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Adios iPhone 4.....

Welcome.... back?

So you had the X, traded it in on an iPhone, then back again? Were you not a member here before? How long did you have your Apple anyways?
Having spent time with the 4 the X is have many benefits and a few cons. The cons I see are system smoothness. The 4 just has a smoother interface. No hiccups, lag, etc. The screen is very clear, better resolution than the X. It has an outgoing email sent notification sound, I like that. The battery life is pretty amazing. Using the X and 4 at the same time for 4-5 hours, the X had 30% left(that's with extended batt) and the 4 had 68%. The 4 rarely glitches. Things just work most of time. Build quality is the 4 for sure. Feels like a real piece of machinery.

The X has some great pros. Widgets! This is a huge deal, you can't just add any little widget to the 4, no battery stats, cpu temp, etc. X take better pictures with a ton of adjustments- 4 does have smoother video. Screen is bigger on X. You can more easily tweak the X, themes, etc. Ringtones and alert sounds are easy as pie to use-the 4 requires converting mp3 to aac then renaming the files. A pain even with an app to help. There are more, just what I have noticed so far.
but its not the iphone4....its not God like the iphone4...lol

welcome back. the 4 is nice, but i could never go back to a screen that small.
Yup the only thing I don't like about the X is the camera. It's not bad but it certainly isn't 8mp quality. But the video is friggen awesome!
Honestly the camera is either awesome or terrible for me. It all depends on the lighting but if you guys have tips, please share.

Anyway the x is definitely better. Android is just far superior to ios. Unless you're happy living in the apple bubble.
Yup the only thing I don't like about the X is the camera. It's not bad but it certainly isn't 8mp quality. But the video is friggen awesome!

Except the fact that you cant ZOOM while taking video... at least not that I know of... pretty disappointed at that :(
Are you sure? The popular opinion is that the iPhone 4's camera is excellent (for a smart phone) and the X's average to poor (again, for a high-end smart phone).

The iPhone has no settings for camera or camcorder while your in camera mode. If you want to send the pics or videos, then it lets you downsize them.

The 4 takes better HD video. No choppyniess. The pictures are on par with the X, but the X is much better at macro pictures.
Are you sure? The popular opinion is that the iPhone 4's camera is excellent (for a smart phone) and the X's average to poor (again, for a high-end smart phone).

I would say the camera on the X hasn't been the greatest until I overclocked my X. Then all of the sudden, my X started taking pictures faster and with higher quality. Let's see someone overclock the 4.
I would say the camera on the X hasn't been the greatest until I overclocked my X. Then all of the sudden, my X started taking pictures faster and with higher quality. Let's see someone overclock the 4.

How does overclocking make the sensor a better quality?
IMO Dx takes much better pictures than iPhone4. Hahaha!!! Shut up, will ya? I know, i know.... :P All depends on......point of view....of course! If one takes pics of same thing using Dx and iP4....it looks better on iP4! That is correct! But ONLY, if you look at that taken picture on iP4 display!!!! Now, d/l both to your comp, and then look at them again, or...print them out.............. get it?? Dx RULES!!!!!
Sorry iPhone users (losers ;) ) the only better thing on your precious iPhone is a display..... :P
IMO Dx takes much better pictures than iPhone4. Hahaha!!! Shut up, will ya? I know, i know.... :P All depends on......point of view....of course! If one takes pics of same thing using Dx and iP4....it looks better on iP4! That is correct! But ONLY, if you look at that taken picture on iP4 display!!!! Now, d/l both to your comp, and then look at them again, or...print them out.............. get it?? Dx RULES!!!!!
Sorry iPhone users (losers ;) ) the only better thing on your precious iPhone is a display..... :P

This is what I did. 24" Samsung LED monitor-side by side comparisons. The X took crisper more focused pictures. The video was better from the 4, no doubt. Less choppy, a little better color.
Sneaker zoom works for me, try it out.

I cannot find this app anywhere, I tried searching the market for "sneaker zoom", "zoom", nothing pops up... am i doing something wrong, or is it not in the market?

This is what I did. 24" Samsung LED monitor-side by side comparisons. The X took crisper more focused pictures. The video was better from the 4, no doubt. Less choppy, a little better color.

I have seen in tons of reviews before I bought the phone that the X has closest to true color too which is always a plus :D
Welcome back, Droid is the future - its open unlike Apple, they are just living off that "cool" factor now but with Steve Jobs' bad health they might lose that too.
It was a joke, sneaker zoom means you physically walk the camera closer to get a closer shot.

Oh man.... that is the funniest thing ever, HAHAHA I don't even know what to say to that!!!

Well either way you can't walk far being stuck in a seat at a hockey game and trying to zoom in on the shootout on the other side of the rink LOL

I have to give it to you though, that was a pretty hectic joke! Definitely made me lol pretty bad, thanks for that one :D
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