Android Enthusiast
By that logic so is just about every business in the country.
Agreed, It Is The Violence That Is The Primary Issue, Along With The Circumstances That Cause The Violence (Depravation, Gang WarFare And Mental Illness/Bullying Etc)
Yes Gun Crime Will Always Be An Issue As Long As There Is Crime, But Criminals Don't Tend To Be The People Shooting Up Schools, Cinemas Etc.... Even Here In The UK We Have Had Crazed MurderErs Such As The Guy In Yorkshire With AShotgun Who Shot A Few People And ran Down Others.... Dead -Less Than Ten (Can't Search It As Phone Is Playing Up) Over A Period A Couple Of Hours. Had He Had Access To Automatic Weaponry, Who Knows How Many Would Be Dead!
Fact Is These Occurrences Are Far RaRer Over Here Than Over There!
Fact is an AR 15 is NOT an automatic weapon. Automatic weapons are illegal and have been since 1931 for civilians.
Look at your population compared to the U.S. What's the per capita?
wow. just wow. what are you smoking? so 27 deaths in the matter of minutes, which couldn't have happened without the use of semi-automatic weapons other than a bomb or an act of god, is sooooooo much more acceptable than 50 deaths in a matter of minutes? Do you even read what you post???
Bullsh*t. 20 elementary school kids and 7 adults in a "Gun Free Zone" could be taken out with a couple of revolvers and half a dozen speed loaders in far less that the average 10 minute law enforcement response time.
yes the Osaka school massacre in 01...... using a kitchen knife he killed 8 and seriously wounded 15 others .. including 2 adults
ban kitchen knives!!!
No, ALL knives. If you only ban the kitchen knives, next time they will use box cutters (Oh that happened once and 3000 people died. Think I read that on the internet.)