The media is largely to blame by sensationalizing these acts. Other crazies see all the attention given so it presses them forward and justifies their actions (in their minds).
A good theory, but is it accurate? Not saying you are wrong because all I can do is Google and have a look see.
It is easy to blame the media and if they are responsible they should consider their actions. As for being accurate, I am not sure. Do we ban rap and violent video games? Then what is next?
I think it is partially the parent's faults but that is just a big, fat guess.
I did read where California gun sales are up but gun violence is down.
I read this: "Obama voiced skepticism about the National Rifle Association's proposal to put armed guards in schools following the Dec. 14 tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The president made his comments Saturday in an interview that aired Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."
Instead, the president vowed to rally the American people around an agenda to limit gun violence, adding that he still supports increased background checks and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity bullet magazines. He left no doubt it will be one of his top priorities next year."
So armed security in schools is bad but "rallying the American people around an agenda to limit gun violence" is what is needed? I think most of us want to limit violence. Does that need to be said?
Not sure limiting HC magazines is any kind of solution any more than increased background checks will stop people hell bent on mass murder. Those that shoot others in our schools do not buy the guns they use, so what good is a BC check? Don't we already have that?