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Kamala Harris. Thoughts?

When I went to college back in the 80s, I had to pay for it myself, no scholarships. It was expensive back then and is expensive now.
Let's coddle and nurture our kids so that they can have no debts to better themselves?
That's laughable on all counts.
Grow up and stop looking for handouts.

I went to college back then also and I was paying 10 - 11 dollars per credit hour, so don't give me it was expensive back then. Look at what you paid per credit hour, compared to what's being paid today. Big difference. States greatly reduced funding. and we are talking about kids trying to better themselves. You're saying f__k the kids. ....and let me repeat, we are talking about kids trying to better themselves.

From 1981-82 to 2021-22, the cost of attending a four-year college in the U.S. has ballooned from $11,840 a year to $30,031 a year — representing a 153 percent increase in the last 40 years. That cost includes tuition and fees, plus room and board, adjusted for inflation.Jul 26, 2023
College Tuition Inflation | Bankrate
ok guys, if you vote for trump then i would say good by to your Constitution. i would say good by to your values when you vote for a criminal and a rapist who cheats on everything including his wives. i thought the republicans was supposed to be all about christian values. am i wrong? or are you just turning the other cheek?
As a non-American I don't have a vote in this, but Trump's attitude to the climate crisis means that like everyone else on the planet I have a stake in it. And even were he not unsuitable for office for other reasons that by itself would be sufficient reason why he should never be allowed near power. Just because it's a gradual crisis, where the consequences appear down the line, doesn't mean that it's not more important than all of the other stuff put together, because short of launching nukes(*) anything else can, with sufficient will, be reversed. We have no viable technology for undoing the loading of the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, and denying the laws of physics or favouring short-term economics (mainly benefitting a very few, who have spent decades actively trying to undermine action anyway) won't make it go away. And the US turning its back on the problem ("drill baby, drill") will just undermine the already inadequate action elsewhere.

(*) And to be honest I think Trump's tempermental instability makes him a much bigger risk in that respect as well.

Yes, I think he's a threat in other respects (and because US policy has consequences elsewhere that's also not limited to the US), but that is the big picture item. Harris I know less about, but I'm pretty sure she's not a near-solipsistic narcissist and lives in the real world, which automatically makes her a better candidate. And while the thread is about Harris, in reality you have an either-or here, so discussing one without considering the alternative doesn't work.

One thing that does depress me is the amount of money the Harris campaign has received in the last few weeks. Not because I want them to have less funding than the Trump campaign, but one disease of US politics is the amount of money poured into election campaigns, because that ensures that those with the deepest pockets have the loudest voices (which kinda goes against the principle of "democracy"). And whatever the outcome it's hard for politicians who owe their election to big money turn round and do something about that.
Trying to earn your keep? Controversy creates cash, right?
No cash for me. Enthusiasm. I once had a thread, on this site, that went viral and world-wide. It was said that the servers got so hot, you could fry an egg on them. No joke. The thread had millions of views.

BTW, I'm liking everything in spite of my own personal politics. I want to compliment you guys on the fact that you are arguing ideas and not attacking each other. That's wisdom and maturity! Darn. I miss the old days when you had to moderate and ban people! :). Carry on!
No cash for me. Enthusiasm. I once had a thread, on this site, that went viral and world-wide. It was said that the servers got so hot, you could fry an egg on them. No joke. The thread had millions of views.

BTW, I'm liking everything in spite of my own personal politics. I want to compliment you guys on the fact that you are arguing ideas and not attacking each other. That's wisdom and maturity! Darn. I miss the old days when you had to moderate and ban people! :). Carry on!
Politics are just not my thing either to fight or see who is even better on either side.

I've read it 100 times on Gab that Walz forced schools to put tampons in the boy's restroom.

Instead of just believing everything you see on the net, like microchips in the Covid vaccine, you need to fact check everything you see on the net.

Maybe if you read this you would have a better understanding:
Fact check: Did Walz force Minnesota schools to stock tampons in boys’ bathrooms?

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Au contraire, mon ami, I do read up on things I espouse !

This means transgender boys and nonbinary students — who might menstruate and are permitted to use boys’ restrooms — must also have access to the menstrual products.
Nope nothing wrong with that ....

For example, the law would allow a school administrator who knows there are trans or nonbinary students who only use the boys’ restrooms to provide menstrual products in those bathrooms, she said.
"But they don’t have to," Herman said. "They could just put (the products) in the unisex ones."
Nope nothing wrong with that either ....

Republicans tried to amend the Minnesota law so it would require providing menstrual products only in restrooms regularly used by "female students", but the proposed change failed to win enough support.
Yup ! Nuff Said !


BTW: no such thing as microchips in the covid vaccines, only blood clots and heart attacks ....

the chips are coming from alien abductions, silly boy, everyone knows that !
Au contraire, mon ami, I do read up on things I espouse !

Nope nothing wrong with that ....

Nope nothing wrong with that either ....

Yup ! Nuff Said !


BTW: no such thing as microchips in the covid vaccines, only blood clots and heart attacks ....

the chips are coming from alien abductions, silly boy, everyone knows that !
Sorry, but I find that hard to believe when you posted an image of Tampon Tim
so the why don't you fix it now response is so lame. Kamala Harris in case you guys did not know is only a Vice President as of right now. how many VP's do you know that implemented policy or signed a bill into law? the answer is 0. they are there only to help support the president and is second in command if the president goes down.

you guys just hate to agree with her agenda. and so the only thing the right wingers can say is "why aren't you fixing those now?" cuz she is only a VP and those are not Biden's current agenda. and it is tough to do when you have a split in party control where one controls the House and other controls the Senate.

so come on guys you know she is the better option. how can you aligned yourself with a 78 year old man who has trouble annunciating and speaking?

and how can you go along with the republican ticket where jd vance is a weird creep who hates single women?
dude is just awkward.....and weird!!!!

why do you want a president who hates veterans? who dishonors the braves souls who lost there life fighting for our freedom? why do you want a guy whose staff member assaulted the Arlington cemetery staff who was only trying to enforce the rules. the US Army even had to release a statement condemning the incident.
hear what a gold star mother had to say:

why do you want this guy as your president?

tell me this, name one policy trump did that really affected you positively when he was in office. and do not give me the economy was better when he was in office. if you are going to say that, then tell me what bill or policy he pushed that caused the economy to flourish under trump?

trump mention tarrifs as a way to pay for things, like his cringe worthy interview with hannity where he said childcare is childcare.....LMAO!!!!!!! he also said that childcare could be paid for by using tariffs from countries like china. but all that would do is pass the buck to the consumer making the economy worse.

here is some info on tarrifs:

and i like how our economy is recovering.....and yes we are still recovering from the pamdemic.

here is some good news about grocery prices:
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ohhhh and the Cheney's!!!!! they are a bastion of the republican party. Dick Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president!!!!! that has got be huge. right?

or are the right wingers gonna cast them out as well?
tell me this, name one policy trump did that really affected you positively when he was in office.

I did not have to worry about thousands of illegals entering the country daily/or having to pay to put them up in nice hotels and give them spending money/ALL out of my tax dollars

I did not have to worry about Rocket Man nuking us.

I did not have to worry about Putin deciding taking over Ukraine was not enough for him.

I did not have to worry about men in women's bathrooms/sports competition.

I did not have to use most of my measly social security check to buy groceries and gasoline.

Give me a bit and I am sure I can come up with more.

If you are OK with all of the above please vote for 4 more years of it.
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