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Android needs to market to females

I know 5 persons, besides me, who have Android phones.

3 are female (Nexus One, HTC Desire, Motorola Milestone).

2 are male (HTC GSM Hero, Samsung Galaxy Spica).

Which group has the higher-specced phones?


Hey now, you can't bring in the higher-specced argument. I know a female who is getting the Droid Incredible while I still have my Devour. I have a lot more knowledge of technology and android devices but she just happens to have more money than I do.

Though I kinda-sorta think you were joking around just a little bit.
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Hey now, you can't bring in the higher-specced argument. I know a female who is getting the Droid Incredible while I still have my Devour. I have a lot more knowledge of technology and android devices but she just happens to have more money than I do.

2 points:

1. my friends with Android are split pretty equally between the 2 sexes.

2. my female friends had the money to buy a "cute" iPhone or an expensive dumb phone, but they went for Android. And they went for good models.

Only one is very tech-savvy. The other 2 are not interested in tech stuff but are not tech-phobic. They have no problems figuring out how to use technological devices. They may not know as much as you about tech or Android development, nor would they want to, but if they were shopping for a smartphone, they would certainly bother to do relevant research on the subject.

So yes, I believe it is worth it for carriers and phone manufacturers to take the time and effort to market Android phones properly to the female population. There are non-tech-savvy females who would be interested and who would find nothing overly-geeky, intimidating or difficult to use about such phones. Android doesn't need to limit itself in the way its image is portrayed. It can encompass a wide range of users.

P.S. As a clarification, the 2 guys are certainly not poor, either.
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Tech-savvy woman here, and I work in an IT department that is overwhelmingly women! So I know a lot of tech-savvy women and interact with them on a daily basis ;)

It's really split here where I work. There are a lot of iPhones, Blackberries and Android phones, and it really comes down to preference. A lot of the mac users have iPhones because they just work well with other apple devices (can't blame them, I wish I had a similar setup between my mac and my Incredible) and others have Blackberries because of a variety of reasons, but a lot of us have recently jumped ship to Android, also for a number of reasons.

I do think marketing might have something to do with the majority of Android users being men. For me, however, "girly" commercials wouldn't sell me on a device anyway—actually commercials themselves wouldn't do it. I always research the hell out of a tech device before I take the plunge, but average people—both men and women—don't do that.

That's not to say that men are overwhelmingly the majority when it comes to owning Android devices. I forget the statistics, but women do make up a significant chunk of the Android user base. Sure it's not 50-50 like iPhones, but we're still out there, buying and using Android phones.

Oh please stop being such a feminist most women don't give a care for specs they mostly want something small and cute and you know it. This is partial to the reason why companies market to mainly men because we are mainly the ones setting up tents and other crap like that just for a gadget release. Blackberry's are considered "cute" for girls and sidekicks as well because they are small and fit in their purse or whatever the simple fact that they are smart phones may just be a coincidence. Most people like blackberry's for their keyboard not exactly their OS or the hardware(other than the keyboard). Look at these blogs mainly men. Sure you may be one in the million women that actually care about the OS but MOST don't. I am not going to say women are simple minded but most women definitely are not near as up to date with technology than men.

Maybe thats just in the USA but its true.

Sexism is fun! So are generalizations! I should get back in the kitchen, right?
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Sontaikle, sorry if it was obscured in my attempt at humour, but the link I posted states the statistics. Android is apparently 54% male and 46% female, and iPhone OS (including iPod touch devices) is actually slightly less equal with 55% male and 45% female. So Android actually has a higher female/male ratio than Apple.
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Sontaikle, sorry if it was obscured in my attempt at humour, but the link I posted states the statistics. Android is apparently 54% male and 46% female, and iPhone OS (including iPod touch devices) is actually slightly less equal with 55% male and 45% female. So Android actually has a higher female/male ratio than Apple.

Just read it. It's funny because I just read something that had totally different numbers for both OSes. Of course I can't quite remember where I read it. :) I think I read that iPhone users were evenly split (pretty much) while women were around 35% of the Android userbase?

The same thing always seems to be happening with market share statistics. I'm always reading different ones based on who is reporting them. :thinking:

I think nobody really knows.
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Oh please stop being such a feminist most women don't give a care for specs they mostly want something small and cute and you know it. This is partial to the reason why companies market to mainly men because we are mainly the ones setting up tents and other crap like that just for a gadget release. Blackberry's are considered "cute" for girls and sidekicks as well because they are small and fit in their purse or whatever the simple fact that they are smart phones may just be a coincidence. Most people like blackberry's for their keyboard not exactly their OS or the hardware(other than the keyboard). Look at these blogs mainly men. Sure you may be one in the million women that actually care about the OS but MOST don't. I am not going to say women are simple minded but most women definitely are not near as up to date with technology than men.

Maybe thats just in the USA but its true.

Where's your statistics to back it up? or... is this simply just a generalization made of all women? Like how African Americans in general are just thugs... and you know it.

I've NEVER met one woman who said that a Blackberry was "cute". I actually have 3 friends with blackberries and they all own their own businesses.

Congrats on making yourself look like a sexist douche.
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I think Android is advertised mostly to the geeks, or in my case the geek wanna be, not so much male or female.

In my department at work out of 17 people we have 5 Android phones, 4 women (G1, Moto Droid, Hero and my Evo) and one man, the boss, who just got an Incredible. Guess who he came to today to get tips on how to work his phone? Me, the woman! ;)
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It's okay lekky, I got this...

Oh please stop being such a feminist most women don't give a care for specs they mostly want something small and cute and you know it.

No I don't know it and guess who's the female here.

Blackberry's are considered "cute" for girls and sidekicks as well because they are small and fit in their purse or whatever the simple fact that they are smart phones may just be a coincidence. Most people like blackberry's for their keyboard not exactly their OS or the hardware(other than the keyboard).

Did I just hear you contradict yourself? You aren't very good at this thing. BB was marketed towards business regardless of gender. It's easy to use, has a slew of business related programs and easily integrated with top notch security. 'Cute' isn't in BB vocabulary, 'serious' is.

Look at these blogs mainly men. Sure you may be one in the million women that actually care about the OS but MOST don't. I am not going to say women are simple minded but most women definitely are not near as up to date with technology than men.

You just did it in your previous post and this one. Women will NEVER be up to date with technology as long as misogynists like you keep convincing them otherwise. Grow up with the times mate.
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Android needs to market itself more as a social networking giant (ie. friendstream with HTC phones, Motoblur).

By women, I am unsure what you mean, do you mean casual users? Because I assure you, there are plenty of men who would only use a smartphone for Facebook, YouTube, and e-mail.

More women post on technology forums then you think, but unfortunately they normally have to keep from saying they are female for fear of being harassed.
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once everyone calms down and thinks rationally u will realize that women in general do not like playing with technological gadgets like men do, has nothing to do with being stupid, it's just a difference between men and women. sure, there are exceptions, but how often do you see a woman getting exited over a new 64" LED TV and sitting with the remote trying every setting and adjustment just to see what it can do?
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Just wanted to throw this out there, gadgets have always historically been a guy thing... I mean, walk into a best buy and head to the home theatre section. You'll see tons of guys drooling over hdtv's, and very little women unless they are in tow with the men. That's just the way things are...and ways of thinking take a long time to change.

Now please don't jump on me here, this is just an accurate representation of what things historically are.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.
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The problem with Android is there's no emotion or passion in their advertising. People don't care about specs, they want to know HOW the device/platform will integrate into their lives. That's what makes Apples marketing strategy so brilliant.

YouTube - Apple iPhone 4 FaceTime commercial

Brilliant marketing. Hey HTC/Google/Sprint....wake up!!!! There's nothing in the iPhone commercial that an EVO can't do, yet this is what we get....

YouTube - Sprint - HTC EVO? 4G Firsts

Ah...first is the beginning...which means NOTHING to the general public. Sorry for the rant, but gesh...why don't these guys wise up? Don't focus on specs, focus on what your product can do for your customers.
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Just wanted to throw this out there, gadgets have always historically been a guy thing... I mean, walk into a best buy and head to the home theatre section. You'll see tons of guys drooling over hdtv's, and very little women unless they are in tow with the men. That's just the way things are...and ways of thinking take a long time to change.

Now please don't jump on me here, this is just an accurate representation of what things historically are.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.

You are talking about techies and gadget fans. Maybe historically, there are more guys who are passionately into these things than females (although I'm guessing the proportion of female techies is increasing or more than you think).

However, we are talking about marketing Android phones to females in this thread.

My view is that with regard to the general consumer crowd, who may not have a consuming passion for tech or gadgets, but who certainly would be interested in having a good and usable smartphone (email and texting, social networking, browsing the net, keeping in touch with the news, some app use), the split between male and female is more even.

Just because these people don't go around reading the latest tech and gadget news, or regularly hang around the tech section in a store, doesn't mean they are totally ignorant. When they decide they want a smartphone for themselves, they'll think about the available choices, read up a bit, maybe go talk to techie friends they know.

There is no need to pander wholly to the techie crowd in marketing Android. Android phones and the OS are perfectly usable by "normal" people, male and female. You just need to let the public KNOW that, through appropriate marketing, so that Android phones are in their minds when they go smartphone shopping. Then you'll find them asking you about Android, because they'd seen some ad that intrigued them.

In fact, if you want to talk about stereotypes, here's one more: more guys tend to drool over flashy sports cars than females, most of whom prefer a practical, well-performing, reliable, economical and fuel-efficient car. Of course looks are important, but they don't need sportscar-type lines and curves.

So would more guys than females go for the flashy and expensive iPhone 4? If Android were marketed as being eminently practical and usable for "normal" smartphone users, and even better at many tasks, would more women go for these phones, since they are less likely to succumb to Apple's hype and style over substance?

Just a thought for further discussion.
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I swear, do all these sexist guys in the thread have girlfriends or something? Maybe this is reason why I'm not dating a geek and I'm more tech-savvy than my boyfriend. He's awesome and certainly doesn't hesitate to come to me when something goes wrong with his gadgets. Because you know, he isn't sexist and realizes that chicks can be tech-savvy too.

Just wanted to throw this out there, gadgets have always historically been a guy thing... I mean, walk into a best buy and head to the home theatre section. You'll see tons of guys drooling over hdtv's, and very little women unless they are in tow with the men. That's just the way things are...and ways of thinking take a long time to change.

Now please don't jump on me here, this is just an accurate representation of what things historically are.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.

One of the reasons gadgets have been a guy thing is because of sexism. Women are and have been historically turned away from tech positions because it's a male-dominated field and society replicates that.

It's usually hard to noticed sexism if you're a guy (not saying it's impossible, but it really is harder), but we women notice it a lot. It happens whenever a woman tries to help someone with a tech problem and whoever she's helping doubts her abilities and prefers a man to be assisting them. It happens whenever I go to buy a video game or any kind of tech in a store and I get treated like a moron because of my gender despite the fact that I always know what I'm talking about. I hate it when they talk to my brother or boyfriend despite the fact that I'm the one making the purchase (Yes, this happens).

Things certainly do take a long time to change, but it is getting better, slowly perhaps. Women need to learn that it's ok to go into the tech fields and to be technologically proficient, and men need to learn that there are women who are technologically proficient and stop treating all of us like we aren't (hell women need to learn that last thing too, I've seen women turn away tech help from other women!)
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