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Your favorite celebrity to hate, and why

Totally agree with Larry The Cable Guy. Ignorance is ignorance whether you're black, white, our from Jersey. Dane Cook annoys me too. And Tara Banks.
How could I forget Dane Cook lol? Terrible. And Tyra is so full of herself. Good calls.
Matt Damon. Ben Affleck to a lesser degree. And to this point, I still cannot understand why I am saying this one first. Lindsey Lohan.
Love this thread!

Charlie Sheen for me. Used to like him, but now that he's decided to actually no longer hide just how entitled he feels he is.
Okay....I have several, but for starters:
1-That disgusting, mindless, tub of guts, Kevin Smith.
2-That pathetic, brainless, beauty bucket pagent queen, Sarah Palin.
3- That over-the-hill, has-been, condescending, conceited, smug, oversized, "I still think I'm an actor", "I've had to overcome difficulties all of my life", "no one treats me with the respect I deserve", Lou Ferrigno
For the record, I hold Mythbusters separate from any other reality tv. They are exempt because they rock.

Also Dirty Jobs and Swamp Loggers, IMO. (I admit to a fondness for TruTV's "World's Dumbest", but everyone needs some no-brainer giggles in their entertainment life, and the clips do make me feel better about my own IOHS moments.)

The no-talent "famous for being famous" types irritate me, but what really fries me is the ones who figure because they're famous, they're actually politically influential and run off at the mouth about all sorts of stuff they don't have any real knowledge of (agree with an earlier cite of Jenny McCarthy). Also the ones who push their political agendas instead of actually doing what they're being paid to do and entertain their audience, or who sneer at and condescend to anyone who dares hold views differing from their own.
How about Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, and every other comedian who milks a single joke or a catchphrase for their whole career? The only thing amusing about LTCG is his fans from the south who are too dumb to realize they should be offended by his act. (he's from Nebraska, and his name is Daniel)

I suspect Jeff Foxworthy of being a relative of mine. He knows my family too well (and I think he's funny, but that's my opinion). Larry's a bit dumb, but the Blue Collar guy I really hate is Ron White. Crude, dumb, deliberately obnoxious, and relies too much on vulgarity in lieu of wit.
Opinions vary. We have a local newscaster that can't pronounce anything. Instead of saying "It's cold in Midland," she says "It's code in Mitland"
Mariah Carey. Something about her irritates me to no end.

+1. I have no idea what she's like as a person, but I can't stand her "singing". Screeching high notes at frequencies that probably send dogs and bats running for cover, showoffy "go all over the scale" vocal gimmickry that makes it difficult to even understand the lyrics (and heaven forbid La Diva should actually adjust her vocal games to FIT the song), and IMO way over-hyped. Yeah, wide range, but she's lousy at making GOOD use of it since she's too busy showing off.
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