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Root ZTE Zmax Pro Official Root Discussion

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OK. I found out something really interesting guys. We also have toybox! Google it. And android built it in all their marshmallow devices!! You can access it in terminal emulator just type toybox it works like busybox! When I tried the mount rw command in toybox it gave me something about can't use it in fstab message. Also this is for devs here:

I ran getprop in terminal emulator and the recovery id is there. Do you think this can help in building TWRP for our phone?


Well since you asked.. ONLY if you are willing to try it. Edit the fix permissions script replace ALL busybox words in the command lines in the script. Replace it with toybox. Save it. Then run it and/or on boot.

I must warn you this might brick your device because toybox is really the one being used by marshmallow devices ok?

You don't have to do this. Try at your own risk.
Didn't @messi2050 build a TWRP already?
I ran toybox lsattr command. I knew the answer but shins and gerbles it was
anyone ever check this out?
i know it on a twitter and might not be true but .........
If you update you have the option to /root and go back to an older version.
Win win.
For some reason I am led to believe that you work for ZTE and are trying to get people to update, and the part about downgrading is untrue. Mainly because you said you have the option to root, which I already know is bullshit,ue to all these other people who updated and do not have root. And if you do in fact, work for ZTE and are trolling us, GTFO. This also leads me to believe that we may have struck a nerve somewhere and are closer than we realize.
<blockquote>dontpanicbobbyIf you update you have the option to /root and go back to an older version.<i>Win win.</i></blockquote>For some reason I am led to believe that you work for ZTE and are trying to get people to update, and the part about downgrading is untrue. Mainly because you said you have the option to root, which I already know is bullshit,ue to all these other people who updated and do not have root. And if you do in fact, work for ZTE and are trolling us, GTFO.

I got scammed ;-;


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It is interesting. Because of these box applet/commands. I kind of get how android works. And it works like windows 95 days. Where you have windows (the android) and also boot in DOS mode (the box applets).

So the only thing left for me to learn is how to compile these applets so I can access root.

I wonder if I can unbrick my alcatel with this new knowledge.
Windows 95 dos was based off the concept of linux/unix.

Android is linux/unix with a graphical gui.
Which is why you can run ubuntu on any android phone.

Anyway i played with a zmax pro today and noticed zte threw in a bunch of toys on /system/bin.

Some with a single output of true or fapse which id like to decompile some of them to see what they do.

I especially love /system/bin/yes.. it sends a non stop output of y and crash the phone when the memory is full.
Windows 95 dos was based off the concept of linux/unix.

Android is linux/unix with a graphical gui.
Which is why you can run ubuntu on any android phone.

Anyway i played with a zmax pro today and noticed zte threw in a bunch of toys on /system/bin.

Some with a single output of true or fapse which id like to decompile some of them to see what they do.

I especially love /system/bin/yes.. it sends a non stop output of y and crash the phone when the memory is full.

Is that equivalent of kernal panick? Could we send that command while using kingroot force panick and king slips it the Jimmy? ;)
Windows 95 dos was based off the concept of linux/unix.

Android is linux/unix with a graphical gui.
Which is why you can run ubuntu on any android phone.

Anyway i played with a zmax pro today and noticed zte threw in a bunch of toys on /system/bin.

Some with a single output of true or fapse which id like to decompile some of them to see what they do.

I especially love /system/bin/yes.. it sends a non stop output of y and crash the phone when the memory is full.
So I can basically go into system/bin via command line, and run yes while KR is running? Something to try.
Well, I tried it. It responded with a number (I am guessing it was the process ID). At the time, I had Napster running, playing Buckethead, and Firefox open, with 2 tabs open. As soon as it displayed the PID, the music started skipping for about 2 seconds and the phone locked up to where I had to do a hard reset. KingRoot was my running. I am going to try it with KingRoot running as soon as I get home from work. As far as kernel panic, it didn't say one way or the other, so..maybe?
So I jus, made the mistake of trying to open KR as soon as I started the fork bomb, and I couldn't even change windows. This time I had to hold the power button down even longer for it to turn off, then do the same to turn it back on. So the forkbomb is definitely having some kind of effect, so here is what to try:

Open your terminal (I am using Termux), and type the following into the command line:
:(){ :|:& };:
AFTER starting up KingRoot. Let's see if we can make something happen. By the way, note the space after the { and the space before the }.
Did it again, this time with KingRoot running beforehand, and I was able to switch windows fast enough this time before it froze. But that is all that happened.The phone froze on the KingRoot "checking" screen. I let it sit for a few minutes and hard reset, still no root, I don't know exactly how to make it work after the freeze, which I am assuming is the kernel panic. How exactly do I check this? I tried dmesg, but I guess that isn't in Android. I ran logcat but this is all I got:

$ logcat
--------- beginning of system
03-20 06:22:57.715 13185 13185 I ActivityThread: Switching default density from 480 to 300
--------- beginning of main
03-20 06:25:43.765 13185 13194 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep
GC freed 22991(1270KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 61% free, 
3MB/9MB, paused 6.672ms total 56.577ms

I will try logcat again and run the forkbomb while it is running and see if I can see anything.

Edit: So I tried it, and I was able to switch back to the logcat tab in Termux, but that was when it froze before anything new popped up. This time, however, after about 30 seconds to a minute, the phone hard rebooted itself.
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With all that is happening, I can't help but think I am causing kernel panics left and right with this, but I don't know where to go from here. It is so effective in locking up the phone there isn't much wiggle room to do anything before it completely locks up or hard resets.
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