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Zenithink ZT-180 1GHz 10" tablet

I have an older Radio Shack universal power supply. It has an assortment of tips similar to what that one has. None of them fit the ZT-180, as it has a center pin.

I have already ordered this one:

Polaroid DSA-20R-12 Switching Power Supply 9V 2A

The tip may not be correct, but at least the output is correct. I can replace the tip. But I need to know the ID and OD of the one that it uses.
A co-worker gave me a power supply from a broken portable DVD player:

Output: 9VDC, 2.2A

I don't know if the extra .2 amps (200mA?) would wreck the tablet. Any electrical engineers out there?
A co-worker gave me a power supply from a broken portable DVD player:

Output: 9VDC, 2.2A

I don't know if the extra .2 amps (200mA?) would wreck the tablet. Any electrical engineers out there?

The plus 10% shouldn't be any problem... could charge a bit faster if Battery were really low but the tablet has a cutoff that stops charging once the battery is around 8.5v... It's seems a pretty standard 7.4v li-poly battery that usually has a range of low cut ~6v high cur ~8.4
The plus 10% shouldn't be any problem... could charge a bit faster if Battery were really low but the tablet has a cutoff that stops charging once the battery is around 8.5v... It's seems a pretty standard 7.4v li-poly battery that usually has a range of low cut ~6v high cur ~8.4
I tried it, and yup, it works. :)

Thanks for the reassurance. My brother is an electrical engineer, so I still want to ask his opinion. The one I ordered was shipped today, so now I will have two power supplies. Maybe I'll leave one at work.

Right now it's charging. I have an old laptop with WinXP on it, along with four different versions of Linux. I'll have to fire it up and install the firmware programs on it. I assume that I can just install the latest version, and bypass the first updates.
I tried it, and yup, it works. :)

Thanks for the reassurance. My brother is an electrical engineer, so I still want to ask his opinion. The one I ordered was shipped today, so now I will have two power supplies. Maybe I'll leave one at work.

Right now it's charging. I have an old laptop with WinXP on it, along with four different versions of Linux. I'll have to fire it up and install the firmware programs on it. I assume that I can just install the latest version, and bypass the first updates.

Fair Nuf... No electrical engineer here... ran out of money at MIT and Northestern for Electrical engineering in the 70's... but been in the industry since...

You want to go to 0818 or 0827 direct... I'd choose 0827 as they fixed more internal things... but they removed some things/apps people seem to like between 0818 and 0827... Problem will be the flashtool and USB driver only run on 32 bit windows...
Hello Everyone,

I am Based in New York City

I just Received my Zenethink ZT-180 Running Android 2.1 ROM is 0826

note: There is a newer version of the ROM 0827 (with the supposed 3G support) my current version works perfectly that I did not want to jinx it.

I am offering my own short review of the product. I am not going to clutter this page with the specs because we already have that in the begining:

I. Seller: www.androidtime.com

Contact Person: Martin
Email: bluetech001@gmail.com

Why was this seller chosen:

Actually by accident, I was looking something to replace an HP TC4200 tablet being used by my 108 year old "adopted" grandmother (Yes she likes it because the stylus allows her to write notes and underline her emails) I have a funny story when we went to see the iPad in the 5th Avenue store but that is another story.

My specs was 10.2 tablet with HDMI out. After numerous searches I ended up at the adroidtime site. Now a word of caution "DO NOT TAKE THE SITE SPECS AT FACE VALUE" always ask questions otherwise you will endup like me with a 10.2 inch Tablet without a HDMI out.

I placed my order on August 18, 2010

On August 19 I receive an email from martin informing me of a delay because he is waiting for Tablets with the "Newer Rom"

On August 22 I receive an email informing me that the Tablet shipped via DHL and a tracking number.

I received the tablet August 23.

After a quick inspection no HDMI out port, so naturally an email was sent out seeking explanation.

Martin was very polite in explaining to me the manufaturer decided that the newer models would not have any HDMI out port and offered several options to resolve the matter.

So I decided to give it a try... Then trouble... by August 25 it was necessary to shipped the product back.

Now normally a supplier would either wait until they receive the defective unit before shipping out the replacement or Get your credit card info send you a replacement and charge you if you dont send back the defective unit in X number of days.

Martin did neither - He sent me my replacement as soon as I gave him the tracking number of the return product.

Replacement was shipped September 2nd Item Received September 3rd

(note: the gap between August 25 and September 2 was because he was looking for a 10.2 with HDMI out. He managed to find one with camera and HDMI port but it was 7")

Criteria: 10 = Perfect Score

Price (Self explanatory)
Order Handling (invoices, shipping information, alert if there are delays)
Shipping: Date when order was made - Date Received
Support: (Timeliness of response to queries, willingness to resolve an issue.)

Price: $199.90 + shipping (8)
Order Halndling: 10
Shipping: 5 days (10)
Support: 10

Overall experience with this seller is 38/40 or 95%

The Product: ZT-180 10.2 256 MB RAM 2GBNANDD

Body Construction: Plastic but does not feel flimsy 8 out of 10
Boot up Time: 50 seconds
Responsiveness: 8 out of 10 (10 being your capacitative multitouch screens)
Sound Quality: 7 out of 10 (hey what do you expect from a tiniwinie speaker on an under $200 tablet)
Video: (Macross Zero, AVI format) very smooth. I am waiting for a blueray conversion of avatar being done by a friend of mine. (9 out of 10)

Overall experience with this product is 32/40 or 80% (So far)

Note I will add more as I continue to test.
Hello Everyone,

I am Based in New York City

I just Received my Zenethink ZT-180 Running Android 2.1 ROM is 0826

note: There is a newer version of the ROM 0827 (with the supposed 3G support) my current version works perfectly that I did not want to jinx it.

I am offering my own short review of the product:

0827 Rom/Firmware was built on 0826 so likely the same if you are going by the kernel date/version...
Anyone tried flashing the pre-modded system.img over at xda?

also, can someone post up latin IME apk for me.. accidentally deleted it when messing round with things. Prolly quicker just to reflash though.
hi all ,

just got my unit today , however i have some problems ..
i am currently on 0826 version and canot seem to get my wireless running ..
1. i tried to connect it straight to the network and it does not work too !
2. programs in the unit seem limited and i am not able to use the usb port ?

your help is greatly appreciated
hi all ,

just got my unit today , however i have some problems ..
i am currently on 0826 version and canot seem to get my wireless running ..
1. i tried to connect it straight to the network and it does not work too !
2. programs in the unit seem limited and i am not able to use the usb port ?

your help is greatly appreciated

Hi dani,

I have had the same problems as you, and I think many others too. It seems that wireless connections are far from reliable on these devices.

My advice, if you want to keep the tablet, would be to change you routers' security settings to wep (if you have not already done this) or turn off security completely (at your own risk of course).

The tablet struggles to establish wireless connections to wpa encrypted signals. Wep does work, just not very well. From my own experience, to achieve a connection strong enough to browse the internet, you must stand next to your wireless router!

What you do next is completely up to you. Hopefully you have the option of returning the unit if you feel it is necessary... I certainly did.
hi all ,

just got my unit today , however i have some problems ..
i am currently on 0826 version and canot seem to get my wireless running ..
1. i tried to connect it straight to the network and it does not work too !
2. programs in the unit seem limited and i am not able to use the usb port ?

your help is greatly appreciated


What wireless security are you using? I had similar problems using WEP, I switched to WPA, give it a try.

On signal Strenght, it must be the location of the antena. I observed that if I point the tablets back side flat towards the wireless router I get a full signal, if I angle it signal Strenght drops by half, despite the fact that I am less than 10 ft. away form the wireless router.
Just upgraded my zt-180 to 0827 but now there is no office app and no PDF reader.
Installed Adobe PDF reader but is crashes as I turn the first page.
Does anybody know of a fix or a dependable PDF reader that would work

Adobe Reader: the same, crash after the 1st page.

I gave a try to DocumentsToGO (full version, 9.99$). It works more or less, slow a bit, crashes 10% of cases, the rendered picture qulity is poor. I used for colour magazines (SciAM, Discoverer...).

A question:

I haven't seen such type USB-RJ45 connector. What is to be connected: an active adaptor or passive (cable only) connector?
I created a realtime chat channel for Android Tablets on Freenode.

You can go here freenode Web IRC (qwebirc) and connect by picking a nickname and then in the Channel option put #AndroidTablets I think we could get alot accomplished by realtime chats and not having to wait.
I created a realtime chat channel for Android Tablets on Freenode....

...I think we could get alot accomplished by realtime chats and not having to wait.
Yes, but then your work and solutions won't be available to everyone else. By doing everything in the forum, it is automatically archived and available for reference to everyone.
could some1 please post a video of this tablet running pdfs, or even alittle comment or 2 about how you find it handles pdfs.

I am interested in using this tablet for pdf reading, 300pages etc, with some images.

If this is not a good tablet for such a thing, can any1 recommend an alternative? the cheaper the better, but at least 3-4hrs battery life of reading pdfs

thx in advanced
I tried Adobe pdf reader for Andriod but it crashed everytime that I turned the first page of the document.

I then downloaded DroidReader, now so far this has read about 80% of my documents, some it does reject, but I don't think that size is a problem

The quick office app did have a pdf reader but it hung on a number of occasions

My ZT-180 is running 2.1 on 0827 firmware, there are still a few issues
I have one and I cant see were the 1ghz comes in everytime I try to download something it tells me to put in a sd card, I cant access pandora, not able to download any apps at all and its the same tablet from zenithink. I can access web pages superfast and mail. Can someone help me please.
I have one and I cant see were the 1ghz comes in everytime I try to download something it tells me to put in a sd card, I cant access pandora, not able to download any apps at all and its the same tablet from zenithink. I can access web pages superfast and mail. Can someone help me please.

Unfortunately you will not get far until you do put in a TF/MicroSD card... though the Tablet stock has almost 1.5GB of space left the way the OS is installed this space is in a location that by default no programs use... Most Android programs assume they are being run on an Android Cell phone where all the open space for them to save things is on /sdcard thus until you have an sdcard they will not funtion as expected...
I got mine today and unfortunately it doesn't charge, I thought it was the charger so went to radio shack and got another one and still not working, I think mine came shot... :( now gotta wait for another week for replacement.
I got mine today and unfortunately it doesn't charge, I thought it was the charger so went to radio shack and got another one and still not working, I think mine came shot... :( now gotta wait for another week for replacement.
Are you sure that the Radio Shack charger has the correct output? The one provided with the ZT-180 has a 2 amp output (2000 mA). If the amperage is too low it would take a much longer time to charge, and you would not be able to run it from the power supply. You also could damage the power supply, because the ZT-180 could draw more amperage than the power supply could give.

If you have access to a volt/ohm meter, check the voltage output of the power supply that came with it, it should be 9 volts DC or slightly more. Checking amperage is not so easy, so I can't give a method for that.

I have a new ZT-180 but I can


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