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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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How can I get DVDs from my collection onto a phone? I'm not sure that I want to download them illegally from the internet.

Any ideas?

This program has a free version that I've used to backup my own DVDs; you can shrink them down to fit on your phone.

FairUse Wizard - Easy DVD to iPhone, iPod Touch, iPod Classic, AppleTV, Zune, Xbox 360, PS3, Standalone DivX Player, TiVO HD. Encode with DivX, XviD, H.264, VP7 and ffVFW codecs!

(If I answered this twice, I apologize - the site's acting up and my mouse battery is low and giving me grief.)
How can I get DVDs from my collection onto a phone? I'm not sure that I want to download them illegally from the internet.

Any ideas?
Check out Handbrake.

okay so my question is this. i heard that the incredible will support verizons backup assistant? is this true? i have 350 contacts in my phone that would take forever to put all in and i dont use gmail.
Yes, Backup Assistant is in the VZW section of the Marketplace.
Perhaps this has been asked before, but is there a software that will track a lost or stolen phone on this device?
Correct, but that is not the issue here:

1. About 1gb of the 8gb flash was allocated for apps. Pre-installed apps take up some of the space and 748mb are free (plenty compared to other Android devices).

2. Some apps use external memory for installing data (dictionaries, Doom, some of the 3D games do as well).

3. Game emulators normally read the external memory for game roms

4. In either case (2 or 3) the apps can not correctly read or even see the built in flash.

5. The 512mb rom that normally stores the OS and all apps is only being used for the OS.

In summary, this has nothing to do with apps that install within the framework (as normal). The issue is only a few apps that were preinstalled can read it for media, but third party apps can not read it at all.

The built-in memory should be treated no differently than an external card, but was not mapped that way (probably due to the allocation of part of it to the framework).

OK this is a totally NOOB question but if 748 mb is used for apps, what is the rest of the 6.6 for?
Here is the status of your order.
Order Date: 04/19/2010

Order Number: XXXXXXXXX

Order Status: Your order is awaiting approval or phone availability. Please check back in a few days.

Check the status of another internet order.
It seems longer and wider than the Droid Eris but not as thick or heavy. The protective plastic cover on the face has labels for the buttons - what a great idea! The volume up/down rocker switch looks to be easier to operate than the Eris's, which was somewhat recessed. The back cover isn't ugly but it feels a little flimsy and bendable. The inside plastic is a bright orange, as is the battery. The colors match perfectly when the battery is inserted. The camera lens has a green color down inside it for some reason. The two flash LEDs beside it make it look kind of cool and high tech. The first powerup sequence took about 30 seconds and the battery was at half strength. You have to dial the activation phone number from another phone. It asked for my 10-digit phone number and the last 4 digits of my Social Security number. It asked me to press 1 if my order number was...and read it off correctly. It asked me to press 1 if I agreed to a 2-year contract and a $350 penalty for early withdrawal. It asked me to press 1 if I wanted to activate it now. It gave me instructions for what to dial on the new phone to get it activated. First screen that showed up when I ended the screen saver asked me to select English or Spanish. The next screen said "You need to make a special call to activate your phone service. After pressing Activate, listen to the instructions provided to activate your phone." I pressed the Activate button and it dialed a number (*228) and asked me to press 1 to activate the phone. I did, and the display said programming was in progress. Then the voice said that programming was complete, the call hung up, and the display said the phone would reset in 5 seconds. It restarted/rebooted and I was up and running.

The first screen when starting the phone again asked me to select English or Spanish. The second screen asked if I wanted to see a demo of interactive typing or whatever it is that thinks it knows what you're trying to spell, same setup as the Eris keyboard so I skipped it. The screen saver time seems to be very short on this, and when the screen blacks out I pressed the "Power/Lock" button on top of the phone to get the screen to light up again. The next setup screen asked if I wanted my Internet connection to be "Mobile network or Wi-Fi" or "Wi-Fi only (Don't have a data plan? Choose this one." Now that is cool! Next it detected my home Wi-Fi network and asked if I wanted to connect to it (with the connect box checked by default). I let it connect and it detected 4 wifi sources in range (couldn't get the onscreen keyboard into landscape mode for this step). I like the keyboard setup, same as the Eris, so when you tap a key you see the letter/number displayed in a large window momentarily and the phone vibrates for a fraction of a second to confirm the keystroke. The connection worked fine. The next screen asked for Location Consent to turn on Google's location service. I said okay fine so maybe I could locate the phone if someone stole it. Next it asked if I wanted to set up mail, contacts, and calendar accounts. Choices were Backup Assistant, Google account, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, and Other mail account. I chose Google account and it opened another application that let me set one up or register an existing one. I see that this keyboard has the period to the right of the keyboard and the comma to the left, like the Eris, and also that the comma key has the "@" key as a second function. Next it asked if I wanted to set up social networks - Facebook, Flickr, Twitter. Twitter uses "HTC Peep" so I set that up. No problems there.

That was it for setup. The home screen has a display I didn't see on the Eris that says "Press the Home button or pinch to zoom out to thumbnail view." This is something different. You can either scroll left and right to see the seven individual pages, or hit Home to put thumbnails of all seven pages on one screen. Nice. The trackpad or whatever it's called has a pushbutton in the center of it. It looks like that and the volume up/down rocker and the Power/Lock button are the only three mechanical buttons on the phone (I wondered what would happen to the Eris's trackball after a year or two exposure to cat hair).

I don't know if it's the dry Arizona air, but just by moving the phone around in my hand I accidentally activated the camera, the Android Market application, and the Add to Home screen. I hope that settles down, or I will need to be very careful with moving my hand around on the case of the phone while pressing onscreen buttons.

The phone has the same tiny event notification icons at the very top of the home screen. You can drag down from there to open the Notifications window and see what the icons mean. I had about 8 of them lined up on the Eris one day before I realized I could acknowledge the email messages and "program installation complete" messages and the icons would go away. The weather report on the Home screen says "Mostly cloudy," and when you first "pull down the shade" to see the Home screen after it's been off, a nice animation of drifting clouds goes across the screen once.

The AC plug is a "wall wart" type device, but the USB cable plugs into the top of it rather than the side, so it doesn't come out at a weird angle from your outlet strip.

Anyway, my fingers are tired so I hope that helped whet some appetites and let you know what to expect when you receive your phones in about a week. When you really think about it, that's not very long at all in cosmic terms.
I don't mean to offend, but I think every single thing you mentioned is either plainly visible via the VERY EARLY ON photos/photoshops that Nash made up, stuff seen in any of the desire/legend videos, or are processes that normally occur when doing an out of store Verizon phone activation. I thanked the post, but just for the effort of the post :P Not sure whether to believe you have the phone or not ;)
latest response from Customer Service (they told me yesterday that they couldnt find my order after I pinged them based on the "order awating approval or phone availability message" we have all been getting":

Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless through our website. My name is Stephanie and I understand you pre-ordered the HTC Droid Incredible and wish to know when you can expect the delivery and also that since we are unable to locate your order at this time, you wanted to know if it is because it was a pre-order. Knowing when to expect a delivery is very important, especially if is something as exciting as the Incredible. I am eager to assist you today.

The HTC Droid Incredible's pre-order started on 04/19/10 and is set for delivery on 04/29/10. The reason we are unable to locate the order on your account is that it hasn't been fully placed yet as it is more of a placeholder for your order to ensure you get your Incredible.

If you would like to check on the status of your order, you can also reach out to our Internet Orders Team. Their number is 800-711-7773 and their hours of operation are M-F: 8 AM - 9 PM ET Sat: 8 AM - 5 PM ET.

In this email I have let you know that you can expect your Incredible to be delivered on 04/29/10 and it is still in pre-order status so it has not been fully processed yet. I truly hope this information has been helpful.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to assist you today. I make it my goal to provide you with an excellent customer service experience. Thank you for choosing Verizon Wireless, have a great day!

I seriously hope this puts to rest all the posts about the 'awaiting approval or availability' status... I can't believe how many people are actually harassing customer support when they KNOW the phone isn't scheduled to ship until Wednesday.

How about just post when the status changes to something interesting...deal???
I don't mean to offend, but I think every single thing you mentioned is either plainly visible via the VERY EARLY ON photos/photoshops that Nash made up, or are processes that normally occur when doing an out of store Verizon phone activation. I thanked the post, but just for the effort of the post :P Not sure whether to believe you have the phone or not ;)

Oh, please, let's not do that. Enough people have received them that you don't have to be suspicious any more, and his posting is a lot nicer and more informative than "HA HA! I got mine! (but you didn't)"

Uh oh - I just noticed the wink. Never mind. But still....
I'm now in the smartphone club. Ordered an Incredible yesterday and getting the same "awaiting approval" status message.

Of course, now that I've taken the plunge after waiting for a Verizon iPhone for 3 years, I've just guaranteed that it will be released in the next few months!

Hopefully android will make me forget all about the iPhone.
Here is a site with a lot of cheap cases and chargers for the Incredible. Most items look pretty generic but they are inexpensive (did I say cheap?)



Anyone know if there is a quality difference (or compatibility problem) between the $23 verizon car charger and the ones you can buy for less than $5. How can some chargers sell for $3 or $4? I mean I know verizon is always more expensive, but something seems fishy with the $3 or $4 ones... Thanks!

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I think we all might have to buy a microSD card when the phone first comes out to allow many apps to work correctly.

just my .02
Easiest way is through MyVerizon.

Hey dude! Just wanted to say thanks for everything :). We are less than a week from our beloved Incredible and thanks to you your sources and countless others of this thread we've been able to make informed decisions about purchasing this phone. So I just want to say thanks to you and everyone else! Also, everyone in the thread that makes this place so great. Hope we can count on everyone to stick around and help the Incredible Forum and community grow into a great resource for Incredible owners! Chow!
Whats the Diffrence between a MicroSD memory chip and a Micro SDHC memory chip?

New Egg has them classified as 2 diffrent catagoreys but they both look the same, are they both Compatible with the inc?
Originally Posted by kway64
When we get the phone in the mail, how do you activate it?

Easiest way is through MyVerizon.

Sorry to correct you NKT. The easiest way, recently, is to call *228, select option 3 (activate a new phone) and follow the prompts. :) Do you still love me? ;)
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