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  1. M

    Help help prob with samsung galaxy tab from att 10.1 loop boot

    hello everyone i am back you guys help me very much with rooting my phones . so i thought i would give this a try again . i have a att samsung galaxy 10.1 tablet. the tab has been running ok for past few mounths untile a week ago i turned it off and let it charge ans then...
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    Root help using recovery

    can some one please help me use the recovery i need ot turn my phoen back to a recovery point when i boot into recovery and pull up the reocy list of recovery point i have 2 of them so if i have not changed any info on the recovy points the apear on the list as this k it...
  3. M

    Root power drain issue

    for those that have fallowed me on the taco rooting isse you well see that i have pobs with my evo and ever thing eles in between. this issue is a bit troubleing the issues is that sent rerooting the replacemetnt evo4g using the htcdev / capt. threwback meth i have got a...
  4. M

    Root can help me fig roms out

    hey gues i am posting this question again ia m sure i have asked it before. my phoe was rooted and i had mikmik3.11 in it what kinda rom was this was it a sends or a asop rom?
  5. M

    Root need help with rooted htc evo4g not getting a signal at all

    hello everyone i am back I need some help I have a [COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]htc evo4g rooted with mik 3.11 on it the issues i am having are for the past i say a week at least my phone well nto say on a tower i can
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    Root help haven power probs with evo4g that have been rooted

    heloo every one i am back again it has been some time sent i been on from last year when every one help me get me and my wifes evo 4g rooted and with the long rooting probs we were having with her phone well guys my prob are let me start with her phone her phone is the evo 4g...
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    Root dose any one know of a list of apps that can be removed

    dose any one know of any complete apps that are safe to remove after you flash a rom
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    Root what is the diff between asop roms and sens roms

    i read somewere the diff between the asop roms and the sens roms however i cant find that thread can any one help me .
  9. M

    Root phones are rooted is there a way to boost signal in dead areas

    is there a way to try to get or boost my signals to get more bars even thow i am in a bad area for reseption. and if there is no 4g in my earea is there a way to get it now that i am rooted
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    Root phone is rooted is there a way to get more memory

    during the process of rooting my evo 4g and my wifes i read some part some were there is a way to get more memory out of the sdcard and the phone is this ture if so please point the right direction
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    Root have quesions about rooted apps

    sents my phones are rooted now i want to start getting the rooted apps have sev questions about the ones i am not sure about to hel inpove some functionality of the phone
  12. M

    Root Rooting questions/TacoROOT issues

    hello i am new to the rooting scen as well. and i need some help as well. i am currently on a sprint evo 4g with android version 2.3.5 baseband version kernel version build number 5.07.651.1 cl356670 release key pri version was...