Well-Known Member
How so? Verizon is not eliminating their existing plans, (YET). You still have the option to choose an existing family plan, with limited minutes, where messaging, and data is a la carte. As long as that is true, you can use the upgrade from the upgrade line to get a new phone for your main line. Since you aren't renewing the contract on the main line to do that, you get to keep unlimited.
Im confused by this. Even on the existing plans when I upgraded a line from feature phone to smart phone, the new contact price was contingent on opening a $29.99 per month data plan for that line.
So if line A is on unlimited data and line B is a feature phone with an upgrade. I could.......
1) officially transfer the upgrade to A, then upgrade to new phone (good bye unlimited data)
2) upgrade line B and elect a new smart phone. Then activate the new phone on line A instead. (but line B would be stuck with the new $29.99 per month data plan)
see verizon existing plans:
Plans - Verizon Wireless
The A La Carte option is "only for basic phones" if you order a "smart phone" for Line B, Line B will need to sign up for, at minimum the 2GB $30 data plan. If you officially transfer the upgrade to line A before the purchase, then the upgrade will happen on line A directly, and removed the unlimited data.
HOWEVER, using your strategy I believe this could be used to maintain 1 of 2 data lines as unlimited though while still receiving discount phones. Here me out.
Line A (On grandfathered unlimited data plan) Eligible for upgrade
Line B (On tiered 2GB for $29.99 data plan) Eligible for upgrade
Step 1: Order a new phone for Line B, using its upgrade.
Step 2: Activate new phone on Line A instead (this should be treated as if you are bringing in a full re-tail purchase and keep unlimited data without new contract)
Step 3: Officially transfer Line A's intact upgrade to Line B.
Step 4: Us the second upgrade to get a new device for Line B:
Step 5: Wait for 2 years, Rinse, Repeat.
I can see this working with a tiered data plan maintaining an unlimited data plan into eternity. I can't see how it works with a voice only line maintaining an unlimited data plan into eternity.
Just my understanding of how these upgrades would work.