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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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Hey guys, been busy lately. We have had the Incredible in out store for a little bit, and I took some pictures with it today. I'm just straight uploading them, I didn't size them down at all. Looked reallyyyy good for a cameraphone!


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LOL, what? I said the one in Alpharetta, and the one on Lenox. The Alpharetta location is off NorthPoint PKWY, and the Lenox Rd one, is in the Buckhead part of ATL. The one in Perimeter is near the Super Target, across the street from the Perimeter Mall.

Oh schnap. I'll have to stop by the NP store then this weekend! I stopped by the store in Buford today on my way home from work but they didn't have any demo. They did say they received their shipment yesterday of just 15 phones. I wonder after next Thurs, how many more they will get and how soon after.

Did the NP store mention how many they have? Thanks for sharing! :)
No, I didn't actually read every post; my life interferes. Like I said: I scanned, I searched, I went back to the evergreen and sticky pages and still couldn't find it. As I think others have pointed out, there are a lot of posts here.

For a minute, I hesitated to ask. If the info was out there, and I'd missed it, I could end up feeling like an idiot.

I asked anyway. I think you tried but you just make yourself look bad. Bet your friends really enjoy that condescending thing you do. :D

Easy, your fangs are showing. :)
It now says on the Verizon site that the phone comes with a 2 GB card preinstalled. Another thread has checked this out with verizon and it seems like its legit.

Maybe that's an online, pre-order only deal to make up for all the people that didn't get their phones shipped early. :D
I dont mean to ask something I am sure has been asked before, but what is gv? tried searching for it but as we all know this thread is enormous and i cant seem to find it? Why do you need an invite for it? When I preordered my phone, I added verizons visual voice mail. I've never known anyone to have it so thought I would give it a try because i hate listening to messages but if there is a good free service i'd definately be interested.

Google Voice

YouTube - GoogleVoice's Channel
When you ordered, it did not include the card in the description.

That will be their defense.

That may be their defense, but it's not a good one. I'll bet they all ship with a 2gb card. Good thing I ordered an 8gb today.
Doubtful. It's probably because you can't save apps to the on board memory as of yet.

So they give you 2 more gb of memory that you also can't save apps to? That makes no sense. I think it's a "hey, here's a bonus for waiting longer than some others" gift.
Hey guys, been busy lately. We have had the Incredible in out store for a little bit, and I took some pictures with it today. I'm just straight uploading them, I didn't size them down at all. Looked reallyyyy good for a cameraphone!

Beautiful for a smart phone!!
So I went to my local VZ store today to see if they had any demo units. Sadly they did not, nor did they have any accessories. The rep was very friendly and fairly knowledgeable but suggested I go to a T-Mobile store and check out a Nexus One as it is the same phone. Yes, I did mention Sense, the extra storage and the 8 mp camera. What was interesting, and very disappointing, was what he told me about the early delivery. He did say that they will be released for shipment early but that FedEx is absolutely not allowed to deliver before the 29th release date. I guess we will all just have to wait until Thursday.
Hey guys, been busy lately. We have had the Incredible in out store for a little bit, and I took some pictures with it today. I'm just straight uploading them, I didn't size them down at all. Looked reallyyyy good for a cameraphone!

Disappointing...I have followed this phone since Bravo/Passion days and I have to admit that these are disappointing.

Lots and lots of noise in them. Do you know what ISO you were taking them on? This is why MP don't matter...you shove too many on a small sensor and you get noise.
So I went to my local VZ store today to see if they had any demo units. Sadly they did not, nor did they have any accessories. The rep was very friendly and fairly knowledgeable but suggested I go to a T-Mobile store and check out a Nexus One as it is the same phone.

WTF? :rolleyes: Guess he has NO clue on how you can't see the Nexus One in any store numbnuts. LOL... Ahhh, gotta love stupid salespeople! :cool:
Oh schnap. I'll have to stop by the NP store then this weekend! I stopped by the store in Buford today on my way home from work but they didn't have any demo. They did say they received their shipment yesterday of just 15 phones. I wonder after next Thurs, how many more they will get and how soon after.

Did the NP store mention how many they have? Thanks for sharing! :)

No, they didn't. I didn't ask. But, yep, it's veryyyy nice.
i would think so but truthfully i don't care since i already bought bigger memory cards

Ugh..I JUST bought an 8GB class 6 card an hr ago... haha o well.

Also, seeing the pics, I am slightly worried the phone is too small FOR ME. I have an LG Dare, and that's alright. But with my sausage hands, I am a little worried I'll screw up texts or break the phone with my steroid-induced monster strength!

...jk no steroids
Does anyone else think that *611 should have a message that says "press X if you are so insecure and needy that you have to keep calling to confirm that your order didn't just disappear even though you got an email with a confirmation number and a shipping date of April 28th and there is no reason to think that there is a problem with you order but you have nothing better to do than keep our csr's from helping other people with real customer support issues and not make-believe problems...and then if you press x you get disconnected"?

Yeah, that would be cool.

So I went to my local VZ store today to see if they had any demo units. Sadly they did not, nor did they have any accessories. The rep was very friendly and fairly knowledgeable but suggested I go to a T-Mobile store and check out a Nexus One as it is the same phone. Yes, I did mention Sense, the extra storage and the 8 mp camera. What was interesting, and very disappointing, was what he told me about the early delivery. He did say that they will be released for shipment early but that FedEx is absolutely not allowed to deliver before the 29th release date. I guess we will all just have to wait until Thursday.

Good luck finding the Nexus One at T-Mobile.:)

I'm no expert on shipping practices but the FedEx line sounds fishy. They're supposed to store these phones for Verizon for three days? And if we all got free overnight shipping, and they tell us it shipped on the 25th (or 26th whenever) overnight shipping doesn't mean overnight from the day they promised to ship.
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