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You should all be thanking me...

John I

Well-Known Member
I just guaranteed the Froyo and the GPS fix will be OTA for Captivate in the next two weeks. "How" you might ask? By getting AT&T to allow me to end my Captivate contract 1.5 years early and switch to a Motorola ATRIX. Knowing my luck the fix will come out within hours receiving my ATRIX.

I have grown very tired of waiting for the fixes. Even if the fix does come out soon I don't want it at this point. The GPS glitches that I experienced recently in LA and then Miami were almost enough to make me throw the phone out the window of the car. I am also tired of the lag and random shutdowns.

Tonight I got an AT&T manager on the phone who basically admitted that I was entitled to an early upgrade. It will cost me $130 with free overnight shipping when available. It will be well worth it to finally have a phone that is not gimped. Never again will I own a Samsung device if I can help it.

I use this phone a lot for work and travel. It is a corporate phone with company discount. Rooting and flashing is not an option that I wanted to pursue.

In my conversation with the AT&T manager it was apparent that I am not the first to complain about the horrendous support this "high end" phone has received. He also understood all too well that a whole lot of Captivate owners have rooted and loaded their own ROMs. He was very accommodating when I mentioned that I was willing to move to Verizon to get out from under the Captivate.

As long as they don't make me send it in; I will have a nice, never-rooted Captivate for sale very soon. :cool:

As long as they don't make me send it in; I will have a nice, never-rooted Captivate for sale very soon. :cool:


I went on ebay today to check out prices for Captivates. Seems like the market is flooded right now, since the Inspire came out. Only going to get worse once the Atrix hits.
I went on ebay today to check out prices for Captivates. Seems like the market is flooded right now, since the Inspire came out. Only going to get worse once the Atrix hits.

Yeah that is not surprising. I should get at least the $130 that the ATRIX cost me. Hopefully enough to cover a car dock too. I get 50% off on accessories online from AT&T.

Yeah that is not surprising. I should get at least the $130 that the ATRIX cost me. Hopefully enough to cover a car dock too. I get 50% off on accessories online from AT&T.


Yeah, most seemed to be hovering in the 250 range. You should easily cover the Atrix cost.
Try Craigslist as well, in my area Captivates are going for right around $285-$300. Plus CL is free. Good luck.
Why would you buy an Atrix? It's already a dead end phone imo, the Galaxy S 2 is superior in every way.

We all have different expectations. Here is my thought process:

1) Atrix is not Samsung
2) Atrix has a GPS that works really well
3) Atrix has Froyo and Flash out of the box.
4) Atrix has no lag
5) Atrix has an LED flash
6) Atrix is not Samsung

As I mentioned above I am not interested in a phone that I have to load my own bootlegged software. I don't want to sideload or root. Unlike the Captivate the Atrix works fine out of the box and I don't care if they never update it (though I am sure it will be updated to at least 2.3 or 3.0 before the 2011 is over).

I am also interested in the media dock and I do play a lot of games on my phone so the Nvidia chipset is intriguing to me.

As for the Galaxy 2... How many months away is it? There will always be another phone around the corner that is "better" than the one I've got. Any yes, it is a Samsung.
The only people I am thanking are the people on this forum and XDA who have shared their know-how, and genius as to how to root these phones and get the most out of them.
I've rooted, and flashed Paragon RC5. After a 5 minute phone conversation with AT&T I have replaced my "powering off" Captivate. My refurbished model is a 1007 build, not a new one.
I've had zero problems, Paragon rc5 screams, and my GPS is like my shadow. I am a slave no longer to AT&T, I am free! whooohooo!
Root it and flash it.
Don't get pissed and smash it.
For me I am holding out until new phones (from HTC) arriving toward the end of the year running Ice Cream, which is the merge between Honeycomb and Gingerbread.

Upgrade to a different phone now would just extend my upgrade eligibility date. Can't use a different line since my wife is waiting for the iPhone 5.
For me I am holding out until new phones (from HTC) arriving toward the end of the year running Ice Cream, which is the merge between Honeycomb and Gingerbread.

Agree with your approach. I, too, will likely make my next device of the HTC variety. That said, I've only resided in the Captivate forum so I don't have a feel for the types and severity of any issues HTC folks may have had with their devices. Well, 10-1/2 months is a long time in the technology world so HTC has plenty of time to either prove themselves further...or otherwise.
While Samsung certainly has a bad track record, no phone manufacturer is without their lemons. I would not consider the Atrix or any other phone from any manufacturer until it had been on general sale for a few weeks and sufficient feedback had rolled in.

I'd think, as Captivate owners, you would've learned the hard lesson of being an overly-enthusiastic early-adopter. ;)
I would not consider the Atrix or any other phone from any manufacturer until it had been on general sale for a few weeks and sufficient feedback had rolled in.

a thousand times this!

i am considering switching to the Atrix when it comes out, because my wifes line will be up for upgrade and i will give her the cappy. but im not going to risk it until 1. i can go into a store and put one through its paces, and 2. theres a decent amount of feedback to be found on it.

i was also considering swapping for the HTC. but after playing with one, comparing its screen to my AMOLED, and discussing battery life with a few people who i know have them....i changed my mind.
I agree with oFUNGUSo, i held the Captivate and Inspire side by side in the store and browsed the same pictures using Google images and the Captivate won hands down. I do not understand when people say they cannot tell the difference, maybe I am just finicky. But its like the difference between a Panasonic Elite Plasma and a regular Panasonic LCD aa few years back. Both are good, but there really is a visual difference.

Cross my fingers I am on day 6 of owning a brand new Captivate and not a single shutdown so far, GPS though is quite slow to lock (2-3 minutes).

Hopefully some Atrix reviews come out next week and I will be going to the AT&T store to check out its screen first hand.
The only people I am thanking are the people on this forum and XDA who have shared their know-how, and genius as to how to root these phones and get the most out of them.
I've rooted, and flashed Paragon RC5. After a 5 minute phone conversation with AT&T I have replaced my "powering off" Captivate. My refurbished model is a 1007 build, not a new one.
I've had zero problems, Paragon rc5 screams, and my GPS is like my shadow. I am a slave no longer to AT&T, I am free! whooohooo!
Root it and flash it.
Don't get pissed and smash it.

^^^ This

I love how people just have to come to the forum to tell us they're leaving because *their* phone is a piece of crap.

Grass is always greener. They'll be on the the Motorola, HTC, LG, Nokia, etc. forums soon enough, grumbling about their new phones.

To quote the great Clint Eastwood: "Don't go away mad... just, go away."
While Samsung certainly has a bad track record, no phone manufacturer is without their lemons. I would not consider the Atrix or any other phone from any manufacturer until it had been on general sale for a few weeks and sufficient feedback had rolled in.

I'd think, as Captivate owners, you would've learned the hard lesson of being an overly-enthusiastic early-adopter. ;)

Or you are a late adopter in late October who is flat out told by the AT&T staff that an update will be released in a few days that will fix the GPS and lag issues, and that froyo will be out by the end of last year.

I may try and get the phone switched, but aside from the lag, my phone so far has been trouble free, and it's just features that I wanted with the phone causing my frustration, not features that are broken. My GPS works as long as it isn't overcast, and I don't have rebooting issues, but I still don't like the lack of support almost to the point where I'm ready to throw it back to AT&T and request a supported phone. Of course, that HTC inspire looks nice, but I'd rather wait for true LTE 4G and dual core phones, and hope to god they don't start charging a ridiculous amount for another sub-par network structure.

Maybe I'll switch to Verizon or Sprint once my contract is up, I'm getting tired of this...
We all have different expectations. Here is my thought process:

1) Atrix is not Samsung
2) Atrix has a GPS that works really well
3) Atrix has Froyo and Flash out of the box.
4) Atrix has no lag
5) Atrix has an LED flash
6) Atrix is not Samsung

As I mentioned above I am not interested in a phone that I have to load my own bootlegged software. I don't want to sideload or root. Unlike the Captivate the Atrix works fine out of the box and I don't care if they never update it (though I am sure it will be updated to at least 2.3 or 3.0 before the 2011 is over).

I am also interested in the media dock and I do play a lot of games on my phone so the Nvidia chipset is intriguing to me.

As for the Galaxy 2... How many months away is it? There will always be another phone around the corner that is "better" than the one I've got. Any yes, it is a Samsung.

That's amazing that you already know the Atrix has no lag and great GPS out of the box. You're probably okay that all of the Horoscopes changed as well, right?
Neither of them has upgraded their Galaxy S phones either...

With my experience with AT&T's customer support and their poor reps at the corporate stores, I'd rather make the switch. At least I'll have a working network connection.

Of course, staying away from Samsung's phones until they change their ways is a given, but I've been thinking about switching carriers for years now. However, when you have 5 lines that are up at different times, and with everybody somehow getting a crappy phone that breaks as soon as two years are up no matter what we spend on the phones, it's very hard to get out of the contract :(
While Samsung certainly has a bad track record, no phone manufacturer is without their lemons. I would not consider the Atrix or any other phone from any manufacturer until it had been on general sale for a few weeks and sufficient feedback had rolled in.

I'd think, as Captivate owners, you would've learned the hard lesson of being an overly-enthusiastic early-adopter. ;)

You know.

Those who fail to learn from the past.

I am not one to wish ill will on anyone.

However, if your going to early adopt.. have problems.. then early adopt again.. I really don't think you should be taken too seriously when you complain..
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