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You should all be thanking me...

Or you are a late adopter in late October who is flat out told by the AT&T staff that an update will be released in a few days that will fix the GPS and lag issues, and that froyo will be out by the end of last year.

I may try and get the phone switched, but aside from the lag, my phone so far has been trouble free, and it's just features that I wanted with the phone causing my frustration, not features that are broken. My GPS works as long as it isn't overcast, and I don't have rebooting issues, but I still don't like the lack of support almost to the point where I'm ready to throw it back to AT&T and request a supported phone. Of course, that HTC inspire looks nice, but I'd rather wait for true LTE 4G and dual core phones, and hope to god they don't start charging a ridiculous amount for another sub-par network structure.

Maybe I'll switch to Verizon or Sprint once my contract is up, I'm getting tired of this...

You have 30 days to evaluate your phone.. if your not happy with it at take it back before the end of the 30 days.. thats what I've told every customer I've ever had.

Aside from that.. a breif check into samsungs past reveals volume's.
You have 30 days to evaluate your phone.. if your not happy with it at take it back before the end of the 30 days.. thats what I've told every customer I've ever had.

Aside from that.. a breif check into samsungs past reveals volume's.

Too bad I used my 30 day evaluation period back in October with the Motorola Backflip and decided to get the Captivate instead because it seemed to be a much more full-featured phone without major bugs or at least that was what the AT&T rep told me. And get this, if you switch your phones within the 30 day period, you can't have another evaluation period, you are stuck with the phone until your contract is up or you pay full price for another one.

But if I really want to, I suppose I could shell out $400 for a no-contract phone. I just have no idea where I would get the money from :(

Just wondering if all the Samsung smart phones are crippled. I have two basic SS phones and they work fine, but all I ever read about their smart phones is how bad they are.
I know the Intercept is, and there was another, though I don't think it is the same as yours that had issues, so if you count the model you had/have that would be 3 Samsung Android phones that were bad designs.

Some one at Samsung needs to take a close look at Motorolas and HTC phones.
They seem to have way fewer problems. Heck, my LG Optimus (with everything on) is great, faster etc than the Intercept was with all the bells and whistles turned off.

Just wondering
Hopefully the S2 will be on sale unlocked and unbranded from any carrier-obviously for those that can afford the more than likely $600 tag..but should be available anyway
I was very impressed with the sats of the Atrix. Then I read a review last Saturday that said the data download speed was s-l-o-w. Then I thought about the Inspire until I read that the data upolad speed is s-l-o-w. I guess I would rather have a slow upload than a slow download. I am interested in seeing what these two phones do once AT&T activates their "4G" system. But will probably wait until they get a true LTE phone.
OMaybe I'll switch to Verizon or Sprint once my contract is up, I'm getting tired of this...

Paying more per-month and getting less-coverage in-return are not options I'm interested in considering. AT&T sucks but Verizon and Sprint suck even more. Also, SIM cards and rollover minutes are rather nice.
Paying more per-month and getting less-coverage in-return are not options I'm interested in considering. AT&T sucks but Verizon and Sprint suck even more. Also, SIM cards and rollover minutes are rather nice.

That's pretty much why the only other options I considered was T-Mobile. I had them...probably 10 years ago. When I had service, it was superb. The customer service was phenomenal. It was an issue of most of my usual travel areas failed to get service (or get good service at least!). I've looked over their maps, talked to some people who have them now, and it seems like they've fixed their coverage issues.

Besides, as the "4th of 4" carriers, their packages are definitely designed to get customers in the door. I mean unlimited data is still readily available!
That's amazing that you already know the Atrix has no lag and great GPS out of the box. You're probably okay that all of the Horoscopes changed as well, right?

After having the Atrix for a couple of days now; it is loaded up to the hilt with all the same apps my Captivate was. Two things for sure: 1- There is zero lag. Zero. Everything runs fast and responsive. I had gotten used to hitting the return and home buttons on Captivate multiple times before it responded...not any more. 2- The GPS locks on instantaneously and is extremely accurate. Even sitting on my center console the accuracy is insane. The satellite view showed me centered in the exact parking spot that I pulled into earlier today - I got a strange feeling that it was somehow a live picture from above.

I'll post a mini-review over in the Atrix area. It is not completely cut and dry, but I think I will end up keeping the Atrix and selling the Captivate.

I just guaranteed the Froyo and the GPS fix will be OTA for Captivate in the next two weeks. "How" you might ask? By getting AT&T to allow me to end my Captivate contract 1.5 years early and switch to a Motorola ATRIX. Knowing my luck the fix will come out within hours receiving my ATRIX.

I have grown very tired of waiting for the fixes. Even if the fix does come out soon I don't want it at this point. The GPS glitches that I experienced recently in LA and then Miami were almost enough to make me throw the phone out the window of the car. I am also tired of the lag and random shutdowns.

Tonight I got an AT&T manager on the phone who basically admitted that I was entitled to an early upgrade. It will cost me $130 with free overnight shipping when available. It will be well worth it to finally have a phone that is not gimped. Never again will I own a Samsung device if I can help it.

I use this phone a lot for work and travel. It is a corporate phone with company discount. Rooting and flashing is not an option that I wanted to pursue.

In my conversation with the AT&T manager it was apparent that I am not the first to complain about the horrendous support this "high end" phone has received. He also understood all too well that a whole lot of Captivate owners have rooted and loaded their own ROMs. He was very accommodating when I mentioned that I was willing to move to Verizon to get out from under the Captivate.

As long as they don't make me send it in; I will have a nice, never-rooted Captivate for sale very soon. :cool:

wow thnkyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I just guaranteed the Froyo and the GPS fix will be OTA for Captivate in the next two weeks. "How" you might ask? By getting AT&T to allow me to end my Captivate contract 1.5 years early and switch to a Motorola ATRIX. Knowing my luck the fix will come out within hours receiving my ATRIX.

Thank you for causing the 2.2 to get released for the Captivate.

It's just like washing your car will guarantee that it will rain.
Tonight I got an AT&T manager on the phone who basically admitted that I was entitled to an early upgrade. It will cost me $130 with free overnight shipping when available. It will be well worth it to finally have a phone that is not gimped. Never again will I own a Samsung device if I can help it.

Um, how are you entitled to an early upgrade? I would like to do this as well if possible.
Um, how are you entitled to an early upgrade? I would like to do this as well if possible.

Because the Captivate never performed as advertised. The GPS was never fixed and the phone was gimped without Froyo. It was supposed to be the ATT "flagship" android since July and never lived up to that billing. Despite claiming they never "promised" updates and fixes; they actually did the whole way along "don't quote me on this but Froyo and the GPS fix will be out in XX days, so just be patient..."
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