Samsung S10, Bixby button - set to take screenshots.
I used to have a routine that would take a screenshot of a screen, without prompting and/or showing the results.
Just a short notification that the screenshot was taken. This worked fine for a lllong time.
Regretfully Samsung decided to update Bixby so the routine doesn't work anymore.
At least .. not properly.
There is some blue spinning circle and I can't close it without some error message.
I -might- link to the Bixby button to some screenshot taking app.
However, when pushing the Bixby button the app will be opened and I should go from there.
That isn't really what I had in mind: I should be able to take screenshots one after the other without any interruptions.
So, the way before Samsung updated Bixby.
Q: does anybody out there know an app that could link to the Bixby button and that will silently take screenshots upon pushing that button?
(I vainly searched for it)
p.s. The way I
had set it up is described in this Youtube video.
How to take a screenshot with the Bixby button