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sony xperia z

  1. G

    Help Delay/Lag when unlocking...

    Wondering if you guys have found a way to reduce this lag? I never used to get it on the Galaxy S2 but I have noticed there is a lag/delay when you unlock the phone before hitting the security screen where the screen is black for a period of time, this period of time can vary to the point where...
  2. X

    Question about xperia z battery life..

    Good day to all of you.. I dont have a xperia z but im planning to have one and also im a heavy user , I just want to have some comments and ratings about the phone users. My another question is about the battery life of the Sony Xperia Z how does the battery life lasts in a day?? cause before...
  3. ardchoille

    Root AOSP now available for Xperia Z

    "[I]Remember our Android Open Source Project for Xperia S? Because of the great interest we saw in that project, we
  4. L

    Help lock screen - date and time position

    how can you change the position of date and time on the lock screen would rather it was at the bottom or top
  5. D

    PC Companion

    Has anyone installed and used the Xperia Z PC Companion software? What are its pros and cons? Should we bother to install it on our PCs?
  6. O

    Make Combined View the 'default' Email view

    If you're like me, I like to view my emails through a unified inbox. So I was a bit frustrated when my shiny new Xperia Z didn't allow me to set the default view. Well, just discovered a workaround. Whenever you have to close the Email app, never use the Back button. Instead, just press...
  7. StevenSeed

    Help LED notification not working when Stamina Mode is on

    This is an interesting one. I've noticed that the LED notification doesn't work when Stamina mode is engaged. I'm guessing that the Stamina Mode is suppressing one of the processes that controls the LED activation - anyone any idea what it could be so I can flick it to "always on?" I'm using...
  8. M

    Help Where on earth did the letter 'A' go!?!

    I prefer to use the T9 keyboard for text entry but predictive text doesn't allow me to type the letter 'A' on it's own. As in 'is this a joke?' I've tried adding 'a' to my list of 'user words' but that hasn't worked, anyone any bright ideas!?! At the moment I have to type 'an' and then delete...
  9. B

    does the Xperia Z shoot video with the flash?

    I can't seem to see any way of enabling the flash before pressing the record button or any in video flash options? Just come from years of using iPhone and this is standard, it would be lame to not have a light whilst recording in low light?
  10. StevenSeed

    Help Edited photos storage

    Took delivery of my Xperia Z a few days ago, and so far very impressed with it. Nice phone! I wondered if anyone knew how to make it so that "edited" photos were saved on the SD Card preferably in the same folder as the other photos once they had been edited? The reason is that I like to...
  11. kidcarter93

    Xperia Z Review

    Before I get started on the review, there's a couple of things I'll mention first. I don't own the Xperia Z. I actually have a HTC One which I've had for a couple of weeks but I've been borrowing my mates XZ for a few days so I'd be able to test it out and see what I think of it. Also, the...
  12. C

    Weather apps can't find my location

    I have downloaded 5 weather apps and none of them can find my location. Just 1 of them thinks I'm 10 miles from where I am and the others can't find me. Something wrong with my phone ? Google maps finds me spot on.
  13. N

    Root ClockworkMod for Locked bootloaders

    I have xperia Z. any body ever flash ClockworkMod for Locked bootloaders?
  14. S

    Why I am never buying from Sony again

    Ok. So. Before I begin, I am telling the world my experience with Sony because I feel an injustice has been committed and I want to let people know what they are getting themselves in for. Right. So, the day the Xperia Z was released in New Zealand, I went out and purchased one. After seeing...
  15. G

    Help Sony Xperia Z "Dead"

    Here is the thing... The phone was perfectly working. No freezes and no sudden turn off. Saturday's night I turned it off and tried to turn it on and nothing happened. Tried to plugin to the wall charger and not even the LED was indicating it was charging. So I started looking in several...
  16. D


    I just received an 11.2mb update "10.1.A.1.434". So far I have not noticed any difference. Has anyone else received the update? What's actually been updated?
  17. M

    Root Re: Xperia Z FAQ's

    Hey. I'm new to everything android smartphone. I would describe myself as a technofobe really. My question to anyone that can help is this... How can I get to watch sky go on the xperia z?? I get to the point where I have to use flashplayer but then it says my the phone doesn't support it... Cheers
  18. X

    Help Battery life diminished since new

    Hi all Just got my Sony Xperia Z about 2-3 weeks ago and loving it. But as of late, the battery won't last from when I get up to when I get back to bed With Stamina Mode I used to get over 4 days Estimated Battery Life and about 3 days without Stamina mode! All started up on one day...
  19. P

    Considering Experia Z Appreciate your answers

    Hi I have a Galaxy s3 currently great phone but voice call issues so going to exchange and looking at HTC one and Experia z (in uk) I am concerned on two fronts from what I have read one is the dead phone syndrome and the other poor wifi /dropped wifi, Can anyone comment / help? I...
  20. matt190191

    Help Sony Xperia Z Dead :(

    Hey all I was just using my Xperia Z playing some real racing 3 and was running at around 15% battery life when it just died on me and just won't turn on at all I've charged it for about 20 Minutes now and all I can get it to do is show a blinking red LED when I press the power button. it's...
  21. D

    Use only 2g network

    How to use only 2g network? Or switch between 2g,3g,4g? I just can switch between 4g/3g.
  22. C

    stock email app takes forever to retrieve and check for emails

    Whenever I check my emails through the stock email app it just hangs and takes forever to fetch them. Can this be fixed?
  23. C

    camera lag on touchscreen

    WTf is wwrong with this phone? Camera from touchscreen takes ages to open and shutter lag. Come on Sony my S3 has zero
  24. C

    Not booting or powering on

    I have a black screen and not booting. When i hold power and volume up it vibrates but still black screen. I need help badly. Cheers
  25. A

    Note 2 to xperia Z

    Hi guys, Two faulty notes in a row so am now the proud owner of the Z.... Could someone please tell me how to close apps and clear ram, also I've heard the battery is shocking, I only picked my handset up this evening but so far battery seems great. Andy.