Do you know what song was #1 on your birth date? Go Birthday No #1 and post up. Oh and damn I feel old... 
U.S. #1 song
Seasons In The Sun - Terry Jacks 1974 - YouTube
U.K. #1 song
Alvin Stardust - Jealous mind 1974 - YouTube
Aus #1 song
Graeme Bond & Rory O'Donoghue - "Farewell Aunty Jack" - YouTube

U.S. #1 song
Seasons In The Sun - Terry Jacks 1974 - YouTube
U.K. #1 song
Alvin Stardust - Jealous mind 1974 - YouTube
Aus #1 song
Graeme Bond & Rory O'Donoghue - "Farewell Aunty Jack" - YouTube