Ever watch that Jesse Ventura show Conspiracy Theory? I only saw one episode but he was interviewing a technician contractor who claims he does a lot of work for all the 'alphabet' agencies in the U.S. and showed him a device that he said they use to pull all of the data out of your house and has a range long enough to reach from the street to inside a home. He said it can pull the entire contents of all of your wireless devices, all the way from PC's to your phones (without a warrant depending on which agency it is I might add). I think the tech is out there to do it, the question is has it reached street cop level? Maybe not yet, but unless it gets struck down in court, it could.
What you really should be asking yourself is considering how many of us use cloud based apps, and Google's love affair with the feds, does it really matter at this point? If the feds want your phone data, they can probably get it without even leaving their office on the other side of the country or telling you. I'm sure quite a few of you work or have worked for the gov't at some point. Do I really need to remind any of you who have for at least 10+ years that your employer pretty much did whatever they felt like notwithstanding legal technicalities and continued to do so until they were caught? And then once the attention faded away did it again?
I happen to know for a fact that phones belonging to criminal investigation suspects have been tapped for data/voice/text by my local heavy crimes unit. They don't need devices at traffic stops. However, I agree with you in objecting about such a blatant overt use of this on citizens who are NOT being investigated for any wrongdoing. If you're going to violate me, at least make some attempt to hide it so my butt doesn't hurt