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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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I've liked webos the few times I've used it , but the hardware (phone) is too small for my big hands and fingers and the major turn off for me. I've gone into verizon about 4 times now to try and convince myself that I could live with it, but once I start to type I realize I'd get pissed and throw it at a wall in frustration. I think that if webos was on a phone like the incredible then people would see that it is (imho) a good os that is capible of many things. That said, I look forword to my android os incredible.
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Macaroni Grill is one of our family's favorite restaurants. I enjoy it, but I enjoy sushi more. Mrs. 58 does not like sushi, so this is a compromise. The 58 family children love sushi too, so we generally do Japanese. When we are with mom, however, we will do MG as a compromise. I find it funny that people think I am a MG freak. I am not. :) Sushi freak? Yes! Italian freak...meh. ok.

I too am a Sushi freak. There are several sushi bars here in Honolulu that serve "INCREDIBLE" sushi.:D
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I have been out of the loop for the past few days (i.e. x jillion posts) so this may be useless info, but I just stopped by the Verizon store in my neighborhood and asked the guy if the HTC Incredible is coming out tomorrow and he said, without any hesitation, "no, they are just announcing it tomorrow. That and a couple other phones."

Well, at least I know not to trust this guy anymore. I can't begin to tell you guys how sure he acted. How can a person act so sure of something they evidently know nothing about? Unbelievable.
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Very interesting:

I just read an article at the S.F. Examiner website (HTC Incredible full specs leaked, release date confirmed) - you know the kind of article... the kind where a lot of the info came from here (at least they credit Phandroid with a link ;)).

I read a very interesting reply from April 13, 12:00am (not sure if their post times reflect time zone or not), which is about the 14th comment (their posts are most recent at the top, so 1st post is down at the bottom, it seems); hhmmmmmmmmmm.... wonder where that came from.... :cool:

(oh, look at Ted - reply #6 - trying to tell people he has reserved one already.... poser :()
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And just a question, as I type this on my iPod touch and prepare to sell it when the incredible comes out, in sense ui, when u are typing:
a) does a double space bar tap create a period at the end of a sentence?
b) when u are typing and need a symbol and press the symbol then press space, does the keyboard switch back to the qwerty keyboard?

These are two super awesome little quirks I've come to enjoy on the iPod touch keyboard...just wondering if they will be on sense ui 2.1

if its anything like the droid then a and b are both yes.
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First Off - What's up Forum!?! I have been lurking in the shadows (that comment is used alot in this thread) but I had to tell you my VZW story that happen earlier today - first off I am no noob to the tech scene (owner/founder of WJDDesigns.com) and work with sites like Crackberry.com and many other sites... so that means I am well respected and have no reason to lie... :)

Okay so when I walk in to my local Verizon, the workers treat me like a tech Jesus which is awesome, they are a pretty cool group of people. I walked up to one of the guys who always shakes my hand and he of course did just that... He was like whats up Wayne D, buying another BB today?! I said nah, I got enough at the house and I have been eyeing a different phone from a different mother coming later this month. He then shouted "THE INCREDIBLE?!?"... You should have seen my face, all of you guys have had "hush hush" reps and secret talk so I planned for that... So I then said yeah, how did you know? (still stunned lol) He said, "Man you always get the newest and hottest tech out, why wouldn't yah!? I said yeah, so do you have any scoop - mind you there were people walking around looking like zombies wanting assistance and by this time I got 2 other workers added to the convo haha...

I said so does anyone know a confirmed day or anything? They all shrugged... I said well then pffft... then this girl came over to me talking about how she bought one of my themes for her BB and so on...mean while, I am looking at another rep that overheard (amazing how those store reps can over hear lmao) he gave me the 'come over here when you got a minute look... I walked over and we shook hands, he said, "so what are you hear for?" I said, "I need to know some info on this HTC Incredible man..." He says "I heard from someone real close the 19th, granted it could come the 29th like people think, but I am putting money down for the 19th... Now there is no reason this guy would lie to me and definitely want's to be in my good graces... So I made sure we exchanged cards and I said I will be contacting you to get in to the system in the next few days - I want you to do this like flushing the toilet, everyday try to find info in Big Red... he laughed and he said - "you the boss man... Ill text you or you text me to ask to see if I got some more info, Ill do my best to get some kind of inside track..."

The thing that sucks is the manager was gone on vacation which he is a close buddy of mine... The funny thing is I was told he had to take it during this time because he has to come back before a certain few days... hmmmmm

I walked out of that store and told myself, this story may not top the story of the mystery man in the white Lexus but I tried to get it done :) MINUS the pictures some people add in... almost did voice note recording of conversations with the reps...maybe I will soon haha...

Anyways - not bad for my first post... Good job with all these pages and let the speculating keep going!

BTW my BDAY is tomorrow - I will take any late Incredible present heh...
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I've spoken with a slurry of reps at various locations in my area, some are friends, others are strangers.
The peon sales reps don't seem to know much, they just know it's coming. No training has been scheduled and they haven't gotten any exciting work emails about this spectacular device.
The managers only say that "The 29th is a good rumor." That could go either way.

We all know that VZW keeps hush hush until a day or two before the release. However at this point, the research points to at least the 29th.
I can't imagine VZW would release it for BB and themselves so that gives me the hope that a release a few days earlier would be in line.
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Still entirely possible they do an early internet/telesales release ahead of the retail launch. I mean, you have to stock stores and train salesmen. But with the push of a button, it can be ready to go online or over the phone, as long as the phone support staff has been trained which seemingly can be turned around in a day or two. Crossing my fingers on this!
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Still entirely possible they do an early internet/telesales release ahead of the retail launch. I mean, you have to stock stores and train salesmen. But with the push of a button, it can be ready to go online or over the phone, as long as the phone support staff has been trained which seemingly can be turned around in a day or two. Crossing my fingers on this!

Either way, I tried to get info rather it is true or not... lol I tried and still will...theres always that chance...
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