I am a programmer.
So you would use time writing lines of code,
then compile it on a operating system whose binaries are not compatible with windows?
I think you fail to realize the headache of debugging on a system only to find out your flawless code may not be easily compiled in windows.
Or the heartache of piss poor sales by not compiling for most the world.
I'm a programmer.
Much code written with GCC can be handled with a standard set of ifdef clauses in a few header files and be compiled for OS X, Windows (using MS Studio instead) and Linux.
And you get to do it on one platform running two virtual environments.
With proper coding disciplines, it's more efficient and far more effective because you can take advantage of single point maintenence.
Use Python/Tk for your UI layer and you have less to do supporting divergent window managers.
And less heartache because when an order says, may I buy a site license for platform X, the answer is yes.
Having done this for over a decade, I am quite certain that that model works really well.
If you want to cater to a closed platform and be at the whims of any .Net changes along with a bloated installer supporting legacy versions of that nonsense, you can follow that model instead.
And the day when you can't get there from here following Microsoft's so-called standards, you can look at this post for an alternative approach.
One of my competitors went out of business following the .Net/pure Microsoft approach. Their headache was large indeed.