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Kamala Harris. Thoughts?


Former Heavyweight Champion of Android Forums
Although, as a moderator I'm really not supposed to enter into controversy, no one says I can't instigate it!!!! This place needs some hot sauce. In the old days, that's all there was. Controversy, warnings and bannings. Nowadays, we're like a bunch of seniors using walkers down the halls of an assisted living facility! Back to the instigation: Thoughts on Kamala?

You want spice?
The Dems are a funny lot.
A few months ago they were trying to figure a way to replace her on the ballot as VP. Then old joe was forced out of the running by Pelosi, Schumer and oboma.
With that happening she became the dems nominee without having won a single vote in the primaries.

Now after her saying that she'd debate Trump, on September 10th, she backed out

For 12 of the last 16 years the Dems have been in control. She's been in office for the last 3 1/2 years and now says that on "day one" she's going to fix things. Her day one was 3 1/2 years AGO and she's done nothing since.

Since this is a democrat loving forum I'm simply gonna leave it at that.
Kamala gets my vote. That convention was like a breath of fresh air!!! It was not all doom and gloom like the republican convention. It was more like a celebration and I'll take her speech over the convicted felon's speech any day of the year.

I'm still at work so I'll have more to say later when I get home.
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Sanctuary cities for 15m immigrants? Talk to the people in those cities and ask them how thats going...
I'm not saying close the borders but this type of influx is hurting the citizens of the United States.
And this was all Kamalas doing, BTW....
Sanctuary cities for 15m immigrants? Talk to the people in those cities and ask them how thats going...
I'm not saying close the borders but this type of influx is hurting the citizens of the United States.
And this was all Kamalas doing, BTW....
15 million immigrants? where are you getting that info? border crtossings have been down for the 5th month in a row.

and if Kamala is president, she said she will sign the border bill that was worked on by both Democrats and Republicans. we had it already for Biden to sign, but the criminal nixed it so that he can use the lack of a bill to campaign against.

and how is this truly hurting Americans? for me immigration is the least of my concerns.
and i see nothing wrong with sanctuary cities. i think LA is one and i see no difference from before to now. and i do not see the city of San Fran suffering. my cousin lives there, i do not here him complain. the city is not in ruins. crime is going down San Francisco Public Safety Update: January 2024 Crime Numbers Show Continued Progress After 2023 Improvements | San Francisco. the cost of living there sucks, but i doubt that is because of illegal immigration....lol
for me the case for Harris/ Walz is pretty straight forward. here are my 10 reasons and in no particular order:
1. she has united the Democratic Party. where there used to be split feelings about Biden's campaign, there is now a sense of unity.

2. she is bringing hope and joy to the campaign. where trump only brings division, fear, and name calling.

3. she is a young 59 year old who is extremely articulate. trump is an old white man who can not talk without speaking incoherent thoughts that do not make sense. not to mention that he fumbles words and slurs his speech (sounds familiar???)

4. she does want a stricter border policy. she said in her speech she will sign a bill that is bipartisan and is the strictest border policy to date.

5. just look at the difference between the two conventions we just had:
i could not even watch the RNC it was so damn boring.

6. i feel like i can trust Kamala Harris. i can't say that for trump who lies about everything.

7. coach Tim Walz would make a great VP. i mean he was a teacher, a coach, and a military vet. Vance wants to f@ck a couch(i know that is not a real thing, but it is so damn funny!!!!!). Vance is just creepy.
he is so awkward!!!!! you want this guy as VP?????

8. the Supreme Court gave trump a get out of jail card. like Kamala Harris said if he wins, he will use the military against anybody that is not aligned with him....that is what dictators do. you want a dictator as president? he wants you to "vote only once, and after that "you do not have to". tell me that does not sound like a dictatorship. tell me that does not sound like he wants to abolish the United States Constitution. are you for the Constitution?

9. have you read Project 2025? i skimmed thru it. it is very dry to read it in full, but i got the gist of what they want to accomplish. firing off those career government officials who are not republicans is just downright wrong. it is not what our Forefathers had envisioned for the United States. it is why we have a Constitution. there are just too many to list here just how wrong project 2025 is. and i do not believe trump when he tries to distant himself from the project. he has too many ties to people who created this awful thing.

10. plus i hate how trump describes the United States of America. it is not all fire and brimstone. the US is a great nation and it will take a lot to bring it down!!! how dare he talks about the country i live in. how dare he disgrace it like that. it is almost like he is disgusted by his country. you want a guy who hates his country to be president?

Kamala Harris will make a great president. she is far better than the alternative. trump brings hate while Kamala will bring joy. trump is unhinged and wrathful. Harris will make every American proud to be an American.

besides the border, what policies will trump bring that will benefit you? tell me one plan he has campaigned on that he will sign when in office? something that is not in project 2025? YOU CAN"T. wanna know why? BECAUSE HIS CAMPAGN RALLIES ARE ALL ABOUT SHARKS, BATTERIES, and HANNIBAL LECTER!!!!

in case you forgot:

you want this guy as president???????
Although, as a moderator I'm really not supposed to enter into controversy, no one says I can't instigate it!!!! This place needs some hot sauce. In the old days, that's all there was. Controversy, warnings and bannings. Nowadays, we're like a bunch of seniors using walkers down the halls of an assisted living facility! Back to the instigation: Thoughts on Kamala?

View attachment 175057
Trying to earn your keep? Controversy creates cash, right?

Kamala is a respectful woman who, while I don't think she is the best choice, she is the right choice, now. The GOP has no other options than to ride the dying TFG train until it completely derails, which after this failed attempt, is soon.
let's see what did they do? hmmmm, well here is just some of the list of accomplishments:
Chips and Science Act

Infrastructure and Jobs Act

the Safer Community Act:

he tried to do student debt relief, but it is currently on hold until the far-right Supreme Court will prevent it from happening

sure inflation is high, but it is now slowing down:

wage growth is also increasing:

Boder crossings are down as i stated earlier.

......so .....yeah, i would say that the Biden/Harris term is doing quite well. you also have to remember that Biden inherited Covid-19 from trump.
This is real, people!
Stop living with blinders on your eyes and see what is really happening.
Student debt relief.
What a joke and who do you think is paying for it?
Why did it happen in the first place?
Democrats running the country.
that video was almost a year ago. like i said border crossings THIS year is down. almost down from when trump was in office. and again immigration is the least of my worries. i do not understand why it is such an issue for the republicans.

and again inflation is also coming down. at least we are not in a recession that most economists were fearing we were headed to. and i can tell you that Kamala Harris will only strength the economy.

as far as student debt goes, i am eternally grateful to the Biden/Harris administration for reducing my debt. as far as who is paying it for it? yes we are. but we are also paying for the trillion dollar debt that trump put us in thanx to his tax cuts for the rich. the trickle down econmics did not work. there was no significant wage growth that was supposed to happen. why? the rich kept the tax break they got for themselves....as predicted.......thanx trump.

well i know i can't sway you guys in your beliefs, but i hope that any swing voters out there will vote for Harris. i hope they vote for democracy. i hope they do not vote for a convicted felon, a fraud, a cheat, a rapist, a serial liar, and a defamer in trump. the alternative will destroy the Constitution and give way to a dictator.
4 years of college should be free, like in Germany, or real low cost like in France

Kids trying to better themselves are getting $60K to $80K in debt.
Let me repeat that, Kids trying to better themselves are getting $60K to $80K in debt

That's wrong
Scare words like Communism and Socialism keep being brought up. Let me give it to you 100% straight.

There is no, nada, zero Communism in the world or the United States. It's simply a concept that they hoped Socialism would develop into. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. That's it - PERIOD.

Capitalism is for profit, private ownership

Socialism is not for individual profit, public/government ownership

Our Military is under Public/Government ownership, does that make it bad? Should we go to for profit private ownership? and start hiring mercenaries?

If anyone tells you what I just posted isn't 100% accurate, they don't understand Communism, Socialism and Capitalism.
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not to mention that social security is a socialist idea. they want to either cut it down or get rid of it entirely. there is nooooo waaaay they are taking my beneifts that i earned working all these years.
When I went to college back in the 80s, I had to pay for it myself, no scholarships. It was expensive back then and is expensive now.
Let's coddle and nurture our kids so that they can have no debts to better themselves?
That's laughable on all counts.
Grow up and stop looking for handouts.
Nope, I'm not likely to change minds of democrats that follow what their party dictates.
They talk of Trump as wanting to start a dictatorship.

The Republican party had primaries that selected him to be the nominee.
The democrats didn't have the opportunity to select a nominee. The party said she was it and the rank and file fell in line, without question.
Which sounds more like a dictatorship?

I'm sorry that there's more that are that's being influenced by the media than not. Personally I was a heck of a lot better off living under the Trump administration than I have been for the last 3 1/2 years under the Biden administration.
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