Yea i called and a csr confirmed it. Unless i add another line before the 28th, the only option for a family plan is the new share everything plans. I think she was misinformed because when i told her 10gb of data wouldn't be enough for our three lines she said "oh no they go up to like 30gb for the share everything plans."
I may just add a line of service to get the subsidized gs3 for myself and eat the ten dollars a month while selling my gnex to cover some of the cost.
I would not take a CSR's word on this, Verizon's distribution of information regarding the new plans to their CSRs has been abysmal. You can call in and get 4 different answers from 4 different people. According to their training manual, existing customers can keep their existing plans. No exceptions. Adding a line is an action on an existing family plan, and therefore will not require you to move the entire plan to the Share Everything Plans.
I strongly suspect that CSRs are being incentivized to push customers to the new plans. They will be pushing anyone who calls in with plan changes or questions towards them. Its probably best to keep that in mind in these types of situations...