying to keep myself and my expectations reserved so I don't psyche myself into disappointment like people did with the iphone.

Mostly it's a craving for attention that they're missing in their real life.

But, on the flip side there are also people that are so taken with something that I find it uncomfortably embarrassing to be around them when they're gushing about their favorite whatever.
Mostly it's a craving for attention that they're missing in their real life.

But, on the flip side there are also people that are so taken with something that I find it uncomfortably embarrassing to be around them when they're gushing about their favorite whatever.

I've kinda always wondered this as well. I remember when we were waiting for the Incredible that we'd have Sprint guys posting on the Inc thread and telling us how inferior it was going to be compared to the Evo. I remember even asking why they were posting there. Their response was that they had just as much right to post there as anyone else. I went on to ask what they expected to accomplish. That it was like a chevy guy going to a ford forum trying to start something. Having a rational discussion is fine, it's how we learn. But just trying to inflame a group is something I've never understood the point of.
lol, I'll comment before this thread possibly gets moved....

Cough cough :)

Yea since this has absolutely nothing to do with the Vigor I'm gonna move this to the lounge section where all the off-topic conversations go. Check it out, there is some interesting talks going on. :)
I personally don't care about one company or another. I buy the best products. I have had android phones since the original droid because that is when I feet they were the best (I had just got my iPhone 3GS about 6 months before that). I have had android since then because I feel it is still the best. I personally don't like HTC because I feel that Sense ruins Android.

I also don't hate Apple. I am typing this post on my iPad 2 right now, just as I do most of my posts on here. I bought the iPad 2 because I felt it was the best tablet.

I look at all electronics with an open mind, but I agree a lot of people do not, and yes it is childish to have to put down other devices to make you feel better. Unless you have specific reasons to not like something (like I do with Sense, or any other custom UI for that matter, but Sense is the worst).
Some of the "I hate" is other motivated. I believe the Iphone (popularitywise) was the cause of some of the data problems with carriers.

Now I've seen posts where the Ipad (again popularity) is starting to hog the free wifi at hotels and motels due to downloading videos.

This is pure greed and I'm half convinced Apple saw this. What it does is hurt moderate users that might only check email, box scores and read fora. I've seen articles saying that for most of us 2G of data is enough. So it's the few that cause the many to have problems. I've seen the greed in TMO fora. I'm not one of the greedy ones. I will pay for what I want. If I go over in data, I'd expect to pay for it.

We have greedy Android users, too. But they seem to be more of a minority. Most just accept what the phone does. Some root for better performance, but I think more of us root to get rid of the crap. I don't want "push" apps. So far, with Android, I can avoid them.
I heard a theory which stated that since geeks aren't involved in sports whilst growing up and don't follow any traditional sports teams, they find teams to support from other areas like the technology sector.

I'm not saying I agree with the theory but it is an interesting thought.
OP, I hear you and feel the pain.

When someone makes the perfect phone (or whatever), we'll probably all buy it. Until then, you can only go for what's best for you.

We try to keep the negativity down, best we can. After all, what's the point of hating anyway?

So - if you see a problem post around here, anything that griefs you, please just tap that handy !Report button that you'll find next to each and every post here. That will send that post to our hotline, and we'd be very appreciative for the help in looking out.

Reports - we love 'em, can't get enough! :)

PS - Made All-State in cross country, played basketball, baseball and hockey. So, not way sure about that theory - sounds more like another stereotype, but I could be wrong.
PS - Make All-State in cross country, played basketball, baseball and hockey. So, not way sure about that theory - sounds more like another stereotype, but I could be wrong.
But you're not an Apple-hating rabid fanatic of Android are you? or are you??

Maybe (according to the theory) your sports interests kept you from going down that path.
Cough cough :)

Yea since this has absolutely nothing to do with the Vigor I'm gonna move this to the lounge section where all the off-topic conversations go. Check it out, there is some interesting talks going on. :)

Some of us don't like to stray too far from the shallow end! ;)

In regards to the whole "XXXXX sucks, as someone who lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area I hear a lot of "Cowboys suck!" from my out of town friends. While at this moment find myself in total agreement, I also remember how dominating the Cowboys used to be and how consistent (prior to Romo of course) they were at winning (winning percentage every decade until Skeletor err Jerry Jones took tighter controls of the team). To me I always attribute trollish behavior like this as a sign of a company's/franchise's success. Sooner or later the trolls will hopefully realize that their excessive negative attitude towards a product/franchise etc etc only adds to the popularity of such entity. You have to figure the Yankees/Cowboys/Lakers etc are so hated because they've dashed the hopes of so many people who were rooting for their home team to win it all. It's nice to play spoiler to so many people sometimes... :D
I think what pissed most people about the Cowboys was the label "America's Team"
That makes it sound like if you support your local team, you are unAmerican.
But you're not an Apple-hating rabid fanatic of Android are you? or are you??

Maybe (according to the theory) your sports interests kept you from going down that path.

I'm an uber geek. I know many others who are, and who haven't gotten into sports, and they aren't fanboys, either.

As far as I can tell, fanboyism is a product of lack of self-esteem.

While it's a popular meme to call on the computer-wore-tennis-shoes and can't-get-a-date and can't-talk-to-girls and can't-use-a-toolbox, it's still just a stereotype. Just as many jocks-never-coded-in-thier-lives lack self-esteem and flame on forums and they're total fanboys.

Fanboys come in every size, shape, and form (including every gender).

True geeks don't blindly follow Android or Apple - true geeks want to know why neither side has gotten it right yet, God only knows they've got the money, the tools and the talent.

Right now, I think Android is far, far, far better. For me.

(posted from a Mac, if that answers your question)
way too lazy to read all of you guy's and gals post so far (sorry).

But I think one of the biggest things that cause people to "troll"competing products is buyers remorse. People buy one phone then months later realize they wanted something else. Obviously not everyone falls under that category, but a fair amount do. Another huge contributing factor is the image they present to others, especially now-a-days where smartphones have become a "must have accessory" instead of an "important business tool".
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