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samsung galaxy note edge

  1. Skynet11

    Official Samsung Galaxy Note Edge User Manual

    Skynet11 submitted a new resource: Official Samsung Galaxy Note Edge User Manual - The official Samsung Galaxy Note Edge User Guide Read more about this resource...
  2. SHIVA77

    Very Quiet Forum

    I am surprised at how quiet this forum is. There are lots of Note Edge owners around.
  3. SHIVA77

    Loving the Note Edge

    I haven't posted on these forums for a while. I waited for the Verizon version of the Note Edge and picked it up on the first day or release. I am really loving the concept of having the frequently used apps line up on the side. It makes using the phone so much easier. Also, the battery...
  4. RJB

    Help Battery Charged, Then Not, Then Charged

    I am presuming this is a KitKat question, and not an Edge-specific question. I have had my Note Edge for a few days. When I plug it in to charge, the LED is red; when it charges, the screen lights, it beeps, and the LED goes green. QUESTION 1 - How do I make it so it doesn't light up and...
  5. mach1man

    my opinion on the note edge

    So I picked up the note edge on Friday and kinda fell in love with it... Well after a few days now this is what I think. It is a great idea with some flaws. Loves- I like that I can put all of my favorite apps on the edge. I like that the weather and notifications come up on the edge. and I...
  6. androidforummember

    Edge Panels & Apps (links included)

    Here is a list of apps that make use of the edge panel. They are either specifically made for the Note Edge or trigger an action in the edge panel (i.e. are compatible). For example, the apps "EdgeBoard" and "Edge Navigation" are specific to the Note Edge, while Spotify triggers the edge panel...
  7. J

    "Quiet Time" Setting?

    I was previously able to set-up "Quiet Time" which would be where I had it set so that no notifications would make a noise when they were received. Once "Quiet Time" was over my phone would go back to making alerts/notifcations/noises based off what my phone was set to (phone volume on vs...
  8. RJB

    Turning Mobile Data On and Off

    Back on my Galaxy S - running FroYo - when I long-pressed the power button, "Turn Mobile Data On/Off" was an option. People must have liked that, because they took it away by the time I had a Note running ICS. On that, I installed the "Switch 3G On/Off" widget; it wasn't a toggle, but it took...
  9. J

    Home Screen Question

    On the stock launcher home screen for the Edge is it possible to add apps to the bottom like you could do with previous android devices?
  10. R

    Note Edge Panel themes

    Hello Everyone, Thank you once again for your continued support! Today i would like to announce the official release of our (everything edge app). We are extremely excited to release it to all of you. You can now head towww.everything-edge.com from your mobile phone and download the app...
  11. D

    Where to buy unlocked?

    Hey, Just wondering I am going to America in March and usually phones are a fair bit cheaper over there. Does anyone know where I could pick up the Note Edge? Even if its on a Cellphone network over there, which is the easiest network to get phones unlocked with? Thanks...
  12. ctxx24

    Verizon release date is tomorrow

    Seems out of the blue verizon will have this tomorrow for anyone waiting.. I went in he let my play with it.. Excited..
  13. DILands

    LG Prototype (Both Edges) @ CES

    I know it's not the Edge - but it is some potential competition if it's ever released. http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/7/7509047/lg-display-active-bending-smartphone-ces-2015
  14. K

    I hate to be that guy, but when will edge see lollipop?

    I'm on Verizon, which slows things down. I'm trying to decide if I should go for the edge now, or wait until spring and get the S6 (edge?) which will already have lollipop. Thanks for your thoughts.
  15. D

    Post those home screens!

    I love my edge and would love to see this forum get a little more active SO post those home screens!
  16. S

    When laid flat can you get the text to go from left to right?

    Ok...this is a BIGGIE for me and could determine if i get the phone. When the phone is laid flat and you are looking at the edge face on...can you get it so the text shows the right way up? Ie the same way as the night clock? And also the text scrolling left to right? All the videos ive seen...
  17. DILands

    Opinions? (Crickets be gone)

    All, I've got 6 weeks until I can upgrade. It's between THE EDGE, and the N6. The place is way to quite for me to get a feel. You guys pleased, or not? Why????? TIA!
  18. Bearcats

    Got to play with Edge...now questions...

    I must say it does feel real nice in the hand minus the huge security device glued to it. :-) Some questions: 1) I didn't find anyway to rotate the text on the curved part. For my theoretical use it would be screen up to my left most times and the bottom of the text would be at the bottom...
  19. B

    Help How to disable 30 minute notifications

    I find that my phone is setting off a notification chime every 30 mins in daytime. It is distracting, annoying and makes me check the phone when there is nothing actually happening. I have looked everywhere including the clock obviously but I am unable to find where this is enabled. I also most...
  20. Bearcats

    Fringe area radio performance

    I have opened up my phone search again after reading some things I am not overly thrilled with by other phones I am interested in. I am curious if anybody had an Edge yet that uses it in fringe areas that could comment on radio performance. Being in contact it very important to me and my Droid...
  21. A

    Help How to hide the edge bar

    Sometimes the edge bar does not minimize when using a app. Is there a way to force it?
  22. T

    Samsung note Edge 32 or 64GB ?

    Hey guys, I do have a question... All the provider and shop are actually offering the galaxy note edge with a 32GB Memory, where samsung anounced apparently a 32GB and a 64GB version a few months ago. Is there a 64GB version coming soon? cheers, Tim
  23. DILands

    Can I get 1 in January?

    I know that this is supposed to be a limited-production "concept phone". I was interested, until I heard the rumored price. Well, now I know the price, and have seen some of the reviews, and I want one. I'm on T-Mobile, and on the original JUMP program, and can not get another phone until the...
  24. drexappeal

    Note Edge at Best Buy

    galaxy note edge - Best Buy Says coming soon on all of the pages, but one glaring thing is, obviously Sprint is still under the impression their Note Edge is worth more on a subsidized upgrade than the other carriers!...LOL...$429...are you out of your mind?...hahahaha
  25. J

    Note Edge (CDMA) Video Review

    I have just created a video on Note Edge mainly focusing on features and usability. The strip is actually really slick and yes, left hand users can also use the phone but you have to enable the 180 degree option under the edge settings. If there's something you are looking for to wants to find...