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Prevail Owner's Club

No problemo,
Now just resize the picture or what ever you need to do and create the pngs. And place them in a bootanim.zip thing and you can have a custom-from-a GIF boot animation.

My first step to making themes. You are my hero :)
Wait, so I look like a fool because I show off my prevail and what it can do to people?

My favorite is the iProduct users.

"Look at what all my android phone can do"
"Wow, that's kinda cool. It must cost a good bit for an Android that can outperform my iPhone like that."
"Actually, this is the bottom of the barrel Android phone. They only go up from here"
You can NOT believe how many times that senario has happened to me!! i freaking LOVE my prevail and I will never get rid of it. Because I have learned so much about developing for android from you awesome devs and friends here. (Koumajitsu, Bloodawn, Hroark13, NewOptimus, ron80, Trenchkato just to name a few) I have starting deving for other boost phones.
but this is home... NO QUESTION
I would certainly flaunt this badge every chance I get!! :D

imo, it should indicate/include all of us as a group..
You can NOT believe how many times that senario has happened to me!! i freaking LOVE my prevail and I will never get rid of it. Because I have learned so much about developing for android from you awesome devs and friends here. (Koumajitsu, Bloodawn, Hroark13, NewOptimus, ron80, Trenchkato just to name a few) I have starting deving for other boost phones.
but this is home... NO QUESTION
I would certainly flaunt this badge every chance I get!! :D

imo, it should indicate/include all of us as a group..

Question for you bro.
If I root a transform ultra would it erase all apps and stuff?
Wanna root my sisters but she won't let me if she's gonna loose her apps. XP
Question for you bro.
If I root a transform ultra would it erase all apps and stuff?
Wanna root my sisters but she won't let me if she's gonna loose her apps. XP
no root wont factory reset
you will still have all your apps

just make sure you follow interdpth's directions
Are there any good rooms for ultra?
Ones that make it as speedy as possible like CTMod?
In the above link... Chevanlol360 & i made the rom. I do most of the coding & scripts and such and he does the theming. It is geared towards the same goal as ctmod even though I have made it a point not to copy anything bloodawn did, it does have a lot of the same type of features as ctmod. Eg. Build.prop tweaks, init.d scripts, the quickpanel, comes stripped down in order to give the user options to use what they want. Also comes with an oc kernel thats capable of 1.6Ghz safely ;-). There are others but ours is the only one that seems to be headded towards that same direction.. BUt the other roms are good too. not to take anything away from those other roms. I've tried them all and they are all nice Sorry for getting off subject..

Edit: I thought it was appropreate that i mention that I asked bloodawn how he did some things and he did give us some pointers and steer us in the right direction on how to do them for our ROM

In the above link... Chevanlol360 & i made the rom. I do most of the coding & scripts and suchand he does the theming. It is geared towards the same goal as ctmod even though I have made it a point not to copy anything bloodawn did, it does have a lot of the same type of features as ctmod. Eg. Build.prop tweaks, init.d scripts, the quickpanel, comes stripped down in order to give the user options to use what they want. Also comes with an oc kernel thats capable of 1.6Ghz safely ;-). There are others but ours is the only one that seems to beheadded towards that same direction.. Sorry for getting off subject..


Its not off subect when there is no subject. O.O? Right?

since were off subject today my friend showed me his htc rezound on verizons 4g unlimited plan so the first thing i do is go to speedtest and it got 10mb down and 1 meg up at 1pm ....holy **** fast
This is my sketched out logo.
Rough draft so to say.
I'm thinking like one of you guys said.
To put the pirate android in there.
If we made the PRVL a little thicker then we could defenetly peek him in.


A little closer to what you had in mind?

I like the top half of the image, the rest ('android' down), though it looks nice, seems like fluff. Very nice image though, I'd paste it on my car, or my helmet.
Has anyone thought of putting the android head as the top of the "P" or "R" ? I think in the r would balance more nicely, but I'm not great at throwing something like that together. (and that way maybe the cossbones could be part of the lettering as well- maybe like a ghost or shadow image inside of it- but that could also end up looking overdone... would have to actually see it.)
Hm... there seems to be no more topic here anymore. I'll jump in as well. Does anybody think its a bad idea to tweak an Asus transformer rom with a newer version of Ubuntu that was originally made on an older version?
So I just got yelled at by someone on my way home from the mall and I didn't see who it was. I'm wondering if it was one of you guys?
Yeah, lots of excitement elsewhere I guess :D

So has anyone put any of this stuff on CafePress or similar yet?
I still need a bumper sticker for my helmet
not that i know of? also off subject how can get swap to work with ssm on 3.6 with old koumamod, or what should i do?

Everything just got a bath and were lined up perfect for a pic. I thought I'd share

Man!! I thought that was you riding down the road on that pink scooter the other day. Did you hear me yell?? lol:p (nice looking lil scooter, by the way)

I owned a Kymco 125 before I moved out here to Ca. That lil sucker would do 70mph bro.LOL :D They are really nice to run around town on because they don't weigh hardly anything unlike the HD plus they get GREAT gas mileage. I even wore my turtle shell 1/2 helmet when I rode it. lmao

Just talked to my dad the other day (he's got the bike garaged for me) and I'm still thinking hard about riding the HD cross country from Myrtle Beach, SC to here. That's gonna be 1 helluva ride man. :eek: I think that my health has finally gotten to the point where I can do it. Now I just need to make up my mind whether I want to do it or buy a new Kia Soul. The wife has been wanting one since they came out. Those little suckers have all kinds of room inside too. If I wasn't married I wouldn't even need to think twice about it. Oh how things change once you put that ring on your finger. ;)

How are you liking that new bike of yours??
So I just got yelled at by someone on my way home from the mall and I didn't see who it was. I'm wondering if it was one of you guys?

Maybe you were just driving like a jerk? :D LOL

I might miss you in the New Edge Stang or the bike, But I'm sure I would notice that truck or the scooter.
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